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1. ULTRAmarathonRunning.com | The ULTRA Running Race & Information Site ultramarathon running races information for ultra running enthusiasts. http://www.ultramarathonrunning.com/ | |
2. Hal Higdon: On The Run - Ultramarathon Training While focusing on the Comrades Marathon, author Higdon provides a training plan useful for a wide range of ultras. http://www.halhigdon.com/ultramarathon/ultramarathon2000.htm | |
3. Run100s ("Run Hundreds") - A Not-For-Profit UltraRunning Corporation The definitive starting place for ultras (ultramarathons), with information and statistics for the top races in the USA. http://www.run100s.com/ |
4. Ultramarathon - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia An ultramarathon (also called ultra distance) is any sporting event involving running longer than the traditional marathon length of 42.195 kilometres (26.2188 mi). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultramarathon | |
5. Ann Trason Is Among Ultramarathon's Top Competitors, Male - 07.25.94 - SI Vault Jul 25, 1994 Hot on the Trail http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1005426/index.htm |
6. Ultramarathon Man: Dean Karnazes | Official Website | 2010 Dean Karnazes is the ultramarathon Man. 2010 ultramarathon Man Dean Karnazes Newsletter Signup Dean Karnazes on Facebook Design by Cosmic Planet http://ultramarathonman.com/ |
7. Ultramarathon Gifts, T-shirts, Stickers And More - CafePress Shop our large selection of ultramarathon gifts, tshirts, posters and stickers starting at $5 . Unique ultramarathon designs. Fast shipping. http://shop.cafepress.com/ultramarathon |
8. Australian Ultra Runners Association Seeks to promote ultramarathon running in Australia. Provides a race calendar, results, news, and links. http://www.coolrunning.com.au/ultra/ |
9. How To Run An Ultramarathon Race: Running & Finishing Races Longer Than The 26 M Running an ultramarathon requires preparation, planning, and perseverance. Train properly. Take walking breaks. Eat and drink on the run. Keep moving. http://www.suite101.com/content/how-to-run-an-ultramarathon-race-a78039 |
10. Trail Running Pictures & Stories Collection of race reports from two ultramarathon runners in the San Francisco Bay area. http://www.trailrunners.net/reports/index.html |
11. AdventureCORPS Presents The Badwater Ultramarathon Official Website AdventureCORPS, Inc., an event production firm specializing in ultraendurance and extreme sports events, hosts the Badwater ultramarathon annually in July of each year. http://www.badwater.com/ | |
12. Ultramarathon: Definition From Answers.com n. A crosscountry footrace with distances of 30 miles (48 kilometers) or more. ultramarathoner ul ' tra mar ' a thon ' er n. http://www.answers.com/topic/ultramarathon |
13. The Ultimate Ultramarathon Training Plan You don't have to be crazy to run an ultramarathon. You just have to be ready. http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244--7556-2-2X3X4-4,00.html |
14. The Ultramarathon Store A comprehensive ultrarunning resource including race calendar, links, and training information. http://theultramarathonstore.com |
15. IRunFar.com: Your Trail Running And Ultramarathon Resource Blog with race reports, shoes and gear reviews, training tips, ultramarathon and trail running news. http://www.irunfar.com | |
16. The Official Dean Karnazes "Ultra Marathon Man" Store ultramarathon Man DVD and ultramarathon Man Book Bundle Welcome to the Official Dean Karnazes' Web Store. Here you will find numerous Karno http://www.ultramarathon.com/ | |
17. JFK 50 Mile Home Site Those charities currently include TEAM Red, White Blue, The scholarship funds and athletic budgets of the schools assisting in race support, USATF's ultramarathon http://www.jfk50mile.org/ | |
18. Welcome To The Tussey Mountainback Race Site 50 Mile Relay and ultramarathon in early October, run over mountain roads in the Rothrock State Forest near State College, Pennsylvania. http://www.tusseymountainback.com | |
19. The Ultimate Ultramarathon Training Plan You don't have to be crazy to run an ultramarathon. You just have to be ready. http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244--7556-0,00.html |
20. Ultramarathons For Walkers In The USA And Canada And South America A worldwide calendar of ultrawalks by month and country with links for more information, from the Spanishlanguage Ultrawalk and ultramarathon site. http://walking.about.com/od/ultrasamerica/Ultramarathons_in_the_Americas.htm | |
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