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81. 'chemical Engineering @ Edinburgh Web Site The University of Edinburgh http://www.chemeng.ed.ac.uk/ | |
82. Chemical Engineering :: Chemical Processing Intelligence For Chemical Engineers Global coverage of the CPI, Plant Cost Index, conferences, job boards and archives http://www.che.com/index.html |
83. School Of Process, Environmental And Materials Engineering - Faculty Of Engineer The University of Leeds http://www.leeds.ac.uk/chemeng/ |
84. Loughborough University - Chemical Engineering Loughborough University http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/cg/ | |
85. Chemical Engineering Imperial College London, UK http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/chemicalengineering/ | |
86. Koch-Glitsch A chemical engineering company operating in all areas of mass transfer technology. http://www.etapp.com/ |
87. Uhde GmbH - Homepage Chemical engineering contractor and plant construction. http://www.thyssenkrupp.com/uhde |
88. A Brief Outline An Outline of a Research Strategy http://www.chembio.uoguelph.ca/serguei/brief.htm | |
89. CAS Home Page, CAS, Chemical Abstracts Service Home Page Chemical information databases. http://info.cas.org/ | |
90. APS Physics | APS Home General information, member directory, and links. http://www.aps.org/ |
91. Oil Refining Software Development, Houston, Texas Custom software development. http://www.astroninc.com | |
92. Technological Institute Of The Philippines Educational institution in the Philippines http://www.tip.edu.ph | |
93. Chemical Engineering Other Topics Forum - Eng-Tips Chemical Engineers technical support forums and mutual help system for engineering professionals. Selling and recruiting forbidden. http://www.eng-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=135 |
94. Chemical Engineering Providing links, news, original articles, and discussion groups about chemical engineering and related topics. http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemicalengineerin1/ | |
95. EFCE | Europäische Föderation Für Chemie-Ingenieur-Wesen Describes current developments in the education in chemical engineering in Europe. Informative links to upcoming meetings and research activities. http://www.efce.info/wpe | |
96. Process Development Division - AIChE Process development includes process research and innovation; scale-up; design, construction and operation of pilot plant or laboratory units; technology transfer; and optimization of manufacturing processes. http://www.pd-aiche.com | |
97. CACHE, Chemical Engineering, Reactors A not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to promote cooperation among universities, industry and government in the development and distribution of computer-related and/or technology-based educational aids for the chemical engineering profession. http://www.che.utexas.edu/cache/ | |
98. Chemical Engineering :: Chemical Processing Intelligence For Chemical Engineers Aimed at practicing chemical engineers, addressing process and equipment topics. Buyers guide, job listings, and event calendar. http://www.che.com/ |
99. Tce Today Site offers breaking news, job search facility, people stories and an archive feature all relating to the world of chemical engineering. http://www.tcetoday.com/ |
100. Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry Aston University, UK. Provides information on courses in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, lists academic research staff and research projects, and offers information for prospective students. http://www.ceac.aston.ac.uk/ | |
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