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41. Borade, Shashibhushan Graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Personal information and research. http://web.mit.edu/spb/www/home.html |
42. Electrical Engineering Information: Online Reference, Theorems, Jobs The electrical engineering reference online electricity and magnetism basics, circuit theorems and formulas; salary, jobs, and schools information. http://www.smps.us/electrical-engineering.html | |
43. Stefanos N. Manias Information on biography, publications, laboratory, research and links. Topics are both Electrical and Computer related. http://users.ntua.gr/manias | |
44. Electrical Engineering As an electrical engineering major, you’ll study electricity how it works, how it’s generated, and how it’s used to power everything from lightbulbs and radios to cell http://www.collegeboard.com/csearch/majors_careers/profiles/majors/14.1001.html | |
45. Armando A. Rodriguez - ASU Professor Associate Professor at Arizona State University with information on positions, research, instruction, honors and interests. http://www.eas.asu.edu/~aar/ | |
46. USC Ming Hsieh Department Of Electrical Engineering: Site Home A major event brought NAE President Charles Vest and innovators, engineers, policy makers, and executives to Bovard Hall to explore engineering's promise to empower society http://ee.usc.edu/ | |
47. Electronics & Computing Home Page - Peter Hayles Presents a battery charger, assembly language programming, some RAAF aircraft facts and photos, and details about the author. http://www.angelfire.com/electronic/hayles/ | |
48. Electrical Engineering - Milwaukee School Of Engineering Electrical engineering programs and electrical engineering degrees are offered through the Milwaukee School of Engineering. http://www.msoe.edu/academics/academic_departments/eecs/bsee/ |
49. New Page 2 Offers research, publications, and courses taught. http://olympus.ece.jhu.edu/~pjulian/ | |
50. Electrical Engineering (EE) Fact Sheet Electrical Engineering Room 101 Electrical Engineering is located on the corner of Albrecht Boulevard and Centennial Boulevard http://www.ndsu.edu/ndsu/academic/factsheets/eng_arch/electrl.shtml | |
51. Behnam Attaran Rezaei Homepage Offers resume, personal information, publications and links. http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~behnam | |
52. Electrical Engineering At Penn State Department of Electrical Engineering. Serving society through excellence in education, research, scholarship, and public outreach http://www.ee.psu.edu/ |
53. ONUR KAYA Associate professor at Isik University in Turkey with publications on power control. http://www2.isikun.edu.tr/personel/onurkaya/ | |
54. Home | Electrical Engineering | Jack Baskin School Of Engineering | UC Santa Cru Graduation 2010 Photos Photos from the Baskin Engineering 2010 Graduation are now available online! http://www.ee.ucsc.edu/ | |
55. Homepage Of Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Shanghai Jiaotong University Chief professor of department of automation. Publications, projects, awards and personal interests. http://www.automation.sjtu.edu.cn/wdzhang/ |
56. Info On Electrical Engineering Including Basic Electrical Wiring & Principles, S Learn the basic principles behind electrical engineering, control systems, signal processing as well as keep up to date with advanced telecommunications trends. At Bright Hub http://www.brighthub.com/engineering/electrical.aspx |
57. Jeroen Breebaart | Home Contains Ph.D. with research interests in digital signal processing. Also includes personal photos, music and biography. http://www.jeroenbreebaart.com | |
58. Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering In our graduate program, the Department offers ME and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. http://eng.odu.edu/ece/ | |
59. Baker, Kevin A Canadian Engineering technician describes his work experiences in the telecommunications and electronics industries. http://www.kjbaker.ca/ |
60. SDSU Electrical Engineering Program Program Overview. Special Features. Career Opportunities. General Catalog. Contact Information. Department Home Page. Electrical Engineering. Electrical engineers work in the http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/admissions/ab/electricalengr.htm | |
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