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         Takraw:     more detail
  1. Volleyball Variations: Volleyball variations, Beach volleyball, Volleyball, Volleyball at the Summer Olympics, Volleyball in the United States, Volleyball ... net, Newcomb ball, Sepak takraw, Footvolley
  2. Thai Sports and Games: Mak-Yek, Sepak Takraw, Makruk
  3. Sport (Philippinen): Afc Challenge Cup 2008|qualifikation, Sepak Takraw, Philippine Basketball Association, Kuntao (German Edition)
  4. Malay Culture: Malay Styles and Titles, Sepak Takraw, Hang Tuah, Malay Race, Manananggal, Bendahara, Bawang Putih Bawang Merah, Pontianak
  5. Sport En Indonésie: Pencak-Silat, Sepak Takraw, Pekan Olahraga Nasional, Grand Prix Moto D'indonésie, Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (French Edition)
  6. Sport de Balle: Handball Américain, Footbag, Hurling, Horse-Ball, Krachtbal, Padel, Pétéca, Balle Pelote, Speed-Ball, Sepak Takraw, Polocrosse (French Edition)
  7. Sepak Raga (Takraw) The South East Asian Ball Game by Susi Dunsmore, 1983-01-01
  8. Sport (Thailand): Muay Thai, Sepak Takraw, Pencak Silat, Sommer-Paralympics 2008|teilnehmer, Krabi Krabong (German Edition)
  9. Sport En Thaïlande: Muay Thaï, Équipe de Thaïlande de Hockey Sur Glace, Sepak Takraw, Krabi Krabong, Muay Boran (French Edition)
  10. SEPAK RAGA (TAKRAW) by Sarawak, 1983

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Last updated on 2000.5.16.

42. Top - NPOˡ����奻�ѥ�����������
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43. Takraw | Facebook
Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about takraw, a collection of shared knowledge concerning takraw.

44. ���׈���w�Z�p�^�N���[���^Asia University Sepaktakraw Club

45. Ngyuen Thi Buch Thuy: 'Just Give Me The Damn Sepak Takraw Ball' | The Onion - Am
Sepak takraw fan favorite Nguyen Thi Buch Thuy has once again angered Coach Lap with his antics on the pitch.

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47. Takraw
takraw The Rattan Ball Game. takraw is played in various versions in most parts of Southeast Asia. But perhaps no where else is this fast game, in which players must neither touch
The Rattan Ball Game
Takraw is played in various versions in most parts of Southeast Asia. But perhaps no where else is this fast game, in which players must neither touch the ball nor let it touch the ground, played with the enthusiasm and vigour shown by Thailand's star performers. Games are played in the courtyards of wats, at fairgrounds and (particularly during the kite flying season when there is little or no rain) at the Pramane Graounds in Bangkok. The small and hollow rattan balls which are the essential - and sometimes only necessary equipment for a game are sold in rattan shops and sporting goods shops throughout the country. While there are certain basic rules to takraw, the game varies according to the type of takraw being played as well as the place where it is played. In village games, for example, there is often no referee and no score is kept: the winning player is simply the one who puts on the best show. The intricacy and speed with which it is played are astonishing, and if you think your reflexes are better than average, consider these methods of sending the ball aloft: the sole kick (using the arch or sole of the foot), the instep kick, knee kick, shin kick, shoulder kick, or head kick. Want to try the crosslegged jump kick? The player crosses his left leg over his right above the right knee, and then leaps into the air kicking the ball with his right knee. But that's not all. One can use elbows, shoulders, even the posterior. The more complicated and impressive your feats, the better your score (Or, if a score is not being kept, the better your audience's reaction: spectators can be demanding, if not downright ruthless, in their judgements.)

48. About The Sport Of Sepak Takraw (A.K.A. Kick Volleyball, Or Soccer-Volleyball)
Brief overview of the sport of Sepak takraw, including some truths myths.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,29,0','name','bannerleft','width','550','height','95','align','middle','id','bannerleft','src','files/banner_left','loop','false','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','files/banner_left' ); //end AC code AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,29,0','name','bannerright','width','200','height','95','align','middle','id','bannerright','src','files/banner_right','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','files/banner_right' ); //end AC code Home Page Sepak Takraw Store Sepak Takraw Shoes Distributors/Retailers ... Sepak Takraw Media
Modern Sepak Takraw, or Takraw for short (also known as Kick Volleyball), began in Malaysia and is now their national sport. It combines elements of Soccer, Footbag, Volleyball, Baseball, Badminton, Gymnastics and the ancient sport of Sepak Raga. Balls woven of rattan stems have primarily been replaced by woven synthetic balls, which are much safer and more durable.
The Sepak Takraw court and net are of the same height and dimensions as in badminton. A team consisting of 3 members is called a "Regu". Two regus compete for higher scores by spiking a ball into the opponent's court. Most of the same rules apply as for volley ball, with the following main exceptions:

