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41. Vermont Resorts, Hawk Inn And Mountain Resort, Sledding Hawk Inn and Mountain Resort is the most distinctive and luxurious Vermont vacation destination. This page introduces sledding activities at Hawk. http://www.hawkresort.com/winter/sledding.html | |
42. Home Page Includes sledding areas information, photo album and items for sale and stolen. http://www.sledsicamous.com/ | |
43. Sleds, Snow Pants, Snow Jackets, Helmets, Mittens, Family Sledding Family sledding sells sleds, snow pants, snow jackets, helmets, mittens, family sledding and zipfy freestyle mini. Shop online, secure checkout. http://www.familysledding.com/ | |
44. Dog Sledding On The Web | Examiner.com The Rezidor Hotel Group announces the Radisson Blu Sortland in Norway the new built resort- conference hotel featuring 168 guest rooms is scheduled to open in 2013. http://examiner.com/web-news/dog-sledding?index=3 |
45. Cleveland Metroparks sledding and Skiing. sledding Cleveland Metroparks has a number of hills for sledding enthusiasts to enjoy. Please use the sledding hills with caution and with proper equipment http://www.clemetparks.com/recreation/sledding_skiing/index.asp | |
46. Sledding sledding. CENTENNIAL PARK 8300 Glenn Highway. Moderate and advance slopes. KINCAID PARK West end of Raspberry Road (north side of Outdoor Center). http://www.muni.org/Departments/parks/Pages/Sledding.aspx |
47. Sledding And Tubing MachinedGroomed snow sledding and tubing venues at Lake Tahoe for kids and their families. http://www.tahoekidsguide.com/Sledding.html | |
48. Sledding Spills, And Chills - The Boston Globe Feb 01, 2009 MELROSE Half way down the hill, picking up speed, Denis Taylor hit the ramps that other children had sculpted into the snow, lost control of his plastic toboggan, spun http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/02/01/sledding_spil |
49. Winter Sledding At Metro Parks - Go Outdoors - LouisvilleKy.gov Winter sledding at Metro Parks For thousands of local children, sledding is one of the highlights of the winter season. Metro Parks will open seven sledding hills whenever http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroParks/outdoors/sledding.htm | |
50. Sledding - Vermont's Find & Go Seek Northern Lights Rock and Ice Northern Lights Rock and Ice has year round fun that the whole family can enjoy and are special n Five Tree Hill Park - Five Tree Hill Park is http://www.findandgoseek.net/category/sledding | |
51. White Sands National Monument - Sledding (U.S. National Park Service) sledding down the slip face of dunes is a popular activity at White Sands National Monument. Most sledders use waxed plastic snow saucers (which can be purchased at the park http://www.nps.gov/whsa/planyourvisit/sledding.htm |
52. Three Rivers Park District : Sledding Three Rivers has some of the best sledding hills in the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro. Just bundle up and grab a sled for hours of exhilarating fun. http://www.threeriversparks.org/activities/sledding.aspx |
53. Dog Sledding In The BWCA Mushers and dog sledding adventures in Northeastern Minnesota s Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA). Information also available on the areas events and races. http://bwca.cc/activities/dogsledding/dogsledding.htm | |
54. Sledding Aullwood Garden MetroPark; Carriage Hill MetroPark; Cox Arboretum MetroPark; Deeds Point MetroPark; Eastwood MetroPark; Englewood MetroPark; Germantown MetroPark http://www.metroparks.org/GetOutside/Sledding.aspx | |
55. Ouray Colorado :: Sledding Official Ouray Colorado Visitor's Guide lodging accommodations real estate Southwest Colorado ice climbing 4x4 hot springs mountain vacations http://www.ouraycolorado.com/Sledding |
56. SIBERIAN HUSKIES SLEDDOGS SIBERIAN HUSKY MUSHING WINTER DOG SPORTS Siberian Husky and mushing resource site. Learn about dog sledding, skijoring, the Iditarod plus informative links to other sled dog sites. http://www.husky-petlove.com/mushing.html | |
57. .::Musher's Camp & Sled Dog Adventure, Skagway - Alaska Excursions::. Enjoy the thrill of dog sledding in the summer months on custom made wheeled dog sleds in Skagway, Alaska. http://www.alaskasleddog.com/ | |
58. Canadian Luge Association ::: Association Canadienne De Luge Official national governing body for the Olympic sport of luge sledding in Canada. http://www.luge.ca/ | |
59. News - International Luge Federation Features sport news and information from the official governing body for Olympic Luge sledding. http://www.fil-luge.org/ | |
60. Retired Sled Dogs Offers retired sled dogs, or submit one. Recreational mushers teams created. http://www.dogsled.net/retireddogs | |
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