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         Triathlon:     more books (100)
  1. Powered From Within: Stories about Running & Triathlon by Margreet Dietz, 2010-03-08
  2. Championship Triathlon Training by George M. Dallam, Steven Jonas, 2008-05-20
  3. 17 Hours to Glory: Extraordinary Stories from the Heart of Triathlon by Mathias Muller, 2010-05-01
  4. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Triathlon Training by Steve Katai, Colin Barr, 2007-04-03
  5. 30 Years of the Ironman Triathlon World Championship (Ironman Edition) by Bob Babbitt, 2008-05-13
  6. The Perfect Distance: Training for Long-Course Triathlons (Ultrafit Multisport Training) by Tom Rodgers, 2007-01-01
  7. Zinn and the Art of Triathlon Bikes: Aerodynamics, Bike Fit, Speed Tuning, and Maintenance by Lennard Zinn, 2007-05-16
  8. Triathlons for Women (4th Edition) by Sally Edwards, 2010-03-01
  9. Triathlon Training by Michael Finch, 2004-02-26
  10. Ultimate Guide To Weight Training For Triathlon (Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Triathlon) (Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Triathlon) (Ultimate ... ... Guide to Weight Training for Triathlon) by Robert G. Price, 2005-05-01
  11. Starting Out Triathlon: Training for Your First Competition (Ironman Edition) by Paul Huddle, Roch Frey, et all 2003-04-30
  12. Start to Finish Ironman Training 24 Weeks to an Endurance Triathlon by Paul Huddle, Roch Frey, et all 2004-02
  13. Triathlon Training Journal: Training Log and Planner for Multisport Athletes (Volume 1) by Dariusz Janczewski, 2009-10-06
  14. Qualifying for Kona: The Road to Ironman Triathlon World Championship in Hawaii by Raymond Britt, 2010-01-14

21. Olympic Triathlon Links
Links to news and other information about the triathlon event at the Olympic Games.

22. Triathlon Training And Competition
Help and advice for triathlon training and competing including exercise routines for cycling, swimming, and running.
Triathlon Training and Competition
Help and advice for triathlon training and competing including exercise routines for cycling, swimming, and running.
Twitter Tweets about Triathlon as of November 01, 2010
1 November, 2010 Twitter Tweets about Triathlon as of November 01, 2010 : Check this video out race-report-1 via @youtube @vernonkay Triathlon Reply AllTriathlon : Blog: Fast triathlon transitions = Ironman World Champion - triathlon Reply greatbutton triathlon Reply YourHubArapahoe
Category: Hobbies
Celebrity Fast Weight Loss Plan - How Celebs Lose Their Weight!
1 November, 2010 Celebrity Fast Weight Loss Plan - How Celebs Lose Their Weight!Wholesale Dietary Supplements including How To Lose Belly Fat In Two Weeks plus topics on How To Loose Weight After Baby Becoming a triathlete or even an Ironman triathlete is not determined by one thing. There are several factors including proper weight loss techniques if you have a few pounds to lose the benefits of weight training routines proper triathlon nutrition and hydration and the best learn to swim techniques that will make the aspiring triathlete comfortable in the open water. All ...
Category: News and Society
Twitter Tweets about Best Bikes as of October 31, 2010

23. ITU : Olympics
Mini site for Olympic information and the Olympic Sport of triathlon.
Quick Links Women's Results Men's Results Women's Race Analysis Men's Race Analysis ... IOC Olympic Games Highlights The women’s and men’s triathlon competitions at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were rousing success stories, not just for the six medallists but for the entire sport of triathlon. For each day of the triathlon, more than 100 photographers and 100 reporters from around the world came to the venue and were greeted with clear blue skies and sunshine bathing the picturesque course. Also in attendance were a number of dignitaries including Prince Albert of Monaco, King and Queen of Sweden, memb.... Read more Other News Beijing Games Comes To A Close Frodeno Crowned Olympic Champ Women’s Triathlon Olympic Preview Snowsill Golden In Beijng ... Men's Triathlon Olympic Preview

24. - Triathlon Training For Beginners
triathlon training program for the beginner triathlete offering instruction and tips in the swim, bike and run. Includes training logs, discussion and many important resources.

ONLINE COACHING TRAINING LOG SPONSORS ... Register other triathletes online.
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Triathlon plans for all levels of athletes. Training Logs
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Over 50,000 Race Reports in our unique race logs. Forums
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Scott Tinley A Question of Mettle Sara McLarty Learning How to Swim - Month 3 Nancy Clark Fueling for Training: What to eat before, during and after you exercise AMSSM Antibiotics and Tendon Injury FitWerx SRAM versus Shimano CobbCycling Amy Kuitse What to Wear for a Triathlon
Training Plans
25 Free Training Plans from Beginner Sprint to Full Ironman Schedules Create your own Custom Training Plan for Sprint and Olympic races Over twenty thousand plans used this year. REGISTER to create your own custom training plan today
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Equipment Tracker - Route Tracker Nutrition Logging - Strength Logging Graphs - Friends List Garmin Route Uploading Millions of updates this year.