49. What's Sepak Takraw?
WARNING This page is being translated from Japanese by using the translation software. Approve it though it thinks that there is an a little funny expression.
JAPANESE ENGLISH WARNING This page is being translated from Japanese by using the translation software. Approve it though it thinks that there is an a little funny expression. Do you know Sepak Takraw?
Background and History
Sepal Takraw was created by the royal family of Malaysia about 500 years ago. The name itself comes from two languages. Sepak is "kick" in Malay, and Takraw is the "ball" in Thai. When it is born, It looked like Japanese "Kemari", and some became a circle, and a pole was kicked, and the number of times was being competed in.
It looks very similar to the Japanese traditional game, "kemari" where the players form a loose circle and the number of times the ball is kicked before it touches the ground is counted. In 1965 the game was unified into the present volleyball style with the addition of a net and the adoption of international rules.
The court and the net height and size are identical to those used in badminton and each team has three players. The rules are very similar to those in volleyball , with the following five important exceptions
  • The use of hands is not permitted.

50. Sepak Takraw -
DEFINITION Sepak takraw (Kick Volleyball, or just takraw for short) is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan
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Sepak Takraw
Sepak Takraw (Kick Volleyball, or just Takraw for short) is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan ball and only allows players to use their feet and head to touch the ball. A cross between soccer and volleyball, it is a popular sport in Thailand, Malaysia, Laos and Indonesia. Played on a badminton doubles-sized court, the game evolved from a hacky sack-type practice, into the aiming of a kick into a high, suspended net. Eventually, competitive takraw developed, pitting teams of players versus each other across a volleyball-type net.
Modern competitive takraw allows three players to a team, one to serve, one to gather the ball, and one to deliver the ball at high speed across the net; the killer (like the 'spiker' in volleyball.) Modern contests play to 21 points.
In Thailand, the game is simply called Takraw (Thai: ตะกร้อ, meaning "ball" or "basket"). It is also thuck thay (Lao: "twine" and "kick"), or sepak takraw (Malay: "kick" and "takraw" from Thai)

51. Sepak Takraw Summary And Analysis Summary |
Sepak takraw summary with 9 pages of lesson plans, quotes, chapter summaries, analysis, encyclopedia entries, essays, research information, and more.

52. YouTube - Sepak Takraw
Sepak takraw. Dan Marciano Insanity (Eric Destler Remix)

53. Sepak Takraw Association Berlin - First Sepak Takraw Association In Berlin
Sepak takraw Berlin Association The First Sepak takraw Association in Berlin offers you Informations, Training in Berlin, takraw Equipment and more
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Welcome to our Association
Sepak Takraw Berlin
Purpose of the association is to present and establish Sepak Takraw in the region Berlin by active spreading of the sport, in particular by creating a broad training and match enterprise. Sepak Takraw players and beginners should be given the chance / be enabled to further practice their sport through use of sporting halls etc. Sepak Takraw events of the Sepak Takraw Berlin Association should function as a meeting place of the Asian and the European culture and should expand and deepen already existing good relations with other European Sepak Takraw associations. (Excerpt from the charter of the Sepak Takraw Berlin Association)
Sepak Takraw Informations:
Sports Sepak Takraw

Sepak Takraw Germany

History of Sepak Takraw

Sepak Takraw Informations

54. Sepak Takraw
A child demonstrating sepak takraw.Sepak takraw (Malay sepak raga; Thai ตะกร้อ takraw ; Lao ກະຕໍ້ kataw ; Filipino sipa ; Vietnamese cầu m y

The Coulee Region United Soccer Association (CRUSA) is committed to building our club through the development of the game of soccer for the benefit of our grassroots and Takraw.html
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Sepak Takraw
A Brief History
Sepak ("kick" in Malay) and Takraw ("ball" in Thai) was created by the royal family of Malaysia about 500 years ago. Click here for official rules. It looks very similar to the Japanese traditional game, "Kemari" where the players form a loose circle and the number of times the ball is kicked before it touches the ground is counted. In 1965, the game was unified into the present volleyball/tennis style with the addition of a net and the adoption of international rules. The Game It is a team game involving three players per side and the object is to volley the ball over the net into the opponents court using any part of the body except the hands or arms. Each team is allowed three contacts with the ball to get it over the net. Unlike the similar game concept of volleyball, in Takraw, a player may take more than one contact consecutively. Points are scored by the serving team, and points are gained if the opposing side fails to return the ball over the net, or a winning shot is played whereby the ball lands in the opponents court. The length of the game varies - there is no time limit. Matches are won by winning 2 out of 3 sets. To win a set, one team must reach 15 points. Nr extra points are played - the set is played straight and the first team to reach 15 points wins the set. The third set, if necessary is played to only 6 points and is referred to as a "tie-breaker".

