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81. Computational Engineering International, Inc - Company Profile | LinkedIn This is the limited version of the Computational Engineering International, Inc company profile Join LinkedIn or Sign In to see more information. http://www.linkedin.com/companies/computational-engineering-international-inc | |
82. M/w-CAE Systems Lab Describes research for system solutions for mobile applications. Also describes technologies such as wireless networks and speech recognition. http://www.ce.cmu.edu/~wearables/ | |
83. Fakultt Fr Informatik Und Elektrotechnik Der Uni Rostock: Computational Engine Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science / Centre of Excellence in Computational Complex Systems Research, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland http://www.ief.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=ce_home |
84. Dr. Henry Louie Home Page Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seattle University. Specialized in sustainable energy systems. http://www.drhenrylouie.com/ | |
85. CES - Computational Engineering Solutions Computational Engineering Solutions LLP is Singapore's leading Computational Fluid Dynamics solution provider in the Building, HVAC, Water Treatment and Manufacturing http://ce-sol.com/about.html | |
86. JHU | Electrical And Computer Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Information on courses, department, research, labs and centers. http://www.ece.jhu.edu/ |
87. ISU Electrical And Computer Engineering: Department Of Electrical And Computer E Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Provides department and student information. http://www.ece.iastate.edu | |
88. Dr. Victor Yang, Department Of Physics - Ryerson University Dr Yang is Assistant Professor, Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University and is working in the fields of biophotonics and bioengineering. http://www.ryerson.ca/physics/people/faculty/yang.html | |
89. Stanford FPCE A group in the Mechanical Engineering department at Stanford University. FPCE is contributing new theories, models and computational tools for accurate engineering design analysis and control of complex flows. http://www.stanford.edu/group/fpc/ |
90. Daniel M. Mittleman Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University. Includes links to relevant press articles, a description of their work and list of publications. http://www-ece.rice.edu/~daniel/ | |
91. Ping D.o.o., Sarajevo Computer Engineering Company. Design and Development of HW/SW and Net solutions. Compaq, Oracle, SCO, CISCO and Microsoft Partner. http://www.ping.ba | |
92. Coding And Signal Transmission Laboratory: Home Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Ontario, Canada. http://www.cst.uwaterloo.ca/ |
93. Τμήμα Μηχανικών Η/Υ & Πληροφορικής Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics. In Greek and English. http://www.ceid.upatras.gr | |
94. JMathLib Site MathLib is a powerful mathematical engine written in java. A huge amount of mathematical and engineering functions is available. http://mathlib.sourceforge.net/ | |
95. Vincent Cheung's Blog Life from the eyes of a computer engineering grad student at the University of Toronto. http://veenix.blogspot.com/ |
96. Zahrowski.com Information about his academic career at Cornell University while pursuing an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Includes a class schedule, a journal, random thoughts, and pictures. http://www.zahrowski.com/cornell/ |
97. Grigaliunas.Com Includes contact information, short biography, writings, and favorite links, written by a computer engineering major. http://www.grigaliunas.com/ |
98. D|W Digital Portfolio | Splash Profile and portfolio of a computer engineering student. http://www.donwong.com |
99. Welcome To Jorma's Mind Computer engineering student at University of Buffalo. Quote, pictures, personal information, and links. http://raptrpilot.tripod.com |
100. Oliver Barbara - UF Engineering A computer engineer. Includes project information, resume, photo gallery and contact details. http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~ob0/ | |
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