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21. Technology And Engineering: From The Stone Age To The Industrial Age | Universit HSTC1800.03F Explore the history of engineering and technology from Stonehenge to Watt’s steam engine. http://www.ukings.ns.ca/technology-and-engineering-stone-age-industrial-age | |
22. Technology And Engineering: From The Industrial Age To The Cybernetic Age | Univ HSTC1801.06W Explore the history of engineering and technology from Watt's steam engine to nanotechnology and bioengineering. http://www.ukings.ca/technology-and-engineering-industrial-age-cybernetic-age | |
23. A History Of Engineering And Technology - Artful Methods, Second Edition De Erva Elton Engineering Books is the only antiquarian book dealer to specialise exclusively in the history of engineering and technology. The firm specialises in rare source material http://www.priceminister.com/offer/buy/48350794/A-History-Of-Engineering-And-Tec |
24. Engineering - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Engineering is the discipline, art and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge to design and build structures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineering | |
25. American Scientist Online He has written on many aspects of engineering and technology, including design, success and failure, error and judgment, the history of engineering and technology, and the use http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/henry-petroski | |
26. Department Of Mechanical Engineering History of engineering and technology. Safety in engineering and introduction to risk analysis. The role of engineers in nation building. http://www.futa.edu.ng/seet/mining_engineering/coursesynopsis.php | |
27. Engineering History Books A history of engineering and technology artful methods. TA 15 G37 1991 Engineering Library; Power, speed, and form TA 23 B48 2006 Engineering Library http://www.lib.utexas.edu/engin/hxOfEng/index.html |
28. Distinguished Lecture Series At Case Western Reserve University He has written broadly on design, success, failure and the history of engineering and technology, and lectured on these topics to audiences around the world. http://case.edu/events/dls/lecture/2010/speaker.html | |
29. Engineering History:A Guide To Selected Resources.Science Reference Guide,Librar A history of engineering and technology artful method s. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, 1999. 347 p. Includes bibliographical references. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/SciRefGuides/eng-history.html | |
30. Bibliographies Transactions of the Newcomen Society for the Study of History of Engineering and Technology. During the years 192147 was called the Analytical Bibliography of the History of http://library.duke.edu/research/subject/guides/history-science-technology/bibli | |
31. SHOT Ferguson Prize 78; da Vinci Medalist, 1977), museum curator and exhibit catalog author, editor, annotator, university professor, and scholar of the history of engineering and technology. http://www.historyoftechnology.org/awards/ferguson.html | |
32. Photo Guide: O images taken by Randy Henson and Wendell Bell for the 1978 Overton South Architectural Site Survey performed on contract for the Texas Tech History of Engineering and Technology http://www.swco.ttu.edu/Guide/Photo/Oph.htm | |
33. Researching A Building's History historic survey records (Center for History of Engineering and Technology TTU, Texas Historical Commission, and City of Lubbock Historic Site Survey - Planning http://interoz.com/lubbock/ar02.htm | |
34. Faculty Listing | Duke Civil And Environmental Engineering Department Structural engineering; design; interrelationship between success and failure in design; nature of invention; history of engineering and technology http://www.cee.duke.edu/fds/pratt/cee/faculty/petroski | |
35. Martin Campbell-Kelly He is a member of the editorial boards of the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, the International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology, the Rutherford http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/people/Martin_Campbell-Kelly | |
36. The Royal Institution Of Great Britain Staff Profile - Prof He has been President of the Newcomen Society for the History of Engineering and Technology and of the British Society for the History of Science. http://www.rigb.org/contentControl?action=displayContent&id=00000001941 |
37. History & Philosophy Of Science, Technology, & Medicine Journals Available At Mi Transactions of the Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology. Print only v. 32 (1959/1960) Engineering Library TN1 .N47 http://staff.lib.msu.edu/robin179/library/STSJournals.htm | |
38. Thomas Newcomen In London in 1920, a learned society to promote and encourage the study of the history of engineering and technology was formed, called the Newcomen Society, after Thomas Newcomen. http://www.fact-index.com/t/th/thomas_newcomen.html | |
39. H-Sci-Med-Tech History of Engineering and Technology. History of Medicine. Science in Society http://www.h-net.org/~smt/ | |
40. Intute - Full Record - Newcomen Society The Newcomen Society is the principal British organisation devoted to the history of engineering and technology......Intute Newcomen society Title Save. Newcomen society http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=humbul3771 |
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