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1. Biomedical Engineering - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomedical_engineering | |
2. CCNY Reference Resources: Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering (BME) Biomedical Engineering/Bioengineering integrates physical, chemical, or mathematical sciences and engineering principles for the study of biology http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/library/divisions/science/biomedical_engineering.html | |
3. Biomedical Engineering - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia article on this new discipline which applies engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomedical_Engineering | |
4. BMES - Biomedical Engineering Society BMES 8401 Corporate Dr. Suite 140 Landover, MD 207852224 301-459-1999 301-459-2444(fax) info@bmes.org http://bmes.seas.wustl.edu/careers.asp | |
5. BioMedical Engineering OnLine Published by BioMed Central, the journal covers all aspects of biomedical engineering. http://www.biomedical-engineering-online.com/home/ |
6. BMES | Welcome To The Biomedical Engineering Society Organization dedicated to promoting the increase of biomedical engineering knowledge and its utilization. http://www.bmes.org/ | |
7. Reiners Biomedical Engineering Site Reiner Beck lists his favourite links regarding medical science and biomedical engineering. http://medizin.freepage.de/reinerbeck/ |
8. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING WEB - Main Page ***The BME Program is designing a new website that is scheduled to launch in December/January. When the new site is launched the current URL addresses will be changed from .htm http://www.bme.uconn.edu/ | |
9. The Biomedical Engineering Network Complete coverage for biomedical engineering jobs, resources, grants, databases, publications, societies, academic programs and focused Internet searches. http://www.bmenet.org/BMEnet/ |
10. University Of Cincinnati - Degree Programs Quick Facts Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering Fulltime program duration 5 years Program Code 20BSBMEBME http://www.uc.edu/degreeprograms/program.aspx?program=20bsbme-bme |
11. U Of H | CETA | CEBE | Biomedical Engineering (Biomed) Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering program. http://uhaweb.hartford.edu/Biomed/ | |
12. BME | Biomedical Engineering At GA Tech And Emory University At the Georgia Institute of Technology. Provides information on the academic programs, the faculty and the research being undertaken. http://www.bme.gatech.edu/ | |
13. Texas A M Biomedical Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering, Texas A M University The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A M University is the newest and fastest growing department in http://biomed.tamu.edu/ | |
14. IIT Undergraduate Admission | Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering Vincent Turitto, Chair http//www.iit.edu/engineering/bme/ Degrees Offered http://www.iit.edu/undergrad_admission/programs/bme.shtml | |
15. UIC Biomedical Engineering Society - Home Page Aims to promote the profession of biomedical engineering through the study, research and discussion. http://www2.uic.edu/stud_orgs/prof/bmes/ | |
16. Biomedical Engineering - Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center The Department of Biomedical Engineering is unique in that it is an engineering department within a medical school. http://www.wfubmc.edu/bme/ |
17. UNL | Engineering | Specialty Units | Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering is part of the specialty programs and units in the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Provides information on the department and the program. http://www.engineering.unl.edu/specialty-units/BiomedicalEngineering/index.shtml | |
18. The Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Institute At Johns Hopkins Winslow to be named Raj and Neera Singh Professor. Rai Winslow, professor of Biomedical Engineering and director of the Institute for Computational Medicine (ICM), will be http://www.bme.jhu.edu/ | |
19. Carnegie Mellon Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University pursues balanced collaborative reseach and education in bioengineering principles, research technologies, biotechnologies, and http://www.bme.cmu.edu/ | |
20. Ebme.co.uk - Medical And Clinical Engineering. Medical Engineering Jobs And Disc Medical, biomedical and clinical engineering portal website. Educational articles, discussion forum, recruitment section. http://www.ebme.co.uk/ | |
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