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1. Nanotechnology nanotechnology is an expected future manufacturing technology that will make most products lighter, stronger, cleaner, less expensive and more precise. http://www.zyvex.com/nano/ | |
2. National Nanotechnology Initiative The National nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) provides a multiagency framework to ensure US leadership in nanotechnology that will be essential to improved human health http://www.nano.gov/ | |
3. HowStuffWorks "How Nanotechnology Works" nanotechnology is the science of building machines at a subatomic level. Learn about nanotechnology and find out how nanotechnology is developed. http://www.howstuffworks.com/nanotechnology.htm | |
4. Nanotechnology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia nanotechnology, shortened to nanotech , is the study of the controlling of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures sized http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanotechnology | |
5. Nanotechnology | Define Nanotechnology At Dictionary.com –noun any technology on the scale of nanometers. Use nanotechnology in a Sentence See images of nanotechnology Search nanotechnology on the Web Origin 1987 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nanotechnology?r=14 |
6. BlueHost.com Portal offering nanotechnology information, including articles, news, job postings, and links. http://www.nanotechnology.com/ |
7. Nanotechnology And Technology And Innovation News From Scientific American nanotechnology articles, some free and some archived. http://www.scientificamerican.com/topic.cfm?id=nanotechnology |
8. Nanotechnology nanotechnology – An Emerging Industry Summary. Longer lasting tennis balls, stainfree clothing, improved paints and coatings and other currently available products http://www.lni.wa.gov/Safety/Topics/AtoZ/nanotechnology/default.asp | |
9. Nanoarchitecture.net An online resource for architects and designers. The site focuses on the architectural implications of nanotechnology. Mission to inform architects about nanotechnology, to track emerging developments in nanotechnology that will revolutionize design, and to feature works that are enabled by nanotechnology. http://nanoarchitecture.net/ | |
10. Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Nanotechnology nanotechnology. Basic nanoscience research at ORNL emphasizes discovery of new materials and phenomena and the understanding of underlying physical and chemical interactions that http://www.ornl.gov/ornlhome/nanotechnology.shtml |
11. Introduction To Nanotechnology | Applications Of Carbon Nanotubes And Nanobots Online dictionary of nanotechnology. http://www.nanogloss.com | |
12. IOPscience::.. Nanotechnology IOPscience is a unique platform for IOPhosted journal content providing site-wide electronic access to more than 130 years of leading scientific research, and incorporates http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-4484/ | |
13. Nanotechnology | Buzzle.com nanotechnology nanotechnology or nanotech as it is called, is the study of the control of matter on the molecular or atomic scale. To know more about nanotechnology, scroll down. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/nanotechnology/ | |
14. Nanotechnology Products , Coatings And Surface Treatments A selection of nanotechnology related products. http://www.nanoshop.com |
15. Nanotechnology: Definition From Answers.com n. The science and technology of building devices, such as electronic circuits, from single atoms and molecules. nanotechnologist nan ' o tech nol ' o gist n. http://www.answers.com/topic/nanotechnology |
16. Nanotechnology - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Textbooks The Opensource Handbook of Nanoscience and nanotechnology. nanotechnology and nanoscience is about controlling and understanding matter on the submicrometer and atomic scale. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Nanotechnology | |
17. NanoIndian: Research News, Business News, Nano Products And Jobs A nanotechnology portal. http://www.nanodaddy.com | |
18. What Is Nanotechnology? A basic definition nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced. http://www.crnano.org/whatis.htm | |
19. NCI Alliance For Nanotechnology In Cancer nanotechnology has the potential to fight cancer where and when it begins. Learn more; Cancer researchers are studying how nanotechnology can monitor and treat cancer. http://nano.cancer.gov/ | |
20. German Nanotechnology Companies And Institutions Directory A directory of companies and institutions in the nanotechnology sector in Germany. http://www.nano-companies.com | |
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