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41. APLMF(亚太法制计量论坛) Objectives, events, news and meetings of fourteen member economies. Contacts for the secretariat in Tsukuba, Japan. http://www.aplmf.org/ | |
42. Metrology - Definition Of Metrology By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And me trol o gy (mtr l-j) n. pl. me trol o gies. 1. The science that deals with measurement. 2. A system of measurement. French m trologie, from Greek metrologi, theory of ratios http://www.thefreedictionary.com/metrology |
43. Default Exports instruments for use in control and in workshops for mechanical industries, aeronautics, cars. Location in Southern France. http://www.european-metrology.com/ |
44. Helsinki University Of Technology Metrology Research Institute Research includes electrical instrumentation, optical radiation measurements, fiber optics and quantum optics. http://metrology.tkk.fi/ | |
45. KLA Tencor | Metrology Solutions And Tools metrology is a critical discipline in the production of high performance, reliable devices. http://www.kla-tencor.com/metrology.html | |
46. AIST:Metrology And Measurement Science AIST develops national standards of the highest accuracy and supplies these standards to users. Includes details of research activities. In English and Japanese. http://www.aist.go.jp/aist_e/aist_laboratories/6metrology/ | |
47. SEMATECH Research: Metrology metrology. metrology—the exacting science of measurement for process control—is crucial to the advancement of semiconductor manufacturing. Accordingly, metrology faces some http://www.sematech.org/research/metrology/index.htm | |
48. Welcome: Surface Metrology Research Group: Computing And Engineering: University The main areas of research at the Centre for Precision Technologies are surface measurement and nano-metrology, surface instruments and surface characterisation. http://www2.hud.ac.uk/ce/research/smg/ | |
49. Metrology | Define Metrology At Dictionary.com –noun, plural gies. the science of weights and measures. Use metrology in a Sentence See images of metrology Search metrology on the Web Origin 1810–20; metro- 1 + -logy http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/metrology |
50. NRLM NRLM consists of four research departments, addressing quantum, thermophysical, mechanical metrology and measurement system, located in Tsukuba, Japan. http://www.aist.go.jp/NRLM/english/ |
51. SURVICE Metrology SURVICE metrology provides innovative and integrated dimensional metrology, 3D modeling, and metrology application development services. From our metrology center in http://metrology.survice.com/facilities.asp |
52. DFM - Dansk Fundamental Metrologi Primarily supporting national industry with metrological knowledge and calibrations with international recognition. Includes priced services in electrolytic conductivity, optical power and wavelength, surface topography. Course in precision and nanometrology, and news about nanotechnology. http://www.dfm.dtu.dk/ | |
53. 3D Scanning, Reverse Engineering, Measurement Services And Equipment Exact metrology offers the complete range of portable metrology equipment solutions and contract measurement services for 3D scanning, reverse engineering, and more. http://www.exactmetrology.com/ | |
54. OIML - International Organization Of Legal Metrology Established to promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures. Includes overview of certificate system, publications for purchase, meetings, participating regional and internal organizations, member login, contacts in Paris, France. http://www.oiml.org |
55. Metrology Services - ATT Metrology Services [888.320.7011] metrology Services industrial measurement specialists using 3D equipment/software, manufacturer of targets hardware, uses photogrammetry, laser scanners, laser tracker systems. http://www.attinc.com/ | |
56. Rudolph : Metrology Rudolph provides fullfab solutions with its ellipsometry and PULSE Technology™ tools for thin-film measurements that are used in all stages of semiconductor manufacturing http://www.rudolphtech.com/Metrology.aspx | |
57. French Metrology Network: Studies And Research In Metrology Organization managing the French metrology. Includes information on the organization, its history, the SI, national references, research topics, international activities and publications. In English and French. http://www.french-metrology.com/ | |
58. Michigan Metrology Michigan metrology offers highspeed measurement services, 3D surface inspection and wear analysis for drivetrain, engines, materials, polymers, metals, paper, printing http://www.michmet.com/ | |
59. KLA-Tencor-Prometrix | Service | Sales | Parts | Refurbished Systems -- Metrolog metrology Equipment sales and service including Refurbished systems, Spare Parts, Consumables, OnSite Field Engineering, and In-House Repair/Calibration Services for KLA http://metrologyequipmentservices.com/ | |
60. INSITUTEC INC. - PRECISION METROLOGY, NANO MOTION, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL, Insi Nanotechnology company providing macro-metrology products for measuring large scale parts with micro to nanometer accuracies and micro-metrology products with sensors based on standing wave technology. http://www.insitutec.com | |
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