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81. Mechanical Engineering Welcome to the home page of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Mechanical engineering is a creative discipline that http://www.eng.wayne.edu/page.php?id=4845 |
82. İTÜ Makina Fakültesi Faculty of Mechanical Engineering http://www.mkn.itu.edu.tr/ | |
83. Bristol University Department of Mechanical Engineering http://www.bris.ac.uk/mecheng/ |
84. Mechanical Engineering, University Of Glasgow, Scotland Mechanical Engineering Department http://www.mech.gla.ac.uk | |
85. Universität Karlsruhe (TH) - Department Of Mechanical Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/info/en/514.php | |
86. FSB Online Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture http://www.fsb.hr/ |
87. Departement Werktuigkunde – Departement Werktuigkunde - K.U.Leuven Department of Mechanical Engineering http://www.mech.kuleuven.be/ | |
88. Department Of Mechanical Engineering - Aalborg Universitet (AAU) Institute of Mechanical Engineering. http://www.me.aau.dk/ |
89. HEXAGON Mechanical Engineering Software Mechanical engineering software including tolerance analysis, gear design, shaft design and spring calculation. http://www.hexagon.de/index.htm | |
90. NPTEL Courses Web and video training on mechanical engineering basics, robotics, CAD, CAM and FEA. http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses.php?branch=Mechanical |
91. RoyMech Index Page Contains details on materials, formulas, design steps and standards related to mechanical engineering. http://www.roymech.co.uk | |
92. Mechanical Engineering Design Guide - Engineer's Handbook Online handbook for mechanical engineers. Includes engineering data tables, material information, manufacturing methods, software guides, design guides http://engineershandbook.com | |
93. Mechanical Design Handbook Blog covering various topics in design. http://mechanical-design-handbook.blogspot.com/ | |
94. Engineering Motion - Engineering Videos Provides a wide range of engineering and technology videos. http://www.engineeringmotion.com/ |
95. Mechanical Design Forum Online global community of mechanical design engineers. http://www.mechanicaldesignforum.com |
96. Home Publisher of engineering textbooks. http://www.collegehousebooks.com | |
97. Machine Design Online version of popular trade publication http://www.machinedesign.com/ |
98. Texas A&M University System Turbomachinery Laboratory Hosts technical conference http://turbolab.tamu.edu | |
99. MasterSpring, Per Calcolare, Progettare E Verificare Le Molle Software to calculate, check and design springs. http://www.masterspring.it/ | |
100. Mikromak Service Brinkmann - Motion Analysis Software And High Speed Cameras Provides motion analysis hardware and software. http://www.mikromak.com | |
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