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21. Matt Furey - Zen Master Of The Internet Training books and videos on the martial art of wrestling and the grappling arts, by World Kung Fu Shuai-Chiao champion Matt Furey. http://www.mattfurey.com/ | |
22. The Shuai Chiao Kungfu Club At OSU Shuai Chiao Kungfu is one of the oldest styles of Kungfu, tracing its roots back over 3000 years. Today it is practiced as a martial arts discipline, an excellent form of self http://osukungfu.com/ | |
23. Chi-hsiu Weng, Instructor, Shuai-chiao: - ZoomInfo Business Information Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Chihsiu Weng, Instructor, Shuai-chiao at ZoomInfo.com, the most http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Weng_Chi-Hsiu_29079135.aspx | |
24. Shuai-Chiao | Team Canada ShuaiChiao shwy jow, translated to mean throwing horns, is considered the oldest fighting system known to man. Originally called Jiao Di (horn prodding), its first documented http://shuai-chiao-team-canada.com/ | |
25. South FLorida Shuai Chiao - Lake Worth, FL 33467 - Intuit Business Directory Get directions, maps, reviews, discounts and information about South FLorida Shuai Chiao popular local Martial Arts - Lake Worth,FL 33467 http://business.intuit.com/directory/info-south-florida-shuai-chiao-lake-worth-f |
26. Learn Authentic Chinese Fighting Arts At Shaolin Kung Fu Institute Teaching traditional Shaolin, Hung Gar, Shuai-Chiao, Tai Chi and a small family Monkey Style. Features history, instructor biographies, lineage, links, and related information. Located in Richmond Heights, Ohio. http://www.shaolininstitute.com | |
27. Shuai Chiao and history of martial arts. Search engine, news, chat, forum, discussion group....... http://www.martial-way.com/shuaichiao.html |
28. USSA Catalog - Fundamentals Of Shuai-Chiao Fundamentals of Shuaichiao The Ancient Fighting Art Textbook .. Dr. Chi-hsiu Weng (9th degree black belt) presents the basic history, theory, techniques http://www.shuai-chiao.org/catalog/fundamentals.html | |
29. Learn Authentic Chinese Fighting Arts At Shaolin Kung Fu Institute ShuaiChiao. Pao Ting. In the beginning of evolution, mankind was very animalistic. Survival only for the strong. Man had to survive hunger, natures elements, animal as well as http://shaolininstitute.com/institute/shuai-chiao.shtml | |
30. Shuai Chiao Shuai Chiao Shuai Chiao uses powerful throws and strikes, but little ground fighting. Modern Shuai Chiao is often called the practical application of Tai http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sports/martialarts/shuaichiao.html | |
31. The Shuai Chiao Kung Fu Club At OSU -- What Is Shuai Chiao? What is Shuai Chiao? photo by Adam http://www.mg-3d.com/whatis.html | |
32. Martial Arts Styles - Shuai Chiao Martial Arts Systems and Styles Shuai Chiao is the oldest Chinese bare-handed fighting style which incorporates the principles of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. http://www.usadojo.com/styles/about-shuai-chiao.htm | |
33. Chin's Martial Arts Academy - James Man Chin - Swai Jiao ( Shuai Jiao, Shuai Chi Swai Jiao (also Shuaichiao, Shuai-jiao), with emphasis on close quarter combat for Self-Defense (Dze Hwei Shu) and Police Tactics (Dai Bu Shu) http://swaijiao.com/ | |
34. Combat Shuai Chiao S h u a i C h i a o http://johnswang.com/ | |
35. Chinese Shuai-Chiao, The Mother Of Kung Fu CHINESE SHUAICHIAO, THE MOTHER OF KUNG FU . Shuai-Chiao, the Mount Everest of China's martial arts ranges, is a famous killing style paneratium in its sublimity of Kung fu http://www.usadojo.com/styles/about-shuai-chiao-more.htm | |
36. MMA Total Domination Mixed Martial Arts Atlanta, Ga Atl Combat Shuai Chiao (Chin Martial Arts training in Combat Shuai chiao jaio (Chinese Wrestling) and Shaolin Hung Gar (Tiger/Crane Kung Fu). MMA Total Domination teaches Mixed Martial Arts. Brazilian Jiu http://mmatotaldomination.com/ | |
37. Shuai Chiao | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Shuai Chiao, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Shuai Chiao. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shuai-Chiao/111154938908935?v=stream |
38. Grappling - Grappling San Diego Our grappling classes in san diego is based on a chinese wrestling art known as Shuai chiao. We have 3 international black belt champions from the United States Shuai Chiao http://sandiegokungfutaichi-com.doodlekit.com/home/grappling | |
39. Shuai Chiao - Kung Fu Magazine Forums Wai Jia The Kung Fu Forum Shuai Chiao Southern Chinese Kung Fu I live in NYC, can anyone recommend a good school or teacher. Also, any info on the system would be http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1901 |
40. Home Welcome to the online home of the Northern Viginia Shuaichiao Club. http://novascc.com/ | |
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