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         Scuba Diving:     more books (100)
  1. Scuba Diving 101: Taking Your First Breath! by Jeff Holder, 2010-01-27
  2. Diving Offshore California (Aqua Quest Diving Series) by Daren Douglass, 1996-01-25
  3. Scuba Diving Safety by Dan Orr, Eric Douglas, 2007-04-25
  4. The Dive Sites of Cozumel, Cancun and the Mayan Riviera : Comprehensive Coverage of Diving and Snorkeling by Lawson Wood, 1997-08-11
  5. Recreational Nitrox Diving by Robert N. Rossier, 2000-01
  6. SCUBA Scoop : Answers to Your Commonly-Asked SCUBA Diving Questions by Gary S. Shumway, 2000-05-20
  7. Small Boat Diving: A Guide to Buying, Outfitting, and Using Small Boats for Diving (Diversification Series) by Steven M. Barsky, 1995-09
  8. Lonely Planet Diving & Snorkeling British Virgin Islands by Mauricio Handler, 2000-12
  9. Diving Into Darkness: The Elements of Safe Night Diving by Robert N. Rossier, 2001-04
  10. Diving & Snorkeling Belize by Tim Rock, 2007-08-01
  11. The Sport Diving Catalog: A Resource Book for All Snorkelers and Scuba Divers by Herb Taylor, 1982-04-15
  12. Yoga for Scuba Divers by Todd Stedl, 2007-09-05
  13. Scuba Diving (Extreme Sports) by Carol Ryback, 2005-01
  14. SCUBA Diving (Eyewitness Companions) by Monty Hall, Miranda Krestovnikoff, 2006-07-17

61. Scuba Diving Wet Suits - Scuba Diving Advice - Scuba Equipment
Learn more from about scuba diving and bu quality scuba diving equipment.
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Learn To Scuba Dive
Technical Diving
Do you love being in the water and want to see what really goes on underneath? Have you ever wanted to try technical diving? If you do, you should spend a day or two diving and having fun in the water.... [Read more...]
Wreck Diving
Rebreather for Scuba Diving Have you ever gone scuba diving with a friend or family member? Even if you haven’t, you have probably seen the tanks that the divers have to carry with them while swimming... [Read more...]
Underwater Photography
History Of Scuba Diving
Scuba diving has caught the attention of many in our times. Starting as an one off water sport it has generated cumulated interest all over the world. Suddenly you have new groups of divers, trainers,... [Read more...]
Night Scuba Diving
Free Diving
Vacation Advice Needed! Where Can I Go That Has Both Scuba Diving And Mountains? Is Scuba-diving A Relatively Safe Activity For Teens? My teenage son is taking scuba-diving lessons right now. In all honesty, it is really... I Really Want To Start Scuba Diving But I Am Scared Of The Breathing Risks. Help?

62. Bahamas Government Portal - Welcome To Bahamas Diving
Offers a complete scuba diving guide to The Islands of The Bahamas.
BDA Island Tour Our Videos Our Dive Guide Request a DVD ... BDA Member Directory
Nassau/New Providence Home the sharks, wrecks, walls and the nation's captitol with impressive diving... view video Abacos Encompassing many smaller cays, this is diving paradise... view video Freeport/Grand Bahama Home to dolphins, wrecks, sharks, reefs and more... view video New: Download our Dive Videos in iPod Podcast and Now Cell Phonecast Formats! Book Now
select any criteria or none and search Choose By Island (optional) Select Abacos Andros Island Bimini Islands Dive Liveaboard Eleuthera Island Exuma Islands Grand Bahama / Freeport Long Island New Providence / Nassau Select Departure Date (optional) Choose By Dive Operator (optional) Select Abaco Dive Adventures Above and Below Abaco Aqua Cat Cruises Bahama Divers Ltd Bahamas Diving Association

