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         Skateboarding:     more books (100)
  1. Blabac Photo: The Art of Skateboarding Photography
  2. Skateboarding: Ramp Tricks by Evan Goodfellow, 2006-06-28
  3. Skateboarding is Not a Crime: 50 Years of Street Culture by James Davis, 2004-10-02
  4. Skateboarding History: From the Backyard to the Big Time by Martin, Michael, 2006-01-01
  5. Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body by Iain Borden, 2001-05
  6. Skateboarding 3d (English and German Edition) by Sebastian Denz, 2009-10-09
  7. Skateboarding in Action (Sports in Action) by Bobbie Kalman, John Crossingham, 2002-06
  8. How to Improve at Skateboarding (How to Improve at. . .) by Andy Horsley, 2009-01-15
  9. Big Air Skateboarding (Torque: Action Sports) by Jack David, 2007-09-30
  10. Skateboarding (Blazers, to the Extreme) by Matt Doeden, 2004-08
  11. Skateboarding: Legendary Tricks 2 by Steve Badillo, 2010-03-01
  12. Skateboarding Skills: The Rider's Guide by Ben Powell, 2008-03-18
  13. The complete book of skateboarding by Laura Torbet, 1976
  14. Cliche: Resume: a Decade of Skateboarding in Europe by Mackenzie Eisenhour, 2009-11-30

Information about skateboarding and events in Europe.

22. Skateboarding Magazine - Skateboard Mag - Skate Magazine
skateboarding Magazine is a Skateboard Mag. This is a Skate Magazine for people that want updated skateboarding information
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Yer doin it wrong
Posted on 27 October 2010 Featured Odd Stuff
I Got Your Back
Posted on 01 November 2010 Pro Skaters 0 Comments
Guy On Longboard Slams Into The Back Of A Truck
Posted on 31 October 2010 Wow look at the dent it left in the back of that nissan! Skate Shoes 0 Comments
Tandem Skatings Secret Trick: Stanky G-Shot McTwist
Posted on 30 October 2010 Odd Stuff 3 Comments
Rollerblade cops keep villains on straight and narrow
Posted on 30 October 2010 The Inline Skating Patrol is being deployed on the streets to give the police a more public profile but, for the citizens they are paid to protect, the skaters are more a source of amusement than ressurance. Skate Shoes 2 Comments See more articles in the archive
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Liv and Zafi: Sisters The Shred Together Skate Together
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Odd Stuff
Tandem Skatings Secret Trick: Stanky G-Shot McTwist
Posted on 30 October 2010 Pro Skaters
I Got Your Back
Posted on 01 November 2010 Skate Shoes
Guy On Longboard Slams Into The Back Of A Truck
Posted on 31 October 2010 Wow look at the dent it left in the back of that nissan!

23. Skateboarding - Fun Facts And Information
Fun Facts about skateboarding. Interesting factoids, information and answers.
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    Interesting Questions, Facts and Information
    • There are a total of general entries. We are selecting for display.
    Special Topics
    Interesting Questions, Facts, and Information
      Which Pro wrote the independent film '7 Teen Sips'? Advanced Skateboarding

        Steve Berra . Ok, so this was not DIRECTLY about skating, but Steve Berra is a great Skateboarder. I guess its abstract skate trivia.
      Who did not have a part in the infamous Baker video 'BKR2G'? Advanced Skateboarding

        Ed Templeton . It seemed like everybody had a part in that video, but Ed did not.
      Which Pro frontside lipslided the giant El Toro 20 stair rail? Advanced Skateboarding

        Heath Kirchart . Matt Mumford 50-50 and Smith grinded it, Arto did a Frontside Boardslide down it, and Kerry Getz didn't do anything on it.
      Which company had a video named 'Second Hand Smoke'?

24. Skateboarding -
Learn about skateboarding on Find info and videos including How to Ollie on Skateboards, How to Indy on a Skateboard, How to Grind on Skateboards and much more.
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Skateboarding Featured Articles
  • How Does a Longboard Skateboard Differ From a Regular Skateboard? Really, a longboard skateboard is the same overall design as a regular skateboard except that everything is bigger and heavier. As their name implies, they are quite a bit longer than a regular skateboard, and many people have claimed that riding a longboard skateboard feels much like riding a surfboard because of their ability to... How to Skateboard Skateboarding is a fun activity for both teens and adults. It takes a moderate amount of athletic ability and balance to skateboard well. If you have never been on a skateboard, you may be eager to learn some of the basics before you start. How to Skateboard Ever since Tony Hawk took the sport to a new level, skateboarding has pretty much become a national pastime. Skate parks have started sprouting all over the world from small towns to major cities. You too can join in on the fun with just a skateboard and a little practice. About Skateboards Skateboards have been around for a while as a form of transportation and a tool used in extreme sports. Made of wood and sporting four wheels, a skateboard looks simple enough, though there is plenty of science behind it in order for it to work properly. Since the first skateboard was made, many changes have been made to the design of...

