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41. Edinburgh UWHC - Home Page Offers contact information, training schedule, and photos for this British Octopush Association and Scottish Underwater Hockey Association member club. http://www.gbuwh.co.uk/club.php?id=42 |
42. Underwater Hockey Main Page Whitehorse Loonies Underwater Hockey Whitehorse, Yukon. Phone Ellen at (867)6336956 or 333-8120 (pager) or Larry at 633-4734, Cell (867)334-4990 http://www.yukondiver.com/hockey.htm | |
43. Under Water Hockey In Vancouver Under Water Hockey in Vancouver, Canada. Underwater Hockey in Vancouver http://www.underwaterhockey.ca/ | |
44. Octopush Central: Underwater Hockey, Hockey Subacuà tico, Hockey Subaquatique, O Worldwide directory of links addressing the sport. http://www.reedconsulting.com/octopush/ | |
45. Great Britain Womens Underwater Hockey Squad Information about the squad including team information, photographs, tournaments, fixtures and news articles http://www.mansfield167.freeserve.co.uk/GBWomen/index.htm | |
46. QEII Underwater Hockey Home page of the Christchurch, New Zealand team offers information about the sport in addition to the club s playing times and contact details. http://www.christchurchuwh.org.nz/ | |
47. Roger Bacon High School: Underwater Hockey Underwater Hockey . 2010 Underwater Hockey Camp Brochure. View the Underwater Hockey Photo Gallery 20 March 20101 The Roger Bacon Varsity Team wins the silver medal and the http://www.rogerbacon.org/rbnew/studentlife/underwater-hockey/?c=activities |
48. Palm Beach Underwater Hockey Contact And Photos. Homepage Palm Beach, Florida club site with photos, links, and information about the annual 4-on-4 tournament. http://my.att.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=112874&ck |
49. Caversham / Henley Octopush (Underwater Hockey) Clubs Provides sport and club information including pictures, description, and contact information. http://www.octopush.net/index.htm | |
50. Underwater Hockey New Zealand Find out about whats happening in the World of Underwater Hockey Website. Leading the world in discussion forums. 2007 Club Affiliations are now due. http://www.underwaterhockey.org.nz/home.htm | |
51. Dunstable - Home Page Includes news, history of the sport, adult and youth team information, and directions for this group from Bedfordshire, England. http://www.gbuwh.co.uk/dunstable |
52. Underwater Hockey @ MIT Fun Part of the Game! Fitness Part of the Game! Swimming Part of the Game! Teamwork Part of the Game! Stick Handling Part of the Game! http://web.mit.edu/scuba-club/www/uwh/ | |
53. Underwater Hockey Provides information on training, equipment, official rules, tournaments, events, and introduces members of this UK club. http://www.plympush.co.uk/ | |
54. San Diego Underwater Hockey Club PCC's Tournament Results Thanks all that joined us for PCC's in San Diego this year. The competition was intense in both divisions and finished with hardfought Finals. http://www.sduhc.org/ | |
55. Alan Blake - How Octopush Was Created Describes origin of the sport in the UK in the early 1950s by Alan Blake of Southsea Sub-Aqua. http://octopush.awardspace.com/ |
56. Chicago Underwater Hockey The Official Homepage of the Chicago Underwater Hockey Club, practices held on Thursdays at Kennedy King College, Saturdays at NorthEastern University, and Sundays at Downers Grove http://chicagouwh.com/ |
57. "Octobabes!" - Womens Octopush Dedicated to female octopush players in the United Kingdom. http://www.cix.co.uk/~clanger/octobabe/ | |
58. Grizzlies From Hell Offers Hobart, Australia team information, play times, game rules, club constitution, competition history, and other related information. http://www.grizzliesfromhell.com | |
59. Calgaryunderwater.ca - Home Underwater Hockey (UWH) is played in 22 countries. It is a team sport of strategy, skill and fitness that can be played in any suitable swimming pool. http://www.calgaryunderwater.ca/ | |
60. Underwater Hockey Ireland Outsource Graphix is a design company specialising in graphic design, corporate identity and web design, such as this great website. Extensive expertise and outstanding http://www.underwaterhockey.ie/sponsorship.html | |
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