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41. Surfing - Uncyclopedia, The Content-free Encyclopedia surfing, also known as Laird Hamilton, or That sport where you get on a stick and ride the surf region of the ocean , was invented by the ancient Hawaiians in Godknows http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Surfing |
42. Surfing - EHow.com Learn about surfing on eHow.com. Find info and videos including How to Crowd Surf, How to Teach surfing, How to Learn to Surf and much more. http://www.ehow.com/surfing/ | |
43. Corolla Surf Shop - Outer Banks, NC - Surfing Lessons Based in North Carolina offers surf gear and details regarding local surfing conditions. http://www.corollasurfshop.com/ | |
44. International Surfing Museum In Huntington Beach The International surfing Museum in Huntington Beach, California. SKIP INTRO http://surfingmuseum.org/ | |
45. Surfing - How To Videos Surfing Catch a wave and Hang Ten sound like simple instructions until you try to stand up on your surfboard! Before you hit the waves, hit up VideoJug's series on surfing; we'll http://www.videojug.com/tag/surfing |
46. Becker Surfboards - Online Surfing Gear And Accessories - Becker Surf And Sport Surf shop featuring surfwear, beach fashion, footwear, sunglasses, and surfing accessories. http://www.beckersurf.com |
47. Surfing Lessons By Surfing Experts: The Willis Brothers, Foremost Authorities In surfing experts The Willis Brothers offering surfing lessons, surfboards, free surfing information, surfboard shapers and surfers hall of fame, big wave tips and more http://www.wbsurfing.com/ | |
48. Surfing Meetup Groups - Surfing Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about surfing http://surfing.meetup.com/ |
49. Welcome To NZ Surfing surfing photos from New Zealand and the rest of the world. http://www.surfpics.freeservers.com | |
50. La Jolla Surfing A large collection of surfing photos taken on La Jolla beaches. http://www.lajollasurf.org | |
51. SurfPix NZ - New Zealand Surfing Photos | Sell Your Surf Pics - Over 7,000 Surf Galleries of surfing pictures grouped by location. http://www.surfpix.co.nz/ |
52. ITV360 | Surfing Live - The Premier Live Webcast Production Team For Action Spor Live surfing, highlights, music, and upcoming events. http://www.surfinglive.com/ |
53. Mexico Surfing Spots » GuideMexico A guide to surfing on Mexico s mainland Pacific Coast with surf spots, maps, message board, surf shops, surf resorts, contests, and forecasts. http://surf-mexico.com/surfing | |
54. Y8 Surfing Games play online surfing games free at love y8 Scooby Doo Ripping Ride; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sewer Surf Showdown http://surfing.lovey8.com/ |
55. Surfing (water Sport) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia surfing (water sport), sport of riding breaking waves toward the shore, especially by means of a surfboard. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/575128/surfing | |
56. TCPalm.com : Current And Local News For Indian River, St. Lucie, And Martin Coun Treasure Coast, FL's top surfing news stories. Current surfing news for Treasure Coast, Florida and its surrounding communities from TCPalm.com. http://www.tcpalm.com/news/sports/recreation/surfing/ | |
57. Surfing - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia surfing is a water sport. It is done in the ocean or sea, where the surfer uses his surfboard to catch a wave, and ride in towards the shore. surfing was invented by the Polynesians http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfing | |
58. Surfing -- Delaware Beaches, Ocean City Maryland surfing in the coastal towns of Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island, Delaware, and Ocean City, Maryland. http://www.beach-net.com/Surfhome.html |
59. CFLsurf.com - Home Page Provides instant access to daily surfing reports and surfing forecasts for popular surf sites from Ft. Pierce to Jacksonville Beach, along the east coast of Central Florida. http://www.cflsurf.com |
60. Surfing - Getting Ready To Surf | EHow.com surfing.surfing combines a lot of skill with the thrill of speeding along a wave. Every year thousands of beach goers take to the waves for recreation and fitness. http://www.ehow.com/topic_1551_surfing.html | |
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