56. Sepak Takraw
Come join us in an exciting tournament at the 20th Annual Asian Culture Festival on March 6 7, 2010! Win cash prizes of $1,000, $500 or $250 and trophies
About ACF Entertainment Schedule Photo Gallery ... Contact Us
Sepak Takraw Tournament Come join us in an exciting tournament at the 20th Annual Asian Culture Festival
for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd winning teams! To register for the Sepak Takraw Tournament download the PDF Registration Form click here
Sepak Takraw or kick volleyball is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan ball and only allows players to use their feet and head to touch the ball. A cross between football and volleyball, it is a popular sport in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines and Indonesia

Sepak takraw was almost definitely based on the Chinese game of cuju (a name which also means "kick ball"). The sport would have been brought in through early trade and had already become popular in Malaysia and Thailand by the early 1400s. Back then it was called takraw in Thai or sepak raga (literally "kick rattan ball", because the ball is made of rattan) in Malay and played mainly by men and boys standing in a circle, kicking the ball back and forth between them. By the 1940s, the net version of the game had spread throughout Southeast Asia, and formal rules were introduced. In the Philippines the sport was called "Sipa", in Myanmar, or Burma, it was dubbed "Chinlone", in Laos "Kator", "câu mây" in Vietnam and in Indonesia "Raga."

57. Net Takraw | Sepak Takraw | Multicultural Games | Germantown Academy
State the name of your game and why you chose it. Our game is called net takraw. We chose this game because it seems to be really challenging yet fun.
Net (Sepak) Takraw
Multicultural Games by Alex, Joe, Cole, Harry Germantown Academy 6th grade State the name of your game and why you chose it. Our game is called net takraw. We chose this game because it seems to be really challenging yet fun. It is a variation of volleyball. List the countries where it is played and its origin. Games like takraw were played in 7th century Japan (Kemari) and China but this game actually comes from Thailand. Takraw is mainly played in Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines Describe how your game is played. State the object of the game. Clearly describe the rules. There are variations of Takraw. One is sepak takraw, also called net takraw
  • The object of takraw is to keep the ball in the air. To score, the other team must not not return the ball. The first to win 2 sets of 15 wins the match.
Net takraw is like volleyball except that you can't use your hands. You can only hit the ball 3 times before sending it over the net. List the equipment needed.

58. Sepak Takraw Summary |
Sepak takraw. Sepak takraw summary with 1 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

59. Sepak Takraw | Kick Volleyball
Sepak takraw (Kick Volleyball, or just takraw for short) is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan ball and only allows players
Sports MatchMaker
Sepak Takraw
Sepak Takraw (Kick Volleyball, or just Takraw for short) is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan ball and only allows players to use their feet and head to touch the ball. A cross between soccer and volleyball, it is a popular sport in Thailand, Malaysia, Laos and Indonesia. Played on a badminton doubles-sized court, the game evolved from a hacky sack-type practice, into the aiming of a kick into a high, suspended net. Eventually, competitive takraw developed, pitting teams of players versus each other across a volleyball-type net. Modern competitive takraw allows three players to a team, one to serve, one to gather the ball, and one to deliver the ball at high speed across the net; the killer (like the 'spiker' in volleyball.) Modern contests play to 21 points. In Thailand, the game is simply called Takraw (Thai: , meaning "ball" or "basket"). It is also thuck thay (Lao: "twine" and "kick"), or sepak takraw (Malay: "kick" and "takraw" from Thai) Similar games include bossaball, footbag net, footvolley, jianzi and sipa. Another version of the sport involves the use of bamboo scoops to both toss and catch a ball in a simple game of "catch."

Sepaktakraw will continue to be a major sport in the Asian Games. Like in 2002 in Busan, six gold medals will be up for grabs once again at the Doha Games in Qatar.
Sepaktakraw will continue to be a major sport in the Asian Games. Like in 2002 in Busan, six gold medals will be up for grabs once again at the Doha Games in Qatar. The events to be contested are: Men and Women's Regu and Doubles, with three medals at stake in each category. This shows that we have high recognition in Asian sports," said Mr. Abdul Halim Kader, the Singapore Sepaktakraw Federation (PERSES) President soon after his return from Doha recently.
Mr. Abdul Halim, who is also the Secretary General of ISTAF, added that the circle events have been replaced with a new and more exciting event - the Doubles. This is due to certain problems with the counting in circle events. Now, with the Doubles, the event should be more exciting and less controversial. In any case, we will review the counting system to make it possible for Sepaktakraw to be an eight-gold sport," he added. Mr. Abdul Halim led a 17 men delegation of officials and players from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore to the Qatar international Sports (QSI) exhibition, held in Doha from 1-9 April. The QSI exhibition has been an annual even for the last two years, bringing together hundreds of sporting companies and federations from around the world in one setting.

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