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1. Skipping Fitness-Mad Online Fitness Store FitnessMad offer a range of high quality Speed ropes and leather skipping ropes such as are commonly used in boxing training. Our ropes are available in mulitiple sizes http://www.fitness-mad.com/Aerobics/Skipping/ | |
2. Skipping Rope - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A skipping rope (British English) or jump rope (American English) is the primary tool used in the game of skipping played by children and many young adults, where one or more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_rope | |
3. ISkip.com Club of people who like to skip, and which organizes skips to benefit charities. Profiles the movement founder and key figures, local skipping activities, and benefits of skipping. http://www.iskip.com/ | |
4. ISkip.com Dare to Skip! skipping is a tremendous form of exercise. It burns twice as many calories as walking, has less impact on your joints than running, and is a lot more fun! http://iskip.com/blog/ | |
5. Skipping Girl A world first crochet pattern that’s easy to use and made to order. To launch this exciting function we will be giving away every second bag for FREE! http://www.skippinggirl.com/ | |
6. -- British Rope Skipping Association -- Includes membership information, championships, results, events, media FAQs, photos, world champions, and info on the National skipping Festival. http://www.brsa.org.uk | |
7. Rope Skipping Community Of Singapore | Rope Sports Singapore Rope skipping Community of Singapore We are an organization dedicated to promote and encourage participation in rope skipping which is a simple, effective and fun way to get fit! http://www.skipping.sg/ | |
8. Learn To Skip And Jump Rope In Oxford | Oxford School Of Rope Skipping Learn how to skip from the coaches who train Taurus contestants in CBBC Jump Nation TV program. Book your first class free. http://oxfordskippingschool.com/skipping-classes/ | |
9. Skipping Exercises & How To Skip skipping is an excellent form of exercise, free advice on how to skip correctly and skipping training program from netfit http://www.netfit.co.uk/hrl6.htm | |
10. Skipping Christmas By John Grisham - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists 3.35 avg rating 12,232 ratings - 1,157 reviews - isbn 0099481685. John said This review contains spoilers because this book is not worth reading. You have been warned.The book p http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5357.Skipping_Christmas | |
11. Skipping | Define Skipping At Dictionary.com –verb (used without object) 1. to move in a light, springy manner by bounding forward with alternate hops on each foot. 2. to pass from one point, thing, subject, etc., to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/skipping |
12. Skipping Monkeys Welcome to the skipping Monkeys website. This site is a place for family and friends to stay in touch with what is happening in the mad mad world of twins. http://skippingmonkeys.com/ | |
13. Skipping - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/skipping |
14. Skipping Stones Studio - Stone Hardware - Cabinet Pulls And Knobs Made From Ston Featuring Glacial Stone Hardware, Lamps, Candleholders, Knobs and Pulls. http://stonehardware.com/ | |
15. Rope Skipping Club Rivierenhof - Sint-Godelieve Rivierenhof Rope skipping Club uit Sint-Godelieve. http://www.rsc-rivierenhof.be/ | |
16. Extreme Skipping Extreme skipping is sweeping the nation! http://extremeskipping.com/ | |
17. Home Page Simply grassroots events, fundraising and public relations We know how to throw a GREAT party Let’s chat! http://skippingstars.com/ | |
18. Stoneskipping.com | Skip A Stone, Make A Splash … Let Him Who Is Without Friss Details of the island's annual stone skipping tournament. Includes rules, competition results, and photographs. http://stoneskipping.com/ | |
19. Skip 4 Fun Informationen zum Rope-skipping-Demonstration-Team, Kontaktm glichkeiten und Links. http://www.skip4fun.de |
20. Skipping - Definition Of Skipping By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E skip (sk p) v. skipped, skip ping, skips. v. intr. 1. a. To move by hopping on one foot and then the other. b. To leap lightly about. 2. To bounce over or be deflected from a surface http://www.thefreedictionary.com/skipping |
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