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1. Material - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Material is anything made of matter, constituted of one or more substances. Wood, cement, hydrogen, air and water are all examples of materials. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material | |
2. Corset-making Materials materials. Corsets serve one primary function to give the body a fashionable shape. The rebellious body tends to resist unnatural shaping; therefore, the main requirement http://www.elizabethancostume.net/corsets/materials.html | |
3. Materials Solutions Provides structured answers to problems associated with materials measurement, test methods and standards, materials usage and material characterisation. http://www.materialssolutions.info/ |
4. Online Materials Information Resource - MatWeb A free online materials information resource with properties data on over 28,000 materials. Search for materials by name or properties. Database includes comprehensive coverage http://www.matweb.com/ |
5. Educational Materials - Patient Education - Department Of Medicine - Stanford Un The Stanford Patient Education Research Center staff has developed a range of educational materials for use by both consumers and health professionals. http://patienteducation.stanford.edu/materials/ | |
6. Material Specialties Scandinavia, Inc. Home Page: Titanium, Tungsten, Tungsten C Material Specialties Scandinavia, with offices in Virginia Beach, VA, Hasslarp, Sweden and St. Petersburg, Russia is your source for Tungsten Carbide materials, Tungsten Carbide http://materials.com/ | |
7. Magnetic Materials, Neodymium, Samarium Cobalt, Alnico, Ceramic & Ferrite Magnet Dura Magnetics, Inc. stocks alnico magnets, bonded magnets, ceramic (ferrite) magnets, flexible rubber magnets, neodymium iron boron (NdFeb) and samarium cobalt rare earth http://www.duramag.com/magnet-materials.html | |
8. Materials Modification Inc. Provides innovative solutions in materials science based on nanocrystalline metals and ceramics. http://www.matmod.com/ | |
9. Materials Science - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia materials science is an interdisciplinary field involving the properties of matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materials_science | |
10. BUILDING BIG: Materials Lab There is also a text version of this lab. These Labs require the most recent version of the Flash plugin. You can download Flash from the Macromedia web site for free. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/lab/materials.html | |
11. NEO Material Technologies Inc. Engineers rare earths, zirconium and magnets into materials. http://www.amr-ltd.com/ |
12. Home : Nature Materials Nature materials journal covers a range of topics within materials science, from materials engineering and structural materials (metals, alloys, ceramics, composites) to http://www.nature.com/nmat/index.html | |
13. Midland, West Texas Mulch Recycler & Distributor, Discount Materials Discount materials is a Texas mulch recycler and distributer. If you are looking for the best deals for mulch or just need a place to recycle call Discount materials. http://www.discountmaterialsonline.com/ | |
14. About Composites – Learn About Plastic And Composite Materials Good starting place for searching for data on Composite materials, from About.com. http://composite.about.com/ | |
15. UK Centre For Materials Education • Materials Science • Higher Education Aca UK Centre for materials Education supports high quality student learning in materials Science and related disciplines. It promotes, encourages and coordinates the development http://www.materials.ac.uk/ |
16. Cathodic Protection Equipment And Supplies For Corrosion Control Cathodic protection materials, equipment and supplies for corrosion control. http://cathodicmaterials.com/ | |
17. Oxford Materials - DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS AT OXFORD UNIVERSITY Department of materials. http://www.materials.ox.ac.uk/ | |
18. Materials | An Open Access Journal From MDPI materials, an international, peerreviewed Open Access journal. materials - Open Access Journal materials (ISSN 1996-1944; CODEN MATEG9), an open access journal of http://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials | |
19. Oldcastle Materials | Company Oldcastle materials, Inc. 900 Ashwood Parkway Suite 700 Atlanta, GA 30338 (770) 5225600 (770) 522-5608 fax . oldcastle.com crh.com. Click here to download the http://www.oldcastlematerials.com/company.htm | |
20. Materials Science And Engineering Rutgers University Dept. of Ceramic and materials Engineering http://mse.rutgers.edu/ | |
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