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1. Artificial Intelligence - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it. AI textbooks define the field as the study and design http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence | |
2. Artificial Intelligence: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Theories of intelligence are twofold the “single intelligence” based upon the unilinear construct of “general intelligence”, and the construct of multiple intelligences http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Artificial_intelligence | |
3. Artificial Intelligence The modern definition of artificial intelligence (or AI) is the study and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/a/artificial_intelligence.htm | |
4. ScienceDaily: Artificial Intelligence News Artificial Intelligence News. Everything on AI including futuristic robots with artificial intelligence, computer models of human intelligence and more. http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/computers_math/artificial_intelligence/ | |
5. What Is Artificial Intelligence? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer This page describes the term artificial intelligence and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://webopedia.internet.com/TERM/A/artificial_intelligence.html |
6. Artificial Intelligence Resources At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base Artificial Intelligence Resources at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base includes both online and text resources for AI, natural language, robotics, cognitive science http://www.erraticimpact.com/~topics/html/artificial_intelligence.htm | |
7. Artificial Intelligence - Encyclopedia Article - Citizendium This is a draft article, under development and not meant to be cited; you can help to improve it. These unapproved articles are subject to a disclaimer. http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence | |
8. What Is Artificial Intelligence? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer This page describes the term artificial intelligence and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/artificial_intelligence.html | |
9. Artificial Intelligence - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Textbooks Welcome to the Wikibook about Artificial Intelligence. Book Contents. The following is a first proposal for a basic layout. This is not yet complete, ideas are welcome. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence | |
10. Artificial Intelligence - New World Encyclopedia Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science and engineering that deals with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation in machines. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Artificial_intelligence | |
11. Artificial Intelligence Contents. Definition; Natural Language Processing; Artificial Life; Case Based Reasoning; Computer Vision; Fuzzy Logic; Games; Genetic Algorithm; Knowledge Enginering Expert http://www.thocp.net/reference/artificial_intelligence/ai.htm | |
12. Artificial Intelligence Depot Community discussions, regular tutorials, daily news, and a searchable knowledge base. http://ai-depot.com/ | |
13. Artificial Intelligence | Buzzle.com Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence pertains to the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science aiming to create it. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/artificial-intelligence/ | |
14. SIGART Homepage SIGART is the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence. http://sigart.acm.org/ | |
15. Artificial Intelligence: Definition From Answers.com n. ( Abbr. AI ) The ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence. The branch of computer science http://www.answers.com/topic/artificial-intelligence |
16. Maine Software Agents And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory A contact point on the Web for researchers who are interested in the many roles of context in artificial intelligence. http://context.umcs.maine.edu/ | |
17. Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) - IMDb Directed by Steven Spielberg. With Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor, Sam Robards. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0212720/ | |
18. Artificial Intelligence - EHow.com Learn about Artificial Intelligence on eHow.com. Find info and videos including How to Work in Artificial Intelligence, How to Understand Artificial Intelligence, About http://www.ehow.com/artificial-intelligence/ | |
19. Premise.org - AI Links Premise.org, an artificial intelligence link site with examples. http://www.premise.org | |
20. Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent. http://library.thinkquest.org/2705/ | |
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