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81. Table Tennis : Kiddie Toys, Trampolines, Bounce Houses, Pedal Cars And Education Kiddie Toys Table Tennis Toys Games Sports Outdoors Trampolines Inflatable Bouncers Riding Toys Room Furniture Sporting Goods Musical Instruments Baby Pretend Play http://www.kiddietoys.com/sporting-goods-table-tennis-c-210_221.html | |
82. Southend And District Table-Tennis League Provides history, news, results of matches, league tables, player averages, press reports, and rankings. http://www.sdttl.info/ | |
83. Swindon Table Tennis League Includes details of competitions, the previous season s results, events diary, and contact information for club members. http://www.swindontabletennis.co.uk/ | |
84. Wembley & Harrow Table Tennis Offers news, details of affiliated clubs, contact information, upcoming events, and links. http://www.wembleyharrowtt.f9.co.uk/ | |
85. Wilmslow Table Tennis League Includes overview of the league, committee overview, location maps for affiliated clubs, league tables and results, statistics, and links. http://website.lineone.net/~andyjohnson/ | |
86. | CommuniGate | Latest News Includes news, league history and tables, event listings, rules and regulations, player averages, match results, and national rankings. http://www.communigate.co.uk/chesh/wirraltabletennisleague/ | |
87. TABLE TENNIS Provides an overview of the league, news, contact details for affiliated clubs, and contact details. http://www.btinternet.com/~r.harrison/ | |
88. Hertford And District Table Tennis League Includes information on fixtures, result tables, press reports, and a newsletter. http://hertsttl.org.uk/ | |
89. Table Tennis Details of contacts and club venues, and coaching information. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/p.s.bowler/table tennis.html | |
90. Stockport And District TTA Contents League tables, results and averages, and coaching contacts. http://geraint.richards.users.btopenworld.com/index.htm | |
91. H & D T T A Senior and junior league details, fixtures, results, clubs, and competitions. http://hastingsanddistrict.tta.users.btopenworld.com/ | |
92. LeagueT Results, past and present, plus contacts. http://www.btinternet.com/~jutle/League.htm |
93. Liverpool And Disrict Table Tennis League Diary of events, competition news, and information about the competing clubs. http://www.ldttl.co.uk/ | |
94. SOUTHPORT AND DISTRICT TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE League tables, club information, officers, cup competitions and league history. http://www.sdttl.org.uk/ | |
95. B D T T L Includes league results, news, picture gallery, links, and guestbook. http://www.basingstokett.co.uk | |
96. Bury St Edmunds And District Table Tennis League Provides registered clubs, match fixtures and results, player averages and league tables. http://www.bsett.co.uk/ | |
97. Huddersfield Table Tennis League, Main Index Page, Includes local league results, tables and player averages. Also features general league news. http://www.huddersfieldtabletennisleague.co.uk | |
98. Ely And District Table Tennis League Features all the results, tables and the latest news from the league. Also includes photo gallery from the league events. http://www.elyttl.org | |
99. Mkttl.co.uk -> Milton Keynes Table Tennis League Features all the news, tables, averages and events from the league. http://www.mkttl.co.uk/ | |
100. Ryedale Table Tennis League Has all the results, league tables, player averages and press reports from the league. http://www.ryedalett.net/ | |
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