25. Big-event Triathlon Coverage - Video, Photos, News | Universal Sports
triathlon event coverage of Ironman, ITU World Cup, ITU Championship Series more leading to the 2012 Olympics. triathlon video, photos news on
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26. World Triathlon Corporation - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The World triathlon Corporation (WTC) is a forprofit corporation, owned by Providence Equity Partners, that organizes, promotes and licenses the Ironman triathlon, Ironman 70
World Triathlon Corporation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search World Triathlon Corporation Type Private equity portfolio company Industry Event Management Founded 1991 in Tarpon Springs, Florida Founder(s) Valerie Silk James Gills Headquarters Tampa Bay, Florida Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Boulder, Colorado Key people Ben Fertic
Products Ironman Triathlon ... The World Triathlon Corporation WTC ) is a for-profit corporation , owned by Providence Equity Partners , that organizes, promotes and licenses the Ironman Triathlon Ironman 70.3 , and the 5150 series of triathlon races. WTC is also the owner of numerous "Ironman" related trademarks used both in connection with Ironman race series' and in conjunction with various goods and services.
edit History
In 1990, with the help of Lew Friedland, Dr. James P. Gills acquired and purchased the Hawaii Triathlon Corporation, owner of the Ironman Brand, for $3 million from Valerie Silk. With the Ironman brand, Gills established the World Triathlon Corporation with the intention of furthering the sport of triathlon and increasing prize money for triathletes. Ben Fertic, formerly Vice President of

27. Triathlon -
12 August 2010 Singapore 2010 adopts new sport formats The first Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in Singapore will feature all 26 sports currently on the programme of the London 2012

28. Where Triathletes Hang Out When We're Not TRAINING! Sub2 Triathlon
Winnipeg based triathlon club.
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Sub2 Triathlon is where
Triathletes hang out when we're not TRAINING!
At Sub2 Triathlon you are part of a website that is a Community of Triathlon lovers. Sub2 Triathlon Provides you with the following with your Free Membership Sign up here Triathlon Race Calendar
You can find races from around the world with our Triathlon Event Calendar, and can even add all of your local Races to our Calendar for free. Gear and Gadgets
In this section we highlight some great Triathlon Gear and Gadgets that you're going to want to get. We have sections for swimming, running, and biking, and all sorts of gear from GPS to heart rate monitors. Gallery
Every Triathlete LOVES images - We have so much ROOM that each member gets their own spot to post their race images to share with others. How Much room you might ask?

29. Triathlon Australia (TA)
The national governing body for triathlon in Australia.

30. Triathlon Victoria
The official home page of triathlon Victoria, the governing body of triathlon and Duathlon in Victoria.

31. Triathlon
triathlon training and racing tips, teams, clubs, rules and governing bodies.
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  • Home Sports Swimming
  • Swimming
    Filed In:
  • Triathlon, Other Swim Sports
  • Triathlon
    Triathlon training and racing tips, teams, clubs, rules and governing bodies.
  • About Open Water Swimming @
  • Swim Training for a Half-Ironman Distance Triathlon Swim
    Basic Training Ideas for a Sprint Distance Triathlon
    Triathlons are a swim, bike, and run to the finish, a "multisport" race. Sound intimidating? It should not be. Many races are short, sprint distance events, challenging for experienced triathletes and short enough for newbies to have fun meeting that challenge. There are other multisport races, aquathlons (run-swim-run) and duathlons (run-bike-run), too.
    blueseventy to Send a Triathlete to the 2009 Ironman in Kona, Hawaii
    blueseventy, a maker of wetsuits, swimskins, and other swimming accessories, is hosting a raffle contest to triathletes competing in four iron distance triathlons. Any athlete who demos a blueseventy wetsuit at several iron distance events this summer will automatically be entered to win two roundtrip tickets to Kona for the Ford World Championship Ironman on October 10, 2009.
    What Do You Do to Swim Better in a Triathlon?

    32. Loches37Triathlon
    Pr sentation du club de triathlon de Loches, Indre et Loire (37) informations, actus, r sultats
    et bienvenue S�bastien ! Actualit�s Belle journ�e ensoleill�e o� Catherine et Alain se sont align�s sur le parcours sprint de 18 kms . Magnifique parcours et organisation tr�s efficace sous la houlette d'Alain Le Bail ( Rabelais Triathlon Chinon ) En reprenant les mots d'Alain : "la quantit� des participants n'�tait pas au rendez-vous mais la qualit� y �tait ". La prochaine �dition devrait avoir lieu un peu plus tard dans la saison (f�vrier 2012) afin de rassembler plus de participants . Merci encore � Herv� (et son beau fr�re) d'�tre venus encourager les triathl�tes lochois et d'avoir assur� avec brio le reportage photographique . Temps final : 01:27:45 ( Par Alain , le reporter !) Les photos de V�v� ! Suite ... Octobre 2010 Novembre 2010 Courir Sant� � la Ville aux Dames le 24/10 Trail des sorci�res Rando des Pyramides ( VTT ) le 31/10 � Loches S�n�gazelle au N�pal du 23/10 au 2/11 le 7/11 Ronde du Ch�teau d'eau � Genill� le 11/11 Even Trail � Esvres sur Indre le 14/11 le 23/11 Corrida de Loches le 27/11 Webmaster : Catherine Reportage :Alain

