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Street Hockey: more books (31) | |||
41. Street-hockey - Wikipédia Un article de l encyclop die libre qui donne une bonne vue d ensemble sur ce sport. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street-hockey | |
42. Home | CBC Hockey Night In Canada's Play On! Canadian tournament taking place across the country. Profile, rules and information about events with FAQ. http://www.playon.ca |
43. Street Hockey Accessories: Looking Street Hockey Accessories Here.Cheapest Of St Buy Street Hockey Accessories Today.Very Cheap Street Hockey Accessories.Don't wait to see.Looking more Street Hockey Accessories. Comparison of the best deals and offers available http://street-hockey.accessoriesprice.us/ |
44. American Indoor Street Hockey | Western New York #1 Floor And Inline Hockey Faci Information about street and roller hockey facility in West Seneca, New York, offering youth and adult leagues year-round. Includes league registration information, schedules, standings, and reports. http://www.americanstreethockey.com/ | |
45. Home | DCStreetHockey A Washington, D.C.-based club built to help grow the sport and add elite players to travel teams and leagues as well as newer players to the appropriate leagues. http://dcstreethockey.com/ |
46. Welcome - Breathing Life Into The Future Official site about annual three-on-three tournament with registration information, rules and pictures from the tournament that raises money to support cystic fibrosis research. http://www.roadhockeylondon.ca/ | |
47. Moorestown Youth Street Hockey Association To provide hockey to the youth of the community Parents, please remind your players that mouthguards are an important part of their equipment. http://www.mysha.org/ | |
48. Broadstreet Bullies Ball Hockey Includes game summaries, news, roster, statistics, and related links for this team from Edmonton, Canada. http://www.broadstreetbullies.ca | |
49. Kelowna Ball Hockey League A recreational ball hockey league for all skill levels. Results, schedules, and a forum. United Kingdom. http://xzoneweb.com/kbha2010/ | |
50. S.C.S.H.L. Schedule Spring 2005 Playing Times, Start Dates and Contact Information PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF NEW PLAYING TIMES! Please show up just prior to your timeslot on the http://www.streethockey.org/schedule.htm | |
51. IDTA - Home The governing body of street/dekhockey in the USA and Canada. http://www.idtadekhockey.com |
52. Street Hockey Game Free online game Despite its name this game is closer to Pong than hockey but includes the feature of having two paddles per side. http://www.play.vg/games/118-Street Hockey.html | |
53. Carnage Homepage - CARNAGE A team belonging to the Abbotsford Ball Hockey League (ABHL), open to men from the Fraser Valley. http://www.freewebs.com/absolutecarnage/ |
54. Home | DCStreetHockey A Washington, D.C.based club built to help grow the sport and add elite players to travel teams and leagues as well as newer players to the appropriate leagues. http://www.dcstreethockey.com/ |
55. Pima Street Hockey » Street Hockey Tucson Street Hockey The PSHL was founded playing the game of Street Hockey in Tucson, Arizona. Read about the History of the PSHL here Find the Rules http://pimastreethockey.com/street-hockey/ |
56. Warwick University Street Hockey Club Home Page Archived information about the Tigers and Panthers located in Great Britain. Includes news, fixtures, photos, roster, and results from 1999-2000. http://www.pdg.cnb.uam.es/mtress/panthers/index37.html | |
57. Hockey-Street Tips & Drills, Coaching, Rules | Team Websites | Eteamz eteamz is your source to create a HockeyStreet website for your team or league, find youth sports tips drills, access a library of official rules, participate in supportive http://www.eteamz.com/StreetHockey/ | |
58. American VikingBall League The official site of the American VikingBall League (AVL). VikingBall is a variation street hockey in which goalies are replaced by vikings . http://www.vikingball.com | |
59. Street Hockey Hockey Equipment on Facebook; Hockey Equipment on Twitter; Hockey Equipment on MySpace; Hockey Equipment on YouTube http://www.purehockey.com/ecom/category/107/ |
60. Street-Hockey Cup | Accueil Tournoi de street-hockey organis chaque printemps. Inscription, photos. La Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuch tel. http://www.streethockeycup.ch/ | |
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