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1. Legalize Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports!!! - ArmchairGM - Sports Wiki Dat by user Phoenix Superfan. A bit of background before I get started. I originally wrote this as an essay for a college class which is why it flows the way it does. http://armchairgm.wikia.com/Legalize_Performance_Enhancing_Drugs_in_Sports!!! |
2. Drugs In Sports: News & Videos About Drugs In Sports - CNN.com How come you hardly ever talk about or investigate tennis players and doping? We only hear about positive tests when the ITF publicize the results. But you hardly ever http://topics.cnn.com/topics/drugs_in_sports |
3. Drugs In Sports - Consultant Caroline Hatton has a gift, not only for words and science, but for speaking and listening to children on a personal, oneon-one basis. http://www.carolinehatton.com/htmls/drugs_in_sports.html | |
4. ESPN.com - SPECIAL - Drugs And Sports Editor's note This is the last of an eightpart series of articles examining the effects of commonly abused substances on athletic performance and overall health. http://espn.go.com/special/s/drugsandsports/ |
5. Welcome To H.A.D.'s Official Website! Non-profit organization devoted to steering youths away from drugs through sports, modeling, and entertainment. http://www.hadofnyc.org/ | |
6. Drugs In Sports The use of performanceenhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to by the disparaging term getting baked , particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Drugs in Sports | |
7. Barry Bonds Steroid Debate Highlights History Of Drugs In Sports The hullabaloo surrounding baseball player Barry Bonds shows that modern society disapproves of drugs mixing with sports. But that wasn't always the case. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/06/070622-barry-bonds.html |
8. Drugs In Sport ANTI DOPING DRUGS IN SPORTS. On Saturday 22nd March, the Camogie Committee of the GAA launched their excellent new booklet on antidoping rules http://www.sports-drugs.com/ | |
9. Cardio Karaticise Fitness Directory - Drugs In Sports 1489 Distinct Links We at Cardio Karaticise recommend 4myphysique.com, The 1 online bodybuilding and fitness club. Where the fans meet the pros! http://www.kungfuaerobics.com/fitness/links/drugsinsports.shtml | |
10. The Price Of 'roid Rage' - CBC Archives Tells the story of a former boxer whose steroid use led to the amputation of his legs. Includes audio clip and facts about his boxing career. http://archives.cbc.ca/sports/drugs_sports/clips/1409-8971/ | |
11. Office Of National Drug Control Policy -- Drug & Sports Combating Doping in Sports. Doping is the use of a substance that artificially enhances athletic performance. These substances often pose a significant risk to the health and well http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/prevent/sports/index.html | |
12. Home, Sports Directory, Sports Guide And Information DirectorySports.com contains many sport sites. Helping you to find all of sport sites such as Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Squash, Badminton, Cycling http://www.directorysports.com/index.php?t=sub_pages&cat=36021 |
13. Sports Medicine Council Nova Scotia Objectives, upcoming events, medical coverage, membership, the athletic trainers association, sports nutrition, ethics and drugs in sport, and links to other web sites. http://www.smcns.ca/ | |
14. SI.com - Magazine - A Timeline Of Performance-enhancing Drugs In Sports - Tuesda Mar 11, 2008 1886 Twentyfour-year-old Welsh cyclist Arthur Linton dies during a race from Bordeaux to Paris; though the cause of death is reported as typhoid fever, he is believed http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/magazine/03/11/steroid.timeline/index.html | |
15. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports | Sportales The effect of performance enhancing drugs in sports and the uprising of drugs among children. What have we and can we as Americans do to help or prevent the issue at hand? http://sportales.com/sports/performance-enhancing-drugs-in-sports/ |
16. Urban75 Forums Message board with discussions covering urban issues such as politics, entertainment, drugs, sports and the media in large cities around the world. http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/ |
17. Use Of Performance-enhancing Drugs In Sport - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The use of performanceenhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to by the disparaging term doping , particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doping_(sport) | |
18. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Sports Performance and Competetive Advice Increase your strength speed and stamina for free at the amazing new Peak Performance sports science Library http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/performance-enhancing-drugs-in-sports-35863 |
19. ESPN.com - SPECIAL - Anabolic Steroids Informative article on steroid use and its side effects. http://espn.go.com/special/s/drugsandsports/steroids.html |
20. Drugs In Sports - EBaum's World Forum Sports Drugs in Sports Sports How do you feel about Athletes taking Preformance enhancing drugs? Do you think it should be totally outlawed or do think they should be http://forum.ebaumsworld.com/showthread.php?t=43657 |
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