63. Scuba Diving -
Scuba Diving and Marine Biology @

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Scuba Diving
Explore the rich and varied life that exists underwater in the Puget Sound. Puget Sound marine life expert John F. Williams explains the delicate balance of this underwater world and its impact on our environment and daily lives. See more at Full Focus. The Early History of Diving
People have had a consuming interest in going beneath the sea for centuries. Ancient manuscripts contain depictions of early divers. Century old artifacts imply that people dove for materials for jewelry such as pearls. Greek literature refers to early sponge divers. Herodotus (500 B.C.) tells the story of Scyllis, a Greek sailor, who used a reed to breathe as he cut the mooring lines of Persian ships. This interest pushed people to develop ever-improving methods of staying underwater for longer periods of time and at ever increasing depths.
Men and women have practiced breath-hold diving for centuries. Indirect evidence comes from thousand-year-old undersea artifacts found on land (e.g., mother-of-pearl ornaments), and depictions of divers in ancient drawings. In ancient Greece breath-hold divers are known to have hunted for sponges and engaged in military exploits. Of the latter, the story of Scyllis (sometimes spelled Scyllias; about 500 BC) is perhaps the most famous. As told by the 5th century BC historian Herodotus (and quoted in numerous modern texts).
"During a naval campaign the Greek Scyllis was taken aboard ship as prisoner by the Persian King Xerxes I. When Scyllis learned that Xerxes was to attack a Greek flotilla, he seized a knife and jumped overboard. The Persians could not find him in the water and presumed he had drowned. Scyllis surfaced at night and made his way among all the ships in Xerxes's fleet, cutting each ship loose from its moorings; he used a hollow reed as snorkel to remain unobserved. Then he swam nine miles (15 kilometers) to rejoin the Greeks off Cape Artemisium."

64. Scuba Diving In Los Roques Venezuela
Diving in the Los Roques archipelago, Venezuela. Information on charter rates, instruction and contacts.
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Scuba Diving in Los Roques Venezuela.
Hundreds of kilometers of Venezuelan coast line and its Caribbean Islands with Los Roques as number one. Excellent conditions to practice scuba and snorkeling for everyone, beginners - experienced - and professionals. Also for those who want to learn diving with scuba gear we offer Basic Diver, Open Water Diver and special such as compass and rescue diving. Licensed by NAUI / FVAS (Federation Venezolana de Actividades Submarinas) and SSI Instructor you can obtain a worldwide diving license to rent diving gear and to practice scuba diving. All the diving operation in Los Roques is guided and supervised by our NAUI / SSI Open Water Instructor. The equipment: We use 12 liter aluminum tanks with standard US valve fittings. If you don't want to carry all you diving equipment with you, we provide Cressi Sub regulators and BCD's and lead belts. You should bring your own ABC-gear with you to Los Roques.

65. Scuba Diving Forum
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RE: Couldn't have said it bet

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RE: curacao

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showPicture("10/22/2010 11:32:02 AM",0,0,0,0,22,1) Gear
Apple iPhone dive log book ap
10/22/2010 11:32:02 AM DocVikingo showPicture("10/22/2010 6:29:04 AM",0,0,0,0,23,1) Training And now it's a double collect 10/22/2010 6:29:04 AM DocVikingo showPicture("10/29/2010 6:42:50 AM",0,0,0,0,24,1) Underwater Photo/Video Panoramio now allows u/w phot 10/29/2010 6:42:50 AM DocVikingo showPicture("11/1/2010 7:00:08 AM",0,0,0,0,28,1) Marine Life/Environment (img) Genetically engineered 11/1/2010 7:00:08 AM DocVikingo showPicture("10/19/2010 8:49:44 AM",0,0,0,0,29,1) Technical Diving Cenotes/caves on CZM.+

