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Wiffleball: more detail |
1. Home Of The New Jersey Wiffle®Ball Association NJWA Store “Official Wiffle Balls” The official Wiffle Ball is right from the Wiffle Ball factory in Shelton, CT. The balls have eight holes and the regulation baseball size http://www.wiffleballusa.com/ | |
2. LondonWiffleball.com Home Page Annual tournament held in London, Ohio. Includes photos, history, field directions, rules, prior year results, and related links. http://www.londonwiffleball.com/ | |
3. Tom's Wiffle Ball Page One person's guide to hitting, pitching, and fielding the wiffleball. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~vong0025/ | |
4. Wiffle Ball 2k .com: Wiffle Ball Links Listing of teams, players, standings, schedule and contacts. http://www.wiffleball2k.com/ | |
5. Wiffleball Network - Home News, stories and happenings. Find tournaments, leagues, players. http://www.wiffleball.net/ | |
6. Wiffleball Network - Home The World's greatest wiffleball site! The latest news, stories and happenings. Find tournaments, leagues, players. Add your own information. Get your own wiffleball.net email http://wiffleball.net/ | |
7. The Wiffle Ball, Inc. - Official Site Information, rules, the game, and contact details. http://www.wiffleball.com/ | |
8. Wiffle Ball - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wiffle ball is a variation of the sport of baseball designed for indoor or outdoor play in confined areas. The game is played using a perforated, lightweight, rubbery plastic ball and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiffleball | |
9. Turners Wiffleball League Western Massachusetts wiffleball with August tournament plus summer and fall leagues. http://home.comcast.net/~k2orion/ | |
10. Potomac Wiffleball League: History History. written by Commissioner Gallaway. The Potomac wiffleball League was formed in May 2005, by Commissioner Chris Gallaway. Gallaway had been the commissioner of now defunct http://www.potomacwiffleball.org/History/ |
11. Wiffleball Association (WBA) Of San Diego Describes the history and background of the WBA including player biographies, official rules, wiffleball World publication, and the playing venue known as The Serengeti. http://mraymond.com/wiffleballsandiego/ | |
12. WIFFLEBALL Listing of players, records, polls and schedule. http://www.angelfire.com/ca6/wiffleballfresno/ | |
13. Welcome To The Wiffle Ball, Inc. - Official Site The Wiffle Ball Inc. 275 Bridgeport Avenue, P.O. Box 193 Shelton, CT 06484 Phone (203) 9244643 FAX (203) 924-9433 http://www.wiffleball.com/welcome.htm | |
14. O.J.'s Wiffleball Obsession Fan page of the game listing make believe scenarios and rules. http://thejuice_did_it.tripod.com/ojswiffleballobsession/ | |
15. Major League Wiffleball A wiffleball league endorsed by star athletes and musicians, showing how much fun wiffle ball can be and encouraging fans to form their own leagues. Featuring wiffleball photos http://www.majorleaguewiffleball.com/ |
16. Home - North Carolina Wiffle Ball League NC wiffleball League. Tournaments and league held every year. Awards given at all events. New field currently being constructed. http://www.freewebs.com/ncwiffleballleague/ | |
17. Baseball Extras: Wiffleball Boston Sox MABL page Wiffle Ball. wiffleball. How it all began It was a lazy summer afternoon in Fairfield, Connecticut, 1953. http://www.bostonbaseball.com/whitesox/baseball_extras/whif.html | |
18. NINTZEL WIFFLE 2003 Contains statistics, standings, scores and contacts. http://nintzelwiffleball.tripod.com/index.html | |
19. Big League Wiffle Ball Wiffle Ball Tournaments. Wiffle News. Wiffle Blog. Wiffle Everything. Nick Benas and Jared Verrillo take Wiffle to the next level. http://www.bigleaguewiffleball.com/ |
20. Wiffleball Network - Registration The World's greatest wiffleball site! The latest news, stories and happenings. Find tournaments, leagues, players. Add your own information. Get your own wiffleball.net email http://www.wiffleball.net/Registration.asp | |
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