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1. Silat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia silat is a collective word for indigenous martial arts of the Malay Archipelago and Malay Peninsula of Southeast Asia. Originally developed in what are now Indonesia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silat | |
2. Pencak Silat Pertempuran (Combat Silat) - Home Of Perguruan Pencak Silat Pertemp This system of pencak silat is a unique blend of Malaysian, Sumatran, Javanese, Balinese and Maduran methods which, when combined, give the student of Pencak silat Pertempuran http://www.combat-silat.net/ | |
3. SILAT PD USA Enter a brief description of your site here Yana is a licensed international silat Perisai Diri instructor, architect, publisher and author of a series of silat books and http://www.silatpdusa.com/ | |
4. Silat White Crane - Indonesian Kung-Fu Welcome to Indonesian Kung Fu silat white crane - Visit us and explorer the world of Kung-Fu http://www.silat.de/ | |
5. Silat - Video, Video Game Trailers, Reviews, And Shows From All Over The Gaming malay martial arts history of more than 900 years http://www.metacafe.com/watch/701240/silat/ |
6. Silat.TV The Best Source of silat and Kuntao Videos and Information on the Internet! http://www.silat.tv/ | |
7. The Silat Shop The silat Shop is a great store for getting clothing that shows your interest in Pencak silat. Great for any pencak silat stylist. http://www.cafepress.com/silatshop |
8. Untitled Document Le silat et ses styles, les principales armes, vid os de combats. http://worldpencaksilat.ifrance.com/ |
9. Pencak Silat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pencak silat (also spelled penchak silat or pentjak silat) is an umbrella term for the martial arts created in Indonesia The leading organization of pencak silat in Indonesia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencak_Silat | |
10. Silat Barongsai Zelfverdedigingsstijl met invloeden uit de silat en Pukulan vechttechnieken. Informatie over de trainingen in Etten-Leur. De school is onderdeel van de Qigong Cirkel. http://www.silatbarongsai.nl |
11. KunTao Silat: Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts American KunTao silat Shaolin Kung Fu Indonesian Karate = Effective Self Defense http://www.kuntaosilat.com/ | |
12. Top40-Charts.com - Songs From 49 Top 20 & Top 40 Music Charts From 30 Countries Top40Charts.com provides music charts from all over the world, like US / UK Albums and Singles, Bilboard Chart, Dance charts and more. Read the latest music news on rock, pop http://www.top40-charts.com/pedia.php?title=Silat |
13. Pencak Silat Centrum Voor de beoefening van de Pencak silat stijlen SH, Melati en Sikatsu in de locaties Dokkum en Leeuwarden. Met informatie over de sport, wapens en de trainingen. http://pencaksilatcentrum.nl | |
14. Martial Arts Info - Pentjak Silat Martial Arts explained Pentjak silat (Pencak silat). Summarizes the characteristics and origin of Pentjak silat. Where applicable, additional info such as founder, weapons http://www.martial-arts-info.com/124/pentjak-silat/ |
15. Master O'ong Maryon's Pencat Silat Page Master teacher and Pencak silat scholar O ong Maryono provides information on the Keluarga Pencak silat Nusantara school, and detailed insights into the development of this art. Discussion board, numerous articles in EN and Bahasa, information on media, and a photo gallery. http://www.kpsnusantara.com | |
16. Silat - MartialTalk Online Martial Arts Encyclopedia Project Pencak silat, Bersilat or silat ( fighting by using techniques of selfdefence ) is an Asian martial art encompassing quite literally hundreds of alirans (styles) from the http://www.martialtalk.net/wiki/index.php/Silat | |
17. Silat Fighter News Headlines Fighter Movies WHAT IS silat? silat, also known as Gayung, Gayong, Seni silat, Bergayung, is an umbrella http://fighter.com/silat.php | |
18. Nieuwe Pagina 1 Gives information on silat in general, teachers and training in Belgium, curriculum, style development, data on competitions and organizations, links and pictures. http://www.silat.be/ | |
19. Clear's Silat — Silat For Self Defense Master teacher Richard Clear teaches silat, Kung Fu, and Taiji. Site offers articles, school and instructor information, online shop for instructional videos, photo gallery and video files. Located in Maryville, Tennessee. http://www.clearsilat.com | |
20. Silat - Definition Pencak silat or silat ( fighting by using techniques of selfdefence ) is an Asian martial art with roots in the culture of the Malay people. This art is widely known in http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Silat | |
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