25. Shaun White Skateboarding Review For Xbox 360 - GameSpot
Oct 28, 2010 Shaun White's latest appearance starts off with some boardflipping fun, only to squander its potential.
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    Shaun White Skateboarding Review
    Shaun White's latest appearance starts off with some board-flipping fun, only to squander its potential.
    The Video Review
    Shape some rails with Kevin VanOrd in this video review for Shaun White Skateboarding. Watch It Watch HD 520p
    The Good
    • The first half provides plenty of enjoyable skating It's fun at first to watch the city come to life A couple of great environments to skate in.
    The Bad
    • The second half is mired in boring, tedious puzzle tasks Hacking is flat-out dumb Story and visuals never capitalize on the premise.
    In Shaun White Skateboarding, you restore joy and freethinking to an oppressed and conformist world. One of the game's great ironies is that you do so by uncovering Stride Gum billboards in a city abounding with Wendy's fast-food restaurants. Blatant product placement is nothing new in skating games, but it sure sticks out when your entire purpose is to break free from a manufactured society. But the irony doesn't end there, as the game's latter half isn't really a skateboarding game at all, but is rather a puzzle platformer in which you spend large amounts of time figuring out how to get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, this shift in priorities comes at the expense of fun. When it focuses on skateboarding, the game is unspectacular but good fun; when it veers off the rails, it becomes slow and tedious.

26. Shaun White Skateboarding For PlayStation 3 Reviews, Ratings, Credits, And More
Shaun White skateboarding, a game that puts an innovative twist on the actionsports genre, is the latest offering in the award-winning franchise developed in collaboration
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      Movies User Panel Options document.cookie='MAD_SESSION=c;path=/;'; document.cookie='MAD_FIRSTPAGE=1;path=/;'; Shaun White Skateboarding PlayStation 3 See the trailer Metascore out of 100 Mixed or average reviews based on 4 Critics What's this? User Score tbd No user score yet Be the first to review! Your Score out of 10 Login to rate. Rate this:
      • out of 10 out of 10 out of 10 out of 10 ... out of 10 Summary: Shaun White Skateboarding, a game that puts an innovative twist on the action-sports genre, is the latest offering in the award-winning franchise developed in collaboration with dual-sport super-athlete, Shaun White. The most ambitious installment yet, Shaun White Skateboarding brings all th e sensations of skateboarding to a wide audience making skate dreams possible and allowing players to transform a dull, lifeless city into their own extraordinary skating utopia. As players skate, they add color, life and brilliance to the city by extending handrails into endless grinds, carving alleys into half pipes, morphing streets into ramps and much more. Players can skate their way, any way they want, to create their own customized skating world that can also be shared with friends. Shaun White Skateboarding empowers skaters to push the limits of what�s possible.
  • 27. Skateboarding: A Brief History
    skateboardings history is full of key figures and moments where the sport has been defined and redefined. From the invention of the skateboard, to the Zephyr team, to Alan
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  • Home Sports Skateboarding
  • Skateboarding
    Some big names and turning points in skate history By Steve Cave , Guide
    See More About:
    zSB(3,3) Skateboarding was first started in the , when all across California surfers got the idea of trying to surf the streets. No one really knows who made the first board instead, it seems that several people came up with similar ideas at the same time. Several people have claimed to have invented the skateboard first, but nothing can be proved, and skateboarding remains a strange spontaneous creation. These first skateboarders started with wooden boxes or boards with roller skate wheels slapped on the bottom. Like you might imagine, a lot of people got hurt in skateboarding's early years! It was a sport just being born and discovered, so anything went. The boxes turned into planks, and eventually companies were producing decks of pressed layers of wood similar to the skateboard decks of today. During this time, skateboarding was seen as something to do for fun after surfing. In , skateboarding was at a peak of popularity, and companies like Jack's, Hobie and Makaha started holding skateboarding competitions. At this time, skateboarding was mostly either downhill slalom or freestyle.

    28. Skateboarding Videos | Transworld Skateboarding
    Watch skateboarding videos of recent events, trailers, tricks and stunts, upload your own videos and much more at Transworld skateboarding.

    29. Shaun White Skateboarding Review For Xbox 360 - GameSpot
    skateboarding is one of the most popular sports that kids participate in today. It’s fun and challenging as well as a great way to get outside and exercise. These videos

    30. Skateboarding Meetup Groups - Skateboarding Meetups
    Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about skateboarding

    31. Official Skateboards
    Manufacturer of fine quality wood skateboard products. skateboarding team info, products and news.

    32. ESPN Skateboarding: Skateboarding News, Event Coverage, Features, Interviews, Ph
    Get the latest Action Sports news, tips, rumors from the scene, and more on

    33. Transworld Skateboarding | Skating News, Photos, Videos
    Features news, pictures, chat, and tips. Subscribe to six different magazines from Transworld skateboarding.