66. EcoSea Asia Scuba Diving Cambodia Vietnam Thailand Bali Cheap Hotels Bangkok Gue
Travel tours through Cambodia that include scuba diving, snorkeling trips, trekking, canoe and motorcycle tours.
Eco Adventures South East Asia
Asian Scuba Diving PADI Asia Cheap Hotels Asia Cheapest Flights
A very simple idea that scuba divers and travelers love as we show you the Asian region. To help with your Asia travel we provide holiday travel tools and planning information for immigration visas , discount flights, and all sorts of Asia Hotels including Asia cheap hotels budget Asian guesthouses , and accommodations like Bangkok Hotels Bangkok guesthouses bungalows and hostels, as well as luxury hotels , exotic beach resorts and Asia boutique hotels through out all of Asia ; including, Bali Cambodia , Thailand, Viet Nam , Myanmar, Malaysia China Japan , Korea, Singapore and the Philippines to the beautiful cheap beaches of Waikiki Hawaii and Aspen co Barcelona Scuba Diving
Asia Scuba Diving Adventures
We love Scuba Diving in Asia and have had the pleasure of diving lots of sites through out the Asian region from the fantastic wall dives of Sipadan Malaysia Cambodia's Virgin Reef, Koh Toa Thailand's famous Champon pinnacle to the Philippines and Vietnam to the Great Barrier reef doing the Taka Live aboard as well as scuba diving in Hawaii including Waikiki Maui Kauai and Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.

67. Scuba Diving
Scuba diving has become one of the greatest recreational sports all around the world and can even be a profession. Click here now for your resource for Scuba Diving information.

68. Welcome To NASDS
National Association of Scuba Diving Schools.

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69. Adreno Scuba Diving Centre | Online Scuba Gear Store
ADRENO Scuba Diving Centre is a scuba diving equipment online megastore. Adreno has the best range, quickest delivery times and lowest prices around.
home Shop By Brand Scuba Diving Info Dive Courses ... Wetsuits Subscribe to our newsletter for great deals. Your Email Address: Enter the security code:
"Learn To Dive" ADRENO Dive Centre Brisbane
ADRENO Scuba Centre
ADRENO Scuba Centre is a scuba diving equipment online megastore and has more than 2.5 million dollars worth of scuba equipment in stock, which means we have the best range, quickest delivery times and lowest prices around. Adreno stocks a huge range of brands including Mares, Beuchat, Cressi and Oceanic to name a few. We stock all sorts of scuba diving gear and equipment including scuba diving wetsuits, spear guns, BCDs and discount dive computers. Our warehouse is located in Brisbane so feel free to drop by and check us out . ADRENO also ships scuba gear interstate daily to anywhere in Australia including Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin and Perth. If you need scuba diving advice, relevant rules and regulations, FAQ's, forum, photo gallery, scuba equipment reviews, online shopping and scuba diving travel destinations, then this is the site for you!
    Awaiting your order Bladefish 2000 Sea Scooter DPV
    RRP $699.00

70. Tsushima Diving Net Transmitted By JOUJOU, A Scuba Dive Service Operator In Tsus
Scuba diving operator in Tsushima, Nagasaki.
Tsushima information Tsushima overview Tsushima photo gallery We believe that very few divers have heard about diving at the Tsushima Islands That is why there is plenty of untouched, unexplored nature underwater here! The Tsushima Current, which is a warm current and a branch of Black Current (also called Japan Current) coming into the Sea of Japan via the East Asian Sea, characterizes Tsushima by the features distinctive from the other parts of the sea. The current carries tropical fish to Tsushima from southern parts of the globe. The warm water brough here by the current helps coral grow. The academic research says that the school of coral here is considered, so far, to be the largest within the Sea of Japan. The dynamic topographical features underwater, large schools of wandering fish all characterize Tsushima as a nature wonderland! We are sure that all the divers, from veterans to beginners, will enjoy diving here at Tsushima Links Leisure scuba dive Dive sites in Tsushima Tsushima photo gallery Tsushima dive logs Archived dive logs ... Access to us Overnight accommodation and dining PECO-CHAN Other information BBS 'JOUJOU' -a Scuba Diving Service Provider in Tsushima- 737-3 Kuta, Izuhara-machi

71. Backpack Thailand | The Dive Club | Thailand Scuba Diving
Thailand scuba diving guide. Overview of all PADI courses from beginner to instructor, links to local operators and special promotions.
Scuba Diving Thailand - Phuket Diving - Koh Tao Diving - Koh Samui - Similans Diving- Krabi Diving- Koh Phi Phi
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The Dive Club

