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21. Food Science University Of Guelph Welcome to the Exciting World of Food Science. We are seeking students who pursue excellence and who strive to be leaders. The Department of Food Science offers diverse and highly http://www.foodscience.uoguelph.ca/home/ |
22. Food Science Department, University Of Missouri College Of Agriculture, Food And Important Dates October 27–November 19. Early registration for Spring 2011. November 2226. Thanksgiving recess, close of day. December 8. Fall semester classwork ends http://foodscience.missouri.edu/ |
23. Food Science Career Information Food Science career information for adults looking to return to school and advance or change their career. http://www.educationforadults.com/career/food-science.html | |
24. CSIRO Food & Nutritional Sciences Lists universities, associations and organizations working in the subject, and food law, regulations and consumer information. http://www.foodscience.csiro.au/ | |
25. Home — Food Science — Penn State University The department of Food Science offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs, and research and extension programs. Areas of specialization include engineering and http://foodscience.psu.edu/ |
26. LSU Food Science Department LSU Department of Food Science is the flagship food science department in the state of Louisiana http://www.lsu.edu/foodscience/ | |
27. Nutrition: Arbor Nutrition Guide Directory of resources divided into food science, clinical nutrition, applied nutrition and production and consumption of food. http://arborcom.com/ | |
28. Home, Food Science Department, Dale Bumpers College Of Agricultural, Food & Life Food Science, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences http://foodscience.uark.edu/ |
29. Food Science And Technology - Elsevier New ACS Fellows. Fereidoon Shahidi, Editorin-Chief of Journal of Functional Foods and editor of Food Chemistry, and George Inglett, editorial board member for Journal of Cereal http://www.elsevier.com/foodscience |
30. The Blonz Guide To Nutrition, Food Science And Health A resource compiled by a scientist and journalist, with pages of links to the industry, government and academic institutions. http://blonz.com/ |
31. IFST Qualifications offered, membership benefits, career information, guide to the subject and links to resources. http://www.ifst.org/ |
32. Food Science : What Can I Do With A Major In... Skills Experience Sample Careers/Work Settings Salary Double Majors/Minors Advanced Degrees NCSU Orgs Prof. Orgs Links Next Steps...... http://www.ncsu.edu/majors-careers/do_with_major_in/showmajor.php?id=15 |
33. World Food Science - Home Publishes articles, news of products, policies and regulations, and diary of events. Includes contributions in Spanish. http://www.worldfoodscience.org/ | |
34. UT Knoxville | Welcome The University of Tennessee, Knoxville was founded in 1794 and was designated the state landgrant institution in 1879. The University now has nearly 26,000 students and 400 http://foodscience.tennessee.edu/?id=fsclub |
35. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Department Of Food Science Department news, research, calendar of events, staff directory, gallery. http://www.foodsci.purdue.edu/ |
36. Department Of Food Sciences, Cornell University Welcome to the Department of Food Science at Cornell University! We offer comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs that prepare students for leadership positions in http://foodscience.cornell.edu/ | |
37. Leffingwell & Associates Information on flavor and fragrance materials, industry news, shareware for food additives, and links to papers on olfaction, food science, carotenoids, and odor thresholds. http://www.leffingwell.com/ |
38. In The News Five professionals received Outstanding Food Science Awards on October 7th from Purdue University's Department of Food Science. http://www.ag.purdue.edu/foodsci |
39. Singapore Institute Of Food Science And Technology Courses, scholarships and awards for students, terms of membership, invitation to join and notes on the Institute. it. http://www.sifst.org.sg |
40. FDSC Faculty, Food Science Department, Dale Bumpers College Of Agricultural, Foo Food Science, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences http://foodscience.uark.edu/2343.htm | |
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