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21. Service > Metrology : Tektronix metrology ensures calibrated instruments deliver accurate results. Choose Tektronix as your provider and get the benefit of an experienced metrology staff applying deep product http://www.tek.com/service/metrology/ | |
22. Metrology Solutions Division - ZYGO ZYGO's highprecision noncontact metrology systems use optical interferometry to measure displacement, surface figure, and optical wavefront for yield improvement initiatives. http://www.zygo.com/?/met/ |
23. Metrology - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/metrology |
24. Center For Precision Metrology Center for Precision metrology at UNC Charlotte The Center for Precision metrology is an interdisciplinary association of UNC Charlotte faculty and student researchers, allied with http://cpm.uncc.edu/ | |
25. ODLUCIVANJE NA TEMELJU CJELOVITOG MJERNOG REZULTATA Resource including quiz and examples of measurement, decision making, compliance with specification, and comparison of two quantities. Maintained by a professor in electrical engineering in Osijek, Croatia. http://www.etfos.hr/~akolundzic | |
26. METROLOGY Kay and Associates, Inc. has extensive past and current experience in the management, testing, calibration, repair and certification of precision measuring equipment and http://www.kayinc.com/metrology/metrology.html | |
27. Salzenstein, Patrice PhD research engineer in time and frequency metrology, featuring phase noise measurements, and the spectral domain for microwave, based in Besan on, France. http://www.femto-st.fr/~salzenst/ | |
28. Cal Lab Magazine - The International Journal Of Metrology Publication to further the science of metrology and the industry of calibration through the sharing of information about developments in the field. Includes downloadable http://callabmag.com/ | |
29. Quantum Candela - European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) International project working towards the reformulation of the SI base unit the candela in terms of photon number. http://www.quantumcandela.org/ | |
30. MetrologyMetro's "Metro-logical Thoughts" metrologyMetro’s “Metrological Thoughts” is a blog devoted to furthering the messages of members of the metrological communities. Visit And Post Your Thoughts Today. http://metrology.metrologymetroblogs.com/ |
31. European Metrology Research Programme Project to coordinate research so as to encourage the integration of national programmes. http://www.emrponline.eu/ | |
32. Metrology: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Ancient Greek is the historical stage in the development of the Greek language spanning the Archaic , Classical , and Hellenistic periods of ancient Greece and the ancient world. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Metrology | |
33. METAS - Metasweb Activities, accreditation, legal aspects, fields of measurement, definitions of metric, SI, US and UK units. http://www.metas.ch/ |
34. Welcome To Metrology Product Search metrology.com is metrology industry's own search engine. Visitors http://www.metrology.com/ |
35. Home - National Measurement Institute The National Measurement Act, legal metrology, authorities, trade measurement, training at the National Standards Commission, Australia. http://www.measurement.gov.au/ | |
36. Welcome Hexagon metrology is the leading company field of dimensional metrology based on completeness of offering, technological sophistication and worldwide market coverage. http://hexagonmetrology.us/ | |
37. Center For Precision Metrology Graduate programs, affiliations, alumnus, related links and laboratory facilities and contacts at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. http://www.cpm.uncc.edu/ | |
38. Metrology Hellas S.A. metrology Hellas S.A. Precision Measurement And CalibrationServices Inspection Body for the Industrial Products/Lifting Machines http://www.metrology.gr/ | |
39. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) National institute for science and technology for the field of metrology and physical safety engineering, as the highest technical authority of Germany. http://www.ptb.de/index_en.html | |
40. ISMI Research: Metrology metrology. metrology—the exacting science of measurement for process control—is crucial to the advancement of semiconductor manufacturing. Accordingly, metrology faces some http://ismi.sematech.org/research/metrology/index.htm | |
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