72. Dive Japan : Links And Information On Scuba Diving In Japan
Links and information on scuba diving in Japan. Home Destinations Photographers Writers Maps ... Dive Services
Welcome to Dive Japan
You will find links to interesting sites on Japanese diving
primarily in English and
diving articles and information at our site.
Hope you enjoy! - Junko A. Pascoe Western Pacific Current Surface Condition
by Ocean Weather Click North Pacific
o n map or menu. Wind, Wave,
Updated every 3 hours Japan National Tourist Organization Handy starter site to research just about eveything, if you are thinking trip to Japan, except diving What's New? Undersea Ruins Yonaguni Monument Ice Diving in Shiretoko, Hokkaido, Sofu-iwa and more Yonaguni Monument Underwater Ruins Destinations Ryukyu Islands Izu Peninsula Bonin Islands Izu Islands ... Hokkaido What's New? January 07, 2007 Ice Diving, Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido Ice Diving - Utoro, Shiretoko by Jiro Sakanaka video at You Tube My first link to You Yube video. Yonaguni Monuments The Relics of Mu Nov-17-06 artile by Jason Bellows and comments/discussion by others at Damn Intersting You will find comments interesting, even if you already know basic story about the monuments in the article.

73. Scuba Diving Equipment Gear, Dive Vacations, Resorts Holidays
Your online scuba diving resource for Scuba diving equipment and gear, scuba diving vacations and dive travel, scuba diving resorts, liveaboards and destinations, scuba diving

74. Blue Crystal Beach Resort, Family And Scuba Diving Beach Resort, Puerto Galera,
Blue Crystal Beach Resort is a family and scuba diving resort in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro.

75. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Scuba Diving
Scuba diving allows divers great freedom of movement underwater. One disadvantage is that there is no communication means between the diver and the surface.
Technology Diving Scuba diving allows divers great freedom of movement underwater. One disadvantage is that there is no communication means between the diver and the surface. Click image for larger view.
Scuba Diving
The self-contained underwater breathing apparatus or scuba diving system, as we know it today, is the result of technological developments and innovations that began almost 300 years ago. Scuba diving is the most extensively used system for breathing underwater by recreational divers throughout the world, and in various forms is also widely used to perform underwater work for military, scientific and commercial purposes.
Advantages and Disadvantages Despite all of these apparent advantages, recreational scuba also has its drawbacks. These include no direct link between the diver and the surface; no method of communicating with the diver or monitoring his activities; limited dive time (since the diver must carry all of his air in a tank); and limited depth (since decompression diving is normally avoided due to the limited quantity of air in the tanks).
The "demand" regulator lowers air pressure from the breathing cylinder, dispensing air as the diver needs it.

76. Scuba Diving Cebu Philippines
Scuba Diving and Action Adventure Trips around Cebu and Bohol.
Savedra Dive Center - Philippines
Home Philippines Beach Resorts Scuba Diving ... Contact
Scuba Diving and Dive Courses in Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines
On this page: Scuba Diving, PADI Dive Courses, SSI Dive Courses, Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines, Dive Safaris, Live-aboards, Tec Rec Courses, Sharks and more...
Welcome to Savedra Dive Center in Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines
Scuba Diving in Moalboal Video - 1:00 min
Savedra Dive Center is a spacious and modern Dive Center for scuba diving, sharks PADI DSAT ... beach resort , scuba equipment, dive travel and just plain fun in Cebu in the Philippines.
Here on our site you will find the most comprehensive information for any kind of dive activity, PADI TecRec SSI dive courses wreck diving , sharks and whale sharks, beach resorts and outdoor adventures in and around Moalboal, Cebu. Simply lean back and surf through our website, enjoy colorful picture galleries, vivid underwater videos and select all the information you need for your next dive holidays. Through our in-house travel desk we can arrange your domestic flights, transfers, accommodation and diving activities.
For more info and reservations contact us by using the quick contact form or just send a mail to