    34. Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Action Sports : Home : UTurf is the top site for skateboarding, snowboarding and action sports, find videos, photos, news, interviews, reviews, quizzes, games, contests and more.

    35. :: Online Shop, Preis, Skateparks, Forum, Chat, Herstell
    Community mit sehr umfangreichem Forum, dass sich mit allem besch ftigt, was mit skateboarding zu tun hat.
    @import url(; COMMUNITY GALLERY SHOP KAUFBERATUNG ... Forum Themen Antworten Letzter Beitrag Smalltalk
    off-topic und non-snowboard themen... ;-)
    Forum betreut von: Moderatoren Gestern, 16:39
    Zu: Commuting-Blog
    Von: BtU Ank�ndigungen
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    Von: steven Best of
    die lustigsten threads ever... hallo of fame! ;-)
    Forum betreut von: Moderatoren Gestern, 21:00
    Zu: Was h�rt ihr grad? Von: pawel Forum Themen Antworten Letzter Beitrag Skateboard: Absolute Beginner... noch nie auf einem skateboard gestanden? welches skateboard ist geeignet? wie�s gleichgewicht halten? :-) Unterforen: Skateboard Shops Forum betreut von: Moderatoren Gestern, 16:12 Zu: Warum skatet Ihr? Von: Kaufberatung das richtige skateboard f�r mich... Unterforen: Skateboard Shops Forum betreut von: Moderatoren Zu: ist mein pack gut ? Von: Fischfilet der ultimative poser bereich... ;-) hier k�nnen von mitgliedern bilder gepostet werden. maximal 50kb. jpg oder gif Unterforen: Skateboard Shops Forum betreut von: Moderatoren Zu: Rheinfolge der Tricks Von: robbo Skateboard Dreams Gallery hi, hier ist der platz wo ihr euch, eure skateboards, eure schnitten, oder sonst was ausstellen k�nnt! sensationen, sensationen... ;-)

    36. Skateboarding
    skateboarding skateboarding is the act of riding and performing tricks using a skateboard. A person who skateboards is most often referred to as a skateboarder, or
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  • 37. Adidas
    skateboarding Product Search

    38. Skateboarder Magazine Online! | Skateboarder Magazine Online!
    Get the lowdown on Greg Hunt's perspective on making skate videos, and skateboarding itself.

    Daniel Lutheran ESPN Video Interview
    Nieratko gets behind the lens for another interview for ESPN
    Chris Cole CCS Interview
    CCS corresponds with Christopher Cole in a series of question and answers for your reading pleasure.
    Sheckler Car Troubles
    Sheckler's car stolen.
    Deluxe Shitheads
    Video from T-Mo and Friends
    Win an Toy Machine Board Every Day This Week
    Five lucky winners all this week. Enter now for your chance to win.
    TX in HD
    LRG has some HD footage of Rodrigo TX from Give Me My Money Chico
    Catching up with Billy Marks
    Active spends some time with B Marks on the lanes talking about his latest goings on.
    Vans Halloween Hellraiser
    In NYC this weekend, best trick contest and more in celebration of skating and halloween.
    Malto went up to Canadia and got into a skirmish with some fatty up there. He's also in a new video game.
    Neckface Halloween Show in LA
    Haunted house, skate demo, booze, costumes, art, culture. This weekend. Toy Machine Brain Wash Premiere at Ace Hotel Toy Machine's premiere schedule progresses with a showing at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs with a signing befo... Toy Machine Brain Wash Premiere Toy Machine Brainwashes Long Beach pawns, photos here.

    39. Sportskool
    Sporskool offers free sports instruction videos and lessons in 20 categories including skateboarding, football, tennis, and soccer.
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    • Home Sports FIND US ON TV: Home sports Skateboarding OAS_AD('Right');
      So you want to learn how to do skateboarding tricks or just how to ride a skateboard, then look no further than Sportskool! We have skateboarding clips for almost every trick you could ask for, videos like: How to ollie How to do a kickflip How to do a lipside Tips on Griding Rails Featured Skateboarding Videos
      • Advanced Ollies Pop your board even higher as skate legend Mike V takes your Ollie to the next level. Pop Shuvits Mike V His Story Find out the real story behind Mike V, a skateboarding original. Mike V Unleashed Mike V cuts loose on a skate park and shows why he is a skateboarding legend. Ollie and Variations Mike V teaches you the Ollie -the foundation for all other skateboarding moves. Mike V The Hits Mike V shows off some of the tricks he's made famous including 'The Flamingo.' Mike V Basic Training Mike V takes you to skool for the basics of skateboarding. Kickflips Advanced Mike V takes it up a notch with more advanced skateboarding spins and flips.

    40. Skateboarding Games - Free Online Games At
    Play the best free skateboarding Games on

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