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41. Homeland Security Studies, Homeland Defense Studies, Domestic Preparedness Links to mostly government and military websites related to homeland security, created for military members by the Air War College. http://homeland.au.af.mil/ | |
42. Military Science - St. Norbert College About military science at St. Norbert College Military Science is concerned primarily with the exploration and development of leadership and management. http://www.snc.edu/militaryscience/ |
43. Defense Technologies - Defense Industry VC PE Offers a series of reports on major defense technologies, including coverage across the services and with reference to major Government agencies and acquisitions programs. http://defense-ventures.com/defense-technologies/ | |
44. Military Science DEPARTMENT CHAIR/PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SCIENCE Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan B. Nepute. DEPARTMENT OFFICE Engineering 301, Phone 657278-3007. DEPARTMENT WEBSITE http://www.fullerton.edu/catalog/academic_departments/mlsc.asp | |
45. Tactical Physics William Erik Michael Kreizner is pioneering a new field of academic endeavor categorized as tactical physics, involving the development of penetration equations. http://www.tacticalphysics.org | |
46. MILITARY SCIENCE Improved Course Catalog Search (Beta) Find just the class you want, when you want it. Or, search course descriptions with Google Custom Search http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/milsci.html |
47. Naval Postgraduate School - CCC Provides research on contemporary security issues to the makers and executors of U.S. defense policy. http://www.nps.edu/Academics/Centers/CCC/ | |
48. Military Science – BYU–Idaho The strength of your commitment is measured by your willingness to give your very lives for that in which you believe. President Gordon B. Hinckley http://www.byui.edu/MilitaryScience/ | |
49. Canadian Army Lessons Learned Centre - Welcome Page | Le Centre Des Leçons Rete Lessons drawn by Canadian Army, especially from participation in numerous peacekeeping missions. In English and French. http://armyapp.dnd.ca/ALLC-CLRA/ | |
50. Military Science Various test prep options available, pick one based on your own learning style online, classroom, private tutoring. http://www.princetonreview.com/Majors.aspx?cip=290101&page=1 |
51. Radar Describes key terms and abbreviations used in radar and electronic warfare. http://www.argospress.com/Resources/radar/ | |
52. UTC Military Science (ROTC) | About ROTC At UTC Home / Military Science (ROTC) / About ROTC at UTC About ROTC at UTC. ROTC Military Science and Leadership Program is a deliberate, continuous, sequential, and progressive process http://www.utc.edu/Academic/MilitaryScience/ | |
53. Journal Of Electronic Defense | AOC Provides coverage of defense electronic issues, focusing in particular on electronic warfare. http://www.jedonline.com/ | |
54. Military Science - Truman State University Bulldog Battalion. Army Reserve Officers Training Corps was established at Truman State University during the Spring term in 1969. The Bulldog Battalion prepares young men and http://militaryscience.truman.edu/battalion.asp | |
55. Direction Finding For Tracking Radar Using A Simplified, Subspace Based Approach Abstract of a technical paper, with a link to the full version in pdf format. http://www.ll.mit.edu/asap/asap_00/procabs/hayward.htm | |
56. Military Science | Majors And Areas Of Study | Become A Student | SFASU The Department of Military Science is one of the departments in the College of Liberal and Applied Arts. Most students who complete the military science requirements and their http://www.sfasu.edu/547.asp | |
57. Improving Communications In Urban Warfare Rand research brief on techniques and equipment. http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB3029/index1.html | |
58. Military Science | UW-Green Bay Undergraduate Catalog 2010-2011 About UWGreen Bay; General Information; Planning an Academic Program; Programs of Study including Majors Minors; Preprofessional Programs of Study and Certificates http://www.uwgb.edu/catalog/undrgrad/MIL.htm | |
59. Advanced Mission Systems Jerry Snyder Fort Mill South Carolina Specializes in the development and fielding of disruptive technology and the adaptation of commercial technology for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. http://advancedmissionsystems.com | |
60. Www.northgeorgia.edu Military Science courses conform to the subject requirements of the Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Department of the Army. The objectives of the ROTC program are to http://www.northgeorgia.edu/MilitaryScience/ | |
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