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Torball: more detail |
21. Torball | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about torball, a collection of shared knowledge concerning torball. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Torball/109529959066922 | |
22. SUDTORBALL Sport,torball,collectif,ballon,aveugle,malvoyant,équipe,equipe,match, D di exclusivement ce sport pr sente le jeu, historique, quipes et tournoi, r glement, forum et liens. http://sudtorball.free.fr/ | |
23. Uno Sport Da "vedere" - Associazione Prodigio Un articolo sul torball e i commenti dei lettori. http://www.prodigio.it/articoli.asp?idarticolo=81 |
24. Homepage Der Blinden Und Sehbehinderten Sportlerinnen Und Sportler Vom MSV90 E. Die Blinden und Sehbehinderten der Abteilung Behindertensport betreiben Kegeln und torball. Mit Terminen und Archiv. http://www.blindensport-md.de/ | |
25. WWW.TORBALL-GOALBALL.NET Footvolley (Portuguese Futev lei) is a sport which combines aspects of beach torball http://torball-goalball.net/ | |
26. Torball.com torball.com is a domain controlled by two name servers at artfiles.de. Both are on the same IP network. The primary name server is auth1.artfiles.de. Incoming mail for torball.com http://www.robtex.com/dns/torball.com.html |
27. ACDD - Links- Sports- Blind torball WM 2001 Features the events and competition of the World Championship 2001 (WM 2001) in Swizerland. torball.org - A description of the sport, calendar of events http://acdd.org/content.asp?id=228833 |
28. Torball! Die Sportart Für Blinde Und Sehbehinderte Phases de jeu en torball durant la journ e de promotion du torball Villeneuve de la Raho cot de Perpignan le 24 mai 2008 http://www2.torball.info/ | |
29. Blindensport | Startseite Braille Die Angebote des Vereins sind Aikido, Gymnastik, Kegeln, Tandem fahren, Schwimmen, Tanzen und torball. http://www.bbsv-online.org/ | |
30. TORBALL | Disabili.com www.myspace.com/torball General Paintball, Hunting, Fishing, Video Games, my wife's fine a**, hanging out with http://www.disabili.com/sport/speciali-sport/sport-per-disabili/21121-torball | |
31. IBSA - International Blind Sports Federation - Competitions / torball Italian torball Championships (Women) Serie A matchday Italy E-Mail departimento7@comitatoparalimpico.it Not applicable 20-21 February torball http://www.ibsa.es/eng/competiciones/competiciones.asp | |
32. Team Handball History & Team Handball Rules - Johann & Sandra's Team Handball Professor Carl Schelenz of the Berlin Physical Education School in 1919 combined elements of handbold and torball and adapted the soccer playing http://www.johann-sandra.com/handball.htm | |
33. TORBALL | HANDISPORT Plus d'infos sur http//wizdeo.com/s/grandlilletv . Les lus du conseil municipal des enfants de Lille se sont mis dans la peu d'un non voyant le temps d'un tournoi de http://torball-goalball-handisport.org/ |
34. BuyukTorbali.Com | Büyüyen Torbalı'nın Büyük Gazetesi l e ile ilgili g ncel haberler, k e yaz lar ve foto raf galerisi bulunuyor. http://www.buyuktorbali.com/ | |
35. Torbal Belediyesi l e ve belediyenin birimleri hakk nda bilgiler, foto raf galerisi ve haberler bulunuyor. http://www.torbali.bel.tr/ |
36. T.C. TORBALI MÜFTÜLÜÐÜ | Resmi Web Sitesi Kurum personelinin tan t m ile haberler, din hizmetleri, foto raflar ve irtibat bilgileri yer almaktad r. http://www.torbalimuftulugu.gov.tr/ |
37. Torbalı Anadolu Teknik Lisesi, Teknik Lise Ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Okul hakk nda bilgi, rehberlik, devams zl k takibi, mezunlar ve duyurular bulunuyor. http://www.torbaliatl.com |
38. ...::TORBALI ÝMAM HATÝP LÝSESÝ::... [ WEB SÝTESÝ ] Okulun tan t m , personeli, tarih esi ve ileti im detaylar bulunuyor. http://www.torbaliimamhatiplisesi.com/ |
39. ÝZMÝR-TORBALI (Torbalý Anadolu Lisesi) Okul etkinlikleri ile ilgili duyurular, personel kadrosu ve ileti im bilgileri bulunuyor. http://www.torbalianadolulisesi.meb.k12.tr/ |
40. Torbal Cumhuriyet Lk Retim Okulu Okulun e itim kadrosu, etkinlikleri, foto raf galerisi ve ileti im bilgileri bulunuyor. http://www.tcumhuriyetioo.k12.tr/ |
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