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1. Minnesota Wallyball Main Page With King and Queen of the Court , league and tournament information and photos. http://wallyball.homestead.com/main.html | |
2. American Wallyball Association Governs and manages all forms of wallyball worldwide. Site contains news, merchandise and information on playing sites, tournaments, leagues, equipment and rules. http://wallyball.com/ |
3. The Dearborn Racquet & Health Club - Wallyball wallyball. The club has four racquetball courts, each of which can be converted into wallyball courts. http://www.thedrhc.com/wallyball.htm | |
4. American Wallyball Association Governs and manages all forms of wallyball worldwide. Site contains news, merchandise and information on playing sites, tournaments, leagues, equipment and rules. http://www.wallyball.com/ |
5. Wallyball - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia wallyball (known in some places as rebound volleyball) is a fastpaced sport that was created by Joe Garcia, in 1979 and originally called ricochet ball. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallyball | |
6. Lloyd Athletic Club - Portland Oregon - Wallyball & Handball Lloyd Athletic Club is based in Portland, Oregon and offers the most comprehensive selection of fitness, health and wellness services in the area. http://www.lloydac.com/wallyball.html | |
7. Wallyball: Definition From Answers.com n. A game similar to volleyball played on a fourwalled court with a ball the same size as but harder than a volleyball that is allowed to bounce once off the ceiling or once http://www.answers.com/topic/wallyball |
8. City Of Lafayette - Volleyball / Wallyball The volleyball net will be set up for adults wanting to play a game or practice. Refer to gym schedule for designated open gym hours. Check the current Recreation Guide for gym http://www.cityoflafayette.com/Page.asp?NavID=1423 |
9. Wallyball Rules Page The general concepts of wallyball are very similar to indoor volleyball. The game is played in a racquetball court with a net strung across the short way at the midpoint of the http://www.wallyball-info.com/Wallyball_Rules_Page.html | |
10. Play Wallyball. The Rules And History Of Wallyball. The sport of wallyball . wallyball HISTORY HOW TO PLAY. wallyball is a game that looks much like volleyball, with players on either side of a high net setting, passing and http://www.collegesportsscholarships.com/history-wallyball.htm | |
11. Account Suspended Offers weight training, aerobics, racquetball, squash, wallyball, tanning, and a sports lounge. Contains details of activities, a schedule, memberships, hours, and events. http://www.maxxs.com/ | |
12. Home The Pasadena wallyball Network promotes wallyball in the Pasadena, MD area. http://denawallyball.net/ | |
13. Courtland Racquetball And Wallyball Club - Michigan Courtland Racquetball and wallyball club is located in macomb county michigan Our services include racquetball and wallyball individual games, group challenges, leagues and http://www.courtlandrc.com/ |
14. AMERICAN WALLYBALL ASSOCIATION® The American wallyball Association Governs and manages all forms of wallyball worldwide. Site contains,wallyball Equipments, news, wallyball Merchandise and information on playing http://wallyball.org/ | |
15. Urban Dictionary: Wallyball A version of volleyball where your court is small and confined, the wallyball (which is a little smaller and softer then an actual volleyball) is p http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Wallyball |
16. Wallyball Equipment Why purchase from us? Our sales people play volleyball. We use / test the products we sell and personally know how well they perform and how long they http://www.volleyballusa.com/Catalog/Wallyball/wallyball-equipment.html | |
17. Maplewood, MN - Official Website - Racquetball & Wallyball Courts Racquetball; wallyball; leagues; courts Winter B B Racquetball Leagues are now forming! When January 15 thru April 1 (Approximately) http://www.ci.maplewood.mn.us/index.aspx?NID=136 |
18. Wallyball - Association Of United Wallyball Players Watch for an all new USWA web site coming March 2005 ***** ***** The 2005 U.S http://auwp.org/ | |
19. Olympia Sports - More Sports Volleyball Wallyball Search For Thank you for visiting Olympia Sports. If you need assistance with shopping on our site, please call us at 888332-1771 and a customer care representative will be happy to assist http://www.olympiasports.net/family/index.jsp?categoryId=1386546&cp=717754.7 |
20. Fairfax Wallyball We are a bunch of wallyball enthusiasts getting together twice a year to form teams and play against each other at different levels. http://fairfaxwallyball.com/ | |
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