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         Silat:     more books (73)
  1. Silat Olahraga: The Art, Techniques and Regulations by Anuar Abd. Wahab, 1993-01-01
  2. Pentjak Silat Serak - Sambuts 16-30 -Volume 2 by Victor de thoars, 2002
  3. Asian Fighting Arts: Kung-fu, Karate, Judo, Jujutso, Aikido, Ch'in Yu-hsi, Chi-chi, Tai-chi, Bando, Pentjak-silat by Donn F. & Robert W. Smith Draeger, 1969
  4. Pentjak-silat: Indonesian Fighting Art by Donn F. Draeger, etc., 1971-02
  5. Pentjak Silat by D. Droeger, 1988-12
  6. Pentjak Silat Srak; Sambuts 1-15, Volume 1 by Victor I.C. De Thousars, 2002
  7. Silat Ikhtiar Hand Book by Ikhtiar, 2009-03-04
  8. Pencak Silat: Martial Arts, Indonesia, PERSILAT, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, Kuntao
  9. Silat Melayu: Silat Melayu, Silat, Pencak Silat, Sanskrit, Indian Martial Arts, Buddhist, Silat Pattani, Hang Tuah
  10. Hoei ho gwa toan =: Kisah si-Rase terbang : tjerita silat bersambung by Beng Tjoe Boe,
  11. Indonesian Pencak Silat - Pukulan Cimande Pusaka - Vol. II - The Principles of Destruction (Volume 2)
  12. Silat: Silat, Martial Arts, Pencak Silat, Minangkabau Language, Filipino Martial Arts, Malays (ethnic group)
  13. Pukulan Pentjak Silat by Plinck, 1997-07
  14. Advanced Silat Concepts 2vols by Simonet, 2002-06-24

81. Pencak Silat Cimande Lelystad
Uitleg over deze plaatsgebonde stijl en de school. Een aantal basistechnieken worden uitgelegd met daarnaast een aantal foto s en korte filmpjes.
Welkom op de website van Pencak Silat Cimande Lelystad Klik HIER om verder te gaan.

82. Welcome To Perguruan Pencak Silat Naga Putih Jokotole
In Haarlem en Krommenie wordt er getraind in de traditionele Pencak silat stijl Jokotole. De lesinhoud, informatie, foto s en filmpjes van deze vechtsport.

83. Amateursportvereniging Advendo
Vereniging die in 1977 is opgericht door Oom Will Wijnhamer en collega s om weer te trainen in Pencak silat Pukulan Betawi. Trainingen in Den Haag.

84. Frédéric Mastro - Silat Defence System - SDS - Sécurité Et Protection Rapprochée
Le silat defense system est une m thode d auto-d fense cr e par Fr d ric Mastro. Cette m thode est inspir du pen ak silat, mais adapt e aux r alit s du monde moderne. Le silat defense system est prioritairement destin aux professionnels de la s curit et aux forces de l ordre.

85. Mastère SILAT - Systèmes D'Informations Localisées Pour L'Aménagement Des Te
Pr sentation de la formation du mast re sp cialis silat (SIG et t l d tection) de l cole nationale sup rieure d agronomie de Montpellier, H rault, France.

86. I.M.P.A.C.T. Martial Arts - Filipino And Indonesian Martial Arts In North Centra
Offers training by Guru Mike Casto in Kali, silat, Kun Tao silat, and Shen Chuan. Includes class information, schedule, biography on the instructor, photos, forum, links, and related topics.Louisville, KY
I.M.P.A.C.T. Martial Arts
in North Central Arizona
Welcome to the website of I.M.P.A.C.T. Martial Arts.
We are a branch of Asian Fighting Arts, Inc. and teach the system of Sikal
"I.M.P.A.C.T." is an acronym for Integrated Martial Principles And Cross Training. This reflects the fact that Sikal draws from several systems of martial arts and Guru Mike's personal expression of Sikal is influenced by his integration of understanding from his own cross training. The martial arts of the Philippines and Indonesia are rich with diversity. The system of Sikal draws from several systems from these regions and the head of the system, Guru Ken Pannell, has spent decades organizing the material from these systems into a cohesive whole. The curriculum is designed to accomplish two tasks. First, it teaches the student functional skills for the protection of self and others. Second, it exposes the student to some of the richness of the Filipino and Indonesian martial arts and mindset and, to some degree, the cultures they come from. Guru Mike Casto, a full instructor in Sikal, brings his 30+ years of martial arts training and experience and 15 years of focused training in Sikal to North Central Arizona. Guru Mike is a seasoned martial artist and instructor and has taught classes, seminars and private lessons all over the United States, in Canada, Europe and China. He has trained military and law enforcement officers and members of Special Operations from the Navy, Army, Marines and SWAT.

