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41. Sports Training | Sport Fitness A no nonsense newsletter devoted to improving stamina, strength and fitness. Presents high-quality information on the latest sports science research from around the world and shows you how to apply it. http://www.pponline.co.uk/ |
42. Scholarly Sport Sites This directory brings together websites which will assist the serious sports researcher, kinesiology librarian, sport information specialist, college/university student and faculty. http://www.ucalgary.ca/lib-old/ssportsite/ |
43. Faculty Of Science, Makerere University Makerere University Department Of Sports Science Message from the Head of Department The role of sports in the society cannot be over http://sportsscience.mak.ac.ug/ | |
44. School Of Sport And Exercise Sciences The University runs degree programmes in Sports Science and Coaching Science, plus postgraduate Sports Science awards and a Diploma in Science and Football. http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/sportandexercisesciences/index.htm |
45. SportsScience Network Sports symbolize, in its various forms, many of the Values that mankind reveres. http://www.sportsscience.com/SSN/ | |
46. Sport Science ~ Lucozade Sport ~ Expert Sports Nutrition Advice From Our Sport S Sports nutrition information and advice. Offers a sports science exchange as an information resource and a quarterly sports science e-mail update and newsletter upon registration. http://www.thelssa.co.uk/ |
47. What Can I Do With My Sports Science Degree? | Milkround.com A sports science degree will grant you access to both the sport and leisure and the education sectors. Both offer huge opportunities, the health and fitness industry alone has http://www.milkround.com/news-careers-advice/660/Sports-Science/careers-advice |
48. Sports Science | Education | Education Guardian May 01, 2008 The scientific study of exercise, health and sport. Subject profiles Sports science. The scientific study of exercise, health and sport http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2008/may/01/universityguide.sportsscience | |
49. Briggs Consulting - Be The Bowler-Athlete You Were Meant To Be. A firm specializing in sport science for the bowler, as well as professional training and instruction. http://webpages.charter.net/bowlfit/ | |
50. Sports Science - EHow.com Learn about Sports Science on eHow.com. Find info and videos including Science Fair Ideas About Sports Science, Sports Science Careers, Sports Science Activities and much more. http://www.ehow.com/sports-science/ | |
51. Muscle, Fitness & Sports Supplements :: MASS Body Building Nutrition Sells bodybuilding and sports performance products. http://www.musclemass.com/ | |
52. The Mental Game Plan, Developed By National Sports Marketing Group A program that develops and evaluates the mental attitudes of competitive athletes for improved game performance. Improves coach and player communications and provides a working program used by the player and coach during the season. http://www.mentalgame.com | |
53. Sports Science Institute Of South Africa The Sports Science Institute exists to optimise the sporting performance and health of all South Africans through the execution, application and dissemination of science. http://www.ssisa.com/ | |
54. COM & COM The 1st Meeting of Complex Systems and Sport and the 4th International Conference of Computer Science in Sport held in Barcelona, Spain. Includes event information, presentation speaker and title list, and speaker profiles. http://www-ma1.upc.es/comcom/ |
55. SIMI Reality Motion Systems: 2D/3D Movement Analysis Software, Kinematics, Kinet Supplies 3D motion analysis software including synchronized DV capture, highspeed video, analog data for scouting and feedback systems for coaches with video-mix and stroboscope features. http://www.simi.com/ | |
56. The Science Of Sport The views expressed on this site are not those of the University of Cape Town (UCT), the Sports Science Institute of SA (SSISA), or the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). http://www.sportsscientists.com/ | |
57. Motion Monitor - Home Produces real time, virtual reality based human motion capture systems for medical, biomechanic and motor control research, ergonomic studies, physical therapy and rehabilitation, sports medicine and sports training with special emphasis on golf. http://www.innsport.com |
58. Sports Science Insights Sports Science Insights provides companies and organizations with targeted expertise in exercise science and sports nutrition. http://sportsscienceinsights.com/ |
59. SOMAX Performance Institute Somax analysts work to improve postural and sports mechanics through proprietary video motion analysis and microfiber reduction. Their exclusive form of connective tissue massage improves flexibility beyond what stretching alone does. http://www.somaxsports.com/ |
60. Welcome To Ariel Dynamics Manufacturer of individual motion analysis and computerized exercise equipment for use in the fields of Athletics, Biomechanics, Sports and Rehabilitative Medicine. Utilized by research and professional athletic training facilities throughout the world, including NASA. http://www.arielnet.com/ | |
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