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81. AIAI University Of Edinburgh - Home Page Information about the group, its people, technologies, publications, events, clients, projects, employment opportunities. http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/ | |
82. MIT Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | CSAIL Aiming to understand the nature of intelligence, to engineer systems that exhibit such intelligence by utilising vision, language, an in particular robotics. http://www.ai.mit.edu |
83. Logic And Artificial Intelligence (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Artificial Intelligence (which I'll refer to hereafter by its nickname, “AI”) is the subfield of Computer Science devoted to developing programs that enable computers to http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-ai/ | |
84. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Research on evolution of language, software agents, robotic agents. http://arti.vub.ac.be/ | |
85. Artificial Intelligence - Definition Of Artificial Intelligence By The Free Onli Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/artificial intelligence |
86. Univ. Of Alberta Artificial Intelligence Research Group Research topics search, representation and reasoning, learning, cognitive agents. http://web.cs.ualberta.ca/~ai/ |
87. Intelligent Systems Program | University Of Pittsburgh Interdisciplinary education and research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. http://www.isp.pitt.edu/ | |
88. Applied Intelligent Systems Lab Research in the area of neurofuzzy and other artificial intelligence techniques applied to engineering. List of projects and people. http://helios.ecn.purdue.edu/~aisl | |
89. K-State Laboratory For Knowledge Discovery In Databases (KDD) Research on applied artificial intelligence and knowledge-based software engineering for decision support systems. http://www.kddresearch.org/ | |
90. University Of Georgia Institute For Artificial Intelligence Research on logic programming, expert systems, neural nets, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing. http://www.ai.uga.edu | |
91. CoDE Department, Universit Libre De Bruxelles Research and publications related to artificial intelligence. http://iridia.ulb.ac.be | |
92. Stanford Logic Group Information about current research and publications related to logical approaches to knowledge representation and inference in artificial intelligence. http://logic.stanford.edu/ | |
93. CISELab - University Of Sannio Research focused on artificial intelligence applications in software engineering. http://www.cise.rcost.unisannio.it | |
94. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory - FRI Research in machine learning, inductive logic programming, neural networks, and AI applications in system control, and qualitative reasoning. http://www.ailab.si | |
95. MMI - Man Machine Interaction Group Artificial Intelligence research with emphasis on human-computer interaction. http://mmi.tudelft.nl/ | |
96. Institute For Intelligent Systems Information research and courses on artificial intelligence. http://fedex.memphis.edu/iis/ |
97. Peter Norvig Artificial Intelligence, natural language, Lisp and Java in AI. Computational Sciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center. http://www.norvig.com | |
98. Sam Roweis, NYU University of Toronto. Researcher in pattern recognition, neural networks, artificial intelligence. http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~roweis/ | |
99. Simon, Herbert A. Late Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. One of the founders of Artificial Intelligence. Research mainly in modeling and simulation of human cognition. http://www.psy.cmu.edu/psy/faculty/hsimon/hsimon.html |
100. Christophe Delord ENSEEIHT, France, Computer Science engineer, Artificial Intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing. http://christophe.delord.free.fr | |
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