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41. Point/Counterpoint: Allow Drugs In Sports - ABC News Jan 10, 2008 These point/counterpoint essays are part of a live public policy debate series in New York City called Intelligence Squared U.S., which is an initiative of The http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=4116522&page=1 |
42. APPENDIX 34 DRUGS IN SPORTS DRUGS IN SPORTS. The use of drugs by amateur and professional athletes has received much publicity in recent years. Many athletes believe that drugs are essential for optimum http://www.healthse.com/kids/pedillsymp598.php onclick=sa_mpTC(event, this); ret |
43. Drugs In Sports | Sports | CBC Archives Fix pour arranger bug dans IE6 ne pas deleter http://archives.cbc.ca/sports/drugs_sports/ | |
44. Drugs In Sports The use of performanceenhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to by the disparaging term getting baked , particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. http://personals.nydailynews.com/topics/Drugs in Sports | |
45. Integral Options Cafe: Drugs In Sports Integral Options Cafe Integral Options Cafe offers a place to discuss all things related to a Buddhist, integral worldview. While theory is important (Buddhism, Ken Wilber http://integral-options.blogspot.com/2007/08/drugs-in-sports.html | |
46. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essays Performance enhancing drugs can cost someone their career or even worse there life. There are three main types of performance enhancers that are used by athletes Amphetamines, http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/29177.html | |
47. VM -- Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Sports, Jul 04 ... Virtual Mentor Physicians have an ethical obligation to warn athletes about the potential health problems associated with performanceenhancing drugs. Virtual Mentor is a monthly bioethics http://virtualmentor.ama-assn.org/2004/07/ccas2-0407.html |
48. Drugs In Sports Essay An essay or paper on Drugs In Sports. Drugs in sports have been around for centuries, and just recently it has grown out of control. They have been found in highly paid http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/48797.html | |
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