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41. University Of The Immaculate Conception Computer Engineering Class 1997 Contains updated information about the University of the Immaculate Conception Computer Engineering Class of 1997. http://www.cagape.com/batch97/ |
42. International Journal For Multiscale Computational Engineering The aim of the journal is to advance the research and practice in diverse areas of Multiscale Computational Science and Engineering. The journal will publish original papers http://www.begellhouse.com/journals/61fd1b191cf7e96f.html | |
43. Electrical And Computer Engineering | Michigan Technological University Information about the degree programs and research focusing on electrical and computer engineering, information systems, energy systems, and solid state electronics. http://www.ece.mtu.edu/ |
44. Computational Engineering In cooperation with the Ruhr-University Bochum, GERMANY. An international program, open for students from all countries Why this program? Computer-based simulation of products http://www.vgu.edu.vn/studies/master/compeng/ |
45. University Of Maryland | Electrical And Computer Engineering Department | Electr Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Graduate and undergraduate programs in electrical and computer engineering. College Park, Maryland http://www.ece.umd.edu/ | |
46. Call Out Computers, Repair, Install, Upgrade, Maintenance, Service Provides a number of PC based support services such as callout computer repair, upgrade and maintenance. Also offers data recovery and data transfer services. http://www.callout-computer-engineers.co.uk | |
47. Computational Engineering Science — UC Berkeley College Of Engineering PLEASE NOTE E170 and E180A will not be offered in fall 2010 or in spring 2011. Instead, students will need to substitute E170 with ME C180 (prerequisites are E7 or CS 61A, and http://coe.berkeley.edu/departments/engineering-science/computational-engineerin | |
48. Jordan, Angel Academic site. Robotics Institute Keithley University Professor of Robotics Institute and Electrical and Computer Engineering, Emeritusin the Robotics Institute and Electrical and Computer Engineering. http://www.ri.cmu.edu/people/jordan_angel.html |
49. Computational Engineering, Oklahoma City, OK 8413 NW 66th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 731323952. Phone (405)720-1140. Category Engineers. View detailed profile, contacts, maps, reports and more. http://www.manta.com/c/mtxv0zp/computational-engineering |
50. Khosla, Pradeep Academic site. Robotics Institute Philip and Marsha Dowd Professor of Engineering and Robotics. Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering. http://www.ri.cmu.edu/people/khosla_pradeep.html |
51. Computational Engineering, Albuquerque, NM 4729 Paso Del Puma NE, Albuquerque, NM, 871113076. Phone (505)275-8373. Category Engineers. View detailed profile, contacts, maps, reports and more. http://www.manta.com/c/mt40vdx/computational-engineering |
52. Embry-Riddle Electrical And Computer Engineering Department Offers bachelor degrees in computer science and computer engineering. Webpage includes a static online virtual tour. - Prescott, AZ. http://www.erau.edu/prescott/engineering/eeced/ | |
53. Computational Engineering | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Computational engineering, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Computational engineering. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Computational-engineering/108624079168898 | |
54. Parijatonline Oil paintings by a computer engineer from Pune,India; figurative art work, nature and animals. http://parijatonline.blogspot.com/ | |
55. CEI - Creators Of EnSight Visualization Software CEI, creators of EnSight the leading software for visualizing, analyzing, animating, and communicating CFD, FEA, and medical simulation data. http://www.ensight.com/ | |
56. Ademar Aguiar @ FEUP A teaching assistant in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC), University of Porto. http://www.fe.up.pt/~aaguiar/ | |
57. Bavarian Graduate School Of Computational Engineering Computational Engineering refers to all activities in engineering that use computers as their main tool. Typical tasks in Computational Engineering are the solution of http://www.bgce.de/ | |
58. Applied Computing And Engineering Limited Uses Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis to simulate aerodynamic performance and visualise the results. http://www.acel.co.uk/ |
59. CCE: Research Research in Computational Engineering at MIT Computational engineering plays an increasingly important role in economic competitiveness, national security, environmental http://computationalengineering.mit.edu/research/ |
60. TechJobsOnline.com Specialized in tech jobs in computer, engineering, scientific, management and sales fields. http://www.techjobsonline.com/ |
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