87. Pencak Silat E.V. Berlin
Vom Berliner Ableger der Schule KPS Nusantara organisiertes Forum f r Pencak silat in Berlin und Deutschland. Neuigkeiten, Termine, Fotos, Hintergrundinfos, Links, Trainingsorte und Meinungsforen.

88. Silat - Indonesian Kung-Fu Silat Gerak Pilihan (Si Ge Pi) Kampfkunst Aus Indones
Von Meisterlehrer Octav D. Setiadji geleitete Schule zu Kampfsportarten aus dem indonesischen Raum. Bietet Informationen zu den Inhalten und Lehrpl nen, Terminen und Kontaktadressen.
immer aktuelle News, aktuelle News, aktuelle News, hier geht es zu den Details
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Trainingsorte. Hier geht's zu den Trainingsorten locations
Hier geht's zu den Trainingsangeboten Berichte und Artikel
about Silat Si Ge Pi

Berichte und Artikel
(alte und neue Silat - Berichte und Aktikel)
Kampfsport und Recht
(was man als Kampfsportler wissen sollte)

89. Mande Muda - Willkommen
Der deutsche Zweig der west-javanischen Mande Muda-Schule ist in Iserlohn ans ssig. Informationen zum Pencak silat, zur Entwicklung der Schule, zu Instruktoren weltweit, Veranstaltungen, Schulungsmedien und Ansprechpersonen.
Willkommen auf unseren Webseiten!
Welcome to our website!
Click here for our english site.

90. Silat Harimau Betina
In dieser in Wien ans ssigen Schule wird die indonesische Kampfkunst, basierend auf dem Bewegungsrepertoire west-sumatranischer Stile, in einer f r Frauen und M dchen angepassten Weise gelehrt. Trainingsinformationen, Geschichte, Konzepte, Photos und Kontaktadresse.

91. Willkommen Bei
In der Hamburger Schule unterrichtet Trainer Olaf Hilke den von Henri de Thomas gegr ndeten Stil Bongkot Harimau . Informationen zur Geschichte des Stils, zum Wettkampfsystem, Verein, Training, zu Terminen sowie Kontaktm glichkeiten.
Willkommen bei Pencak-Silat-Germany. Hier erhalten Sie Informationen rund um Pencak-Silat und die Hamburger Gruppe Bongkot Harimau

92. PMG=Sentak Homepage
Teaching traditional Indonesian Silek. Includes background of style, gallery and related information. English/German/Hungarian/Indonesian
choose language ... english baso minang bahasa indonesia deutsch hungarian
NEU! Weitere offene Gruppe am Freitag, 17:00 - 18:30.
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dibuat sejak/seit: 27.10.2001 aktualisiert am: 20.10.2010
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Sanggar Paureh Raso The Fighting Tradition of Sumatra

93. Poekoelan Tjimindie Tulen
Founded by master teacher Willy Wetzel, this school is now under the direction of master teacher Barbara Niggel. Information on schedules, classes and workshops for adults and children, and contact to branches across the U.S. and Europe.

94. SINDO Self Defence (International)
The school combines traditional Indonesian martial art with modern streetwise self defence. It further specialises in the art of developing inner energy. Information on methodology, training organisation and targets, photo and video galleries, members board and contact addresses.
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