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1. MetrologyMetro.com - Metrology, Calibration And QA/QC Resources metrology Metro Catering exclusively to the needs of the metrology communities by providing practical metrology resources. http://www.metrologymetro.com/ |
2. Agilent Technologies Metrology Forum Agilent's metrology Forum offers enlightenment to the uninitiated and soulfood for fellow practitioners of the calibration art. http://metrologyforum.tm.agilent.com/ | |
3. Metrology Society Of Australia For people interested or involved in the science and practice of measurement. Includes details of biennial conference, members, technical groups, list of journal contents, and http://www.metrology.asn.au/ | |
4. Metrology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia metrology (from Ancient Greek metron (measure) and logos (study of)) is the science of measurement. metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrology | |
5. Czech Metrological Institute National metrological body active in fundamental metrology, calibration of measuring instruments, type approvals of legal measuring instruments, and their verification and inspection. Contacts for laboratories throughout the republic, from Prague. http://www.cmi.cz/ | |
6. Metrology: Definition, Synonyms From Answers.com n. , pl. , gies . The science that deals with measurement. A system of measurement. French m trologie , from Greek metrologiÄ , theory of ratios metron , measure http://www.answers.com/topic/metrology |
7. Precision Metrology- Quality Calibration & Repair Services - A2LA Accredited Precision metrology is an ISO 90012008 and ISO/IEC 17025/A2LA accredited calibration laboratory. Our state of the art facilities are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Dade City http://www.precisionmetrology.com/ | |
8. Metrology Services Inc A free open source web design by Christina Chun. Free for anyone to use as long as credits are intact. http://metrologyservicesinc.com/ | |
9. What Is The Zone? Hexagon metrology is the leading company field of dimensional metrology based on completeness of offering, technological sophistication and worldwide market coverage. http://zone.hexagonmetrology.us/ | |
10. Cal Lab Magazine - The International Journal Of Metrology Publication to further the science of metrology and the industry of calibration through the sharing of information about developments in the field. http://www.callabmag.com/ | |
11. SURVICE Metrology SURVICE metrology provides innovative and integrated dimensional metrology, 3D modeling, and metrology application development services. From our metrology center in http://metrology.survice.com/ | |
12. Metrology More from this user http://www.scribd.com/doc/11621193/Metrology |
13. English FrontPage Voluntary organization concerned with metrology and related technical regulations, offering meetings, education and publishing their journal from Zagreb. http://www.hmd.hr/index.php?Itemid=60 |
14. Metrology World .com: Digital Marketplace For The Measurement And Inspection Ind Resource for professionals in the measurement and inspection industry Information on metrology, inspection software, calibration, ultrasonic testing, optical measurement and more http://metrologyworld.com/ | |
15. Hexagon Metrology - Where Quality Comes Together Hexagon metrology supports its customers to fully control their processes and ensure that what has been designed is in fact manufactured. The company offer machines, systems http://www.hexagonmetrology.com/ | |
16. Digital Metrology Solutions, Inc. Providing dimensional and surface metrology systems integration, software, consultation and training. Surface metrology freeware available at website. http://www.digitalmetrology.com | |
17. Www.itl.nist.gov In metrology, the difference between precision and accuracy is that measures of precision are not affected by bias, whereas accuracy measures degrade as bias increases. http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/glossary.htm | |
18. Sistema Interamericano De Metrologia Agreement among national metrology organizations, whose goal is to promote international and regional cooperation in the Americas for scientific, industrial and legal metrology. Includes overview, organizational structure and meetings. http://www.sim-metrologia.org.br/ | |
19. Metrology Definition Of Metrology In The Free Online Encyclopedia. metrology. Science of measurement. Measuring a quantity means establishing its ratio to another fixed quantity of the same kind, known as the unit of that kind of quantity. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/metrology |
20. Chip Design Âť Carl Zeiss And Synopsys Collaborate On Die Metrology Premium metrology is proudly serving the metrology needs of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. Our goal is to provide the best calibrating, measuring and metrology service for your http://chipdesignmag.com/display.php?articleId=4505&utm_source=twitterfeed&a |
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