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1. Probert Encyclopaedia - Encyclopedia Of Architecture The Probert Encyclopaedia of architecture is an extensive illustrated encyclopedia of architecture and incorporates a dictionary of architecture detailing architectural terms http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/architecture.htm | |
2. Architecture - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia architecture (Latin architectura, from the Greek ἀρχιτέκτων – arkhitekton, from ἀρχι chief and τέκτων builder, carpenter ) can mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture | |
3. Ancient Roman Architecture - Crystalinks Ancient Roman architecture. The architecture of Ancient Rome adopted the external language of classical Greek architecture for their own purposes, which were so different from http://www.crystalinks.com/romearchitecture.html | |
4. Irish Architecture News & Discussion @ Archiseek.com architecture forums, planning news, architectural competition announcements, and guides to the architecture of selected countries and cities. http://www.archiseek.com/ | |
5. Architecture: Definition From Answers.com n. The art and science of designing and erecting buildings. Buildings and other large structures the low, brickand-adobe architecture of the Southwest. A style and method of http://www.answers.com/topic/architecture |
6. AECOM - Architecture Our architects and interior design professionals have helped shape the world around us, from highrise buildings that form city skylines, to educational, cultural, research and http://www.aecom.com/What We Do/Architecture | |
7. Department Of Architecture, Texas A&M University Offers architectural history and theory as an optional addition to the core curriculum for architecture. Course details. http://archone.tamu.edu/architecture/ | |
8. Architecture Design For Architects | Architectural Record Architectural Record is the 1 source for architecture design, modern architecture, and green architecture from McGraw Hill Construction. http://archrecord.construction.com/ |
9. Architecture Evolution of Chinese architecture; Garden architecture; Mausoleum architecture; Religious architecture; Residence with Quadrangle Courtyard. Evolution of Chinese architecture http://www.pasadena.edu/divisions/language/chinese/cultural/architecture.html | |
10. Sensing Architecture By Maria Lorena Lehman Sensing architecture, a digital platform authored by Maria Lorena Lehman, focuses on where architecture should be headed by finding links between architectural design, neuroscience and new technology. http://sensingarchitecture.com | |
11. Architecture And House Styles - Architecture And House Styles And Home Design Your starting place for exploring all aspects of architecture and home design, including architecture history, famous architects, skyscrapers, house styles, urban design http://architecture.about.com/ | |
12. Architecture Department - Cal Poly architecture Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in architecture http://www.arch.calpoly.edu/ | |
13. Parasitic Architecture A manifesto on the subject of parasitic architecture; defined as an adaptable, transient and exploitative form of architecture that forces relationships with host buildings. http://www.freewebs.com/parasitic-architecture/ | |
14. Ribanet Professional association of architects in the United Kingdom along with international members. News, exhibitions, online shopping, directories of architects, British http://www.architecture.com/ | |
15. Architecture Schools | Academy Of Art University Design sustainable buildings earn your accredited BFA or M.Arch degree at a top architecture School. Classes online in San Francisco. Get info. http://www.academyart.edu/architecture-school/index.html | |
16. ACSA 3.0: Home Information on architecture schools, conferences, student competitions and architectural education in general. Site has advice for prospective architecture students and bulletin board for members. http://www.acsa-arch.org/ |
17. Architecture Design Architectural Images History Models And More - ArchitectureW architecture around the world and across history 1000 classics of world architecture in an online multimedia encyclopedia with photos, drawings, bibliographies, and live 3D http://www.greatbuildings.com/ | |
18. Architecture From Rampant Scotland Directory Rampant Scotland Directory! architecture. While Charles Rennie Mackintosh looms large, there are a number of other important aspects to architecture in Scotland, Glasgow becoming the http://www.rampantscotland.com/architecture.htm |
19. Indiana Architectural Foundation A non-profit organization supporting architectural education, public awareness of architecture, and preservation of Indiana s architectural heritage. http://www.indianaarchitecturalfoundation.org | |
20. Architect Magazine: Architectural Design | Architect Online: A Premier Site For The web edition of Architect magazine, Architect Online offers resources for the architecture professional, including industry news, blogs with an expert and fresh perspective http://www.architectmagazine.com/ | |
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