    33. Triathlon | Define Triathlon At
    –noun 1. an athletic contest comprising three consecutive events, usually swimming, bicycling, and distance running. 2. a women's trackand-field competition comprising the

    34. Triathlon Coach: Triathlon Training, Trainingspl�ne, Forum
    Informationen rund ums triathlon-Training.
    Triathlon Coach � Triathlon Training, Trainingspl�ne, Forum
    Home Triathlon Training Shopping Registrierung ... Home � Triathlon Training, Trainingspl�ne, Forum
    Alles �ber Triathlon Training
    Willkommen auf der gr��ten deutschsprachigen Seite zum Thema Triathlon Training
    Hier finden Triathlon-Fans zur Zeit �ber 180 Seiten zum Thema Triathlon Training. Das Angebot wird in Zukunft stark ausgebaut. Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene k�nnen hier Infos und Insider-Tipps zum Triathlon nachlesen und im Forum �ber den Sport diskutieren. Du findest allgemeine Trainingsinfos und die einzelnen Disziplinen Schwimmen, Radfahren und Laufen.
    Diese Internet Seite ist kostenlos . Einige Bereiche sind aber nur f�r registrierte Mitglieder zug�nglich. Eine Registrierung ist auch kostenlos. Wir m�chten Dich aber als Kunden f�r Angebote wie Ausdauer-Seminare, Triathlon-Workshops und �hnliches zu gewinnen und fragen Dich nach Deiner Adresse. Kostenlos registrieren
    Thursday 31. of March 2005
    20 Seiten zum Thema Sportern�hrung hinzugef�gt
    Die richtige Ern�hrung beim Sport ist neben dem Training ein weiterer Baustein f�r den Erfolg im Triathlon.
    Thursday 25. of November 2004

    35. Olympic Triathlon Video, Results, Schedules, TV | NBC Olympics
    Coverage of triathlon from the 2012 London Olympics on Video, event schedules, results, TV schedules, medals, news, photos more.
    Search Search web Nbc Sports Home msn advManager.render('advea0ff38f259e474bb1d507a1aa8f04ce');
    • Home Universal Sports Video Athletes To Watch ...
      For the latest triathlon news, visit Universal Sports Competitors dive in at the start of the men's triathlon. A test of both endurance and athletic versatility, the Olympic triathlon requires competitors to excel at three very different and demanding disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. Olympic triathletes swim 1500m, bike 40km and run 10,000m. Men and women compete seperately. In London, triathlon will take place in Hyde Park, where 3,000 spectators will enjoy a grandstand view of the finishing area, with many thousands more able to watch as the athletes swim, cycle and run on the course. Swimming Distance
      The first leg in the Olympic triathlon competition consists of a 1,500m open-water swim. Rules
      In the swim leg of the Olympic triathlon, competitors may use any stroke to propel themselves through the water. During the swim, competitors may stand on the bottom or rest by holding an inanimate object such as a buoy or stationary boat but may not use either to gain an advantage. In an emergency, a competitor can call for assistance by raising an arm overhead. Once assistance is given, the competitor must retire from the race. Triathletes are allowed to wear wetsuits during the swim leg only if the water temperature is 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) or lower. Wetsuits are mandatory in water colder than 14 degrees Celsius (57.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

    36. Fuldataler Triathlon
    Informationen, Ausschreibung, Strecken, Anmeldem glichkeiten und Ergebnisse zum Fuldataler triathlon.
    Diese Seite enth�lt Frames. Sie ben�tigen einen Browser, der Frames unterst�tzt, um diese Seite anzeigen zu k�nnen.

    37. 3-D Man (Delroy Garrett) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The Definitive Online Source Fo
    Developing a superhuman triplepowered physique, Garrett believed the Triune teachings had unlocked his latent powers, and he became the costumed hero triathlon while serving as a

    38. Bayerischer Triathlon-Verband E.V.: Aktuelles
    Der BTV informiert ber triathlon im Behinderten-, Breiten-, Leistungs- und Schulsport.

    39. Omaha Women's Triathlon Begins In 201115 Hours AgoThe First Omaha Women's Triath
    triathlon how to articles and videos including triathlon Wetsuit Comparison, What Women Should Wear to a triathlon, triathlon Information … and much more!

    40. News Übersicht | Hessischer Triathlon Verband
    Der HTV bietet aktuelle Informationen zum Thema triathlon. Er informiert ber aktuelle Ergebnisse und Termine.
    Herzlich Willkommen auf der neuen Homepage des Hessischen Triathlon Verbandes!

    Neuerungen im Verbands-Bereich der Homepage

    Einen Überblick über aktuelle Ausbildungsprogramme des Hessischen Triathlon Verbandes gibt es ab jetzt unter dem Menupunkt "Verband". Hier finden Sie derzeit zum Beispiel die Einladung für den bevorstehenden C-Lizenz-Lehrgang. mehr
    Herzliche Einladung zum Veranstaltertag am 27. November


    Stefan Dittelbach folgt auf Uschi Oestreich

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