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21. Artificial Intelligence - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dict Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/artificial intelligence |
22. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? Extinguished philosophies lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside that of Hercules. adapted from T. H. Huxley http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/whatisai.html | |
23. Artificial Intelligence - The MIT Press The MIT Press online catalog contains descriptions of inprint and out-of-print books, current and past journals, online ordering/subscription options, contact and customer service http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/browse/default.asp?cid=85&pcid=5 |
24. Mobile Site Articles and resources on artificial intelligence, physics and neuroscience research. http://artilect.org/ |
25. Association For The Advancement Of Artificial Intelligence AAAI advances the understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. http://www.aaai.org/ | |
26. Singularity Institute For Artificial Intelligence In the coming decades, humanity will likely create a powerful artificial intelligence. SIAI exists to handle the implied challenge, both the opportunity and the risk. http://singinst.org/ | |
27. AI Topics Introductory resources concerning artificial intelligence and its many dimensions. http://www.aaai.org/AITopics/ |
28. Ai Research - Creating A New Form Of Life Artificial Intelligence Ltd. (Ai) develops conversational software technology that enables machines to converse with humans in natural language. http://www.a-i.com/ | |
29. Neuron AI Directory: Artificial Intelligence Resources A general AI directory. http://www.neuron.co.uk/ |
30. Artificial Intelligence An essay or paper on Artificial Intelligence. Artificial life basically means entities of life made by man as opposed to nature. In order to create artificial intelligence the http://www.lotsofessays.com/viewpaper/1684821.html | |
31. CAIAC For the promotion of interest and activity in Artificial Intelligence. http://cscsi.sfu.ca/ | |
32. Basic Questions Basic Questions Q. What is artificial intelligence? A. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/node1.html | |
33. Artificial Intelligence ADUni.org is the website of the alumni of ArsDigita University (ADU). ADU was a oneyear, intensive post-baccalaureate program in Computer Science based on the undergraduate http://aduni.org/courses/ai/ | |
34. SSAISB Home Page The (British) Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour. http://www.aisb.org.uk/ | |
35. Strong AI - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Strong AI is artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that can successfully perform any intellectual task that a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_general_intelligence | |
36. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine For Students ACM Crossroads is the student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery and has published many articles about topics in Artificial Intelligence. http://www.acm.org/crossroads/doc/indices/features.html#Artificial Intelligence | |
37. Artificial Intelligence. Downloadsoftware4free.com. Download Free Software. Sear artificial intelligence. downloadsoftware4free.com. Download Free Software. Search shareware and freeware downloads. http://artificial-intelligence.downloadsoftware4free.com/ | |
38. Page Has Moved a resource that covers all areas of artificial intelligence, and publishes very many research articles. http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/jair/home.html | |
39. A.I. Artificial Intelligence 2001 Warner Bros. Legal/Privacy information about this site http://aimovie.warnerbros.com/ | |
40. Lean Six Sigma Software With Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing scheduling and closed loop applications utilizing genetic programming algorithms. http://www.tuppas.com/Artificial-Intelligence/Artificial-Intelligence.htm | |
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