77. Scuba Diving Meetups Near Hyderabad - Scuba Diving Meetups - Hyderabad
Find Meetup Groups in Hyderabad, in about Scuba Diving Hey guys, DO YOU WISH TO FLY ?! and also enjoy visiting places in and around Karla village.…
document.body.className += (!document.body.className) ? 'hasJS' : ' hasJS'; Topic or interest ZIP/postal code or City Scuba Diving Show me: Groups Upcoming Meetups Distance: 2 mi 5 mi 10 mi 25 mi 50 mi 100 mi from Hyderabad Sort by: Best match Distance Most members Newest
  • (22 ratings) less than 1 mile away in Hyderabad, India HAXSporters Nov
    Paragliding @ kamshet this November
    Friday 5:00 PM Read more RSVP
    Deadline: 11/2/10 5:00 PM. Who's attending? 9 HAXSporters Trekking, Kayaking, Paragliding, Scuba Diving Backpackers, Camping etc interests of people are addressed here. Paragliding Kayaking Rock Climbing ... Adventurers (253 ratings) less than 1 mile away in Hyderabad, India Great Hyderabad Adventure Club Nov
    Narsapur Forest Hike - 5 Nov 2010 - 07:00 AM
    Friday 7:00 AM at Narsapur Forest in Narsapur Read more RSVP
    Deadline: 11/3/10 7:00 AM. Who's attending? 10 Yes 5 Waiting * Great Hyderabad Adventure club GHAC caters to weekend getaways, weekend travel, adventure travel, wilderness travel trekking, hiking, camping and adventure sports like rock climbing, rappelling, paragliding, skiing, white water rafting, scuba diving etc. * GHAC is a Non Profit Club that has been established in Hyderabad City in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, to provide everyone opportunities to get outdoors, try new adventure activities, and generally have a fantastic outdoor time. * S

78. Welcome To Apartelle De Francesca
Offers scuba diving courses and other dive services located in White Beach Puerto Galera.
Today is Apartelle de Francesca is located in the heart of WHite Beach, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro. With its complete amenities and facilities, Apartelle de Francesca is committed to ensure that quality services will be provided to their guests. It has 48 air-conditioned rooms that can accommodate up to four persons comfortably in each room depending on the type of the room. Each room has a cabled television and private bathroom equipped with hot and cold shower.
Apartelle de Francesca has also four (4) spacious conference rooms; one can accommodate up to 130 persons, the other one can accommodate up to 70 persons, we also have up to 40 persons, and the other one can accommodate up to 25 persons.
Apartelle de Francesca also has a foot-shaped swimming pool with Jacuzzi, gym, souvenir shop, internet cafe, water refilling station, bar and garden restaurant. Also, the resort has billiards table and KTV videoke equipment that quests can use during thier leisure time. Apartelle de Francesca also has a safety deposit box that guests can use to be assured that their personal belongings will be keep safe. It has also two standby-generators to ensure that there can be no down time while our guests are making the best out of their vacation.
Apartelle de Francesca , while being only three to five minutes walking distance from the beach, is ideal for perfect relaxation. It guarantees that guests will have a peace of mind away from the eardrum-breaking sounds during night life. They will also enjoy the freedom and privacy of doing their own re-creational activities in our compound, that is why

79. Scuba Diving Travel, Instruction And Water Sports Shop
The Dive Travel Centre of South Africa offers scuba diving holidays to islands or cruises or liveaboards with Reefcomber Tours; the Dive Water Sports Shop for the largest
Tel: 011 781 6520 Fax: 011 781 6521
in conjunction with NUNGWI VILLAGE BEACH RESORT,
a re pleased to announce the WINNER of th e
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The South African Gateway to the world International Dive Travel Destination s your �one-stop� Diving site �
for the late-breaking specials to Pemba (Liveaboard) and ... Scuba FAQ's Welcome We have good news for SINGLES!!
Check out our "YOUR-OWN-ROOM Singles Tours" to find out how you can save money by not paying single supplements... CLICK HERE For the latest Special Travel Deals - Click Here From local dive sites in South Africa to International destinations �You Belong down-under ... be cause the Earth is 2/3�s water
and so are You!� Craighall, Johannesburg, South Africa Powered by Bravenet SELECT A DEPARTMENT ABOVE, or follow me on a friendly tour of the site by clicking the fish at the bottom of each page: Follow Me...

SCUBA.PH is dedicated to providing the latest information on the spectacular Dive Spots in the Philippines.
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