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61. Nanotechnology nanotechnology is the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale (1100 nanometers), and exploitation of http://www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov/nanotechnology.html |
62. TNTlog News, networks, conferences and nanotechnology resources in Europe http://www.cientifica.eu/ |
63. ScienceDaily: Nanotechnology News nanotechnology news. From nanoscience to nanotechnology applications such as nanotechnology in medicine, read the latest news from leading research institutes. http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/matter_energy/nanotechnology/ | |
64. Nanogallery.eu Multimedia examples of nanotechnology research. The purposes of this portal is popularization of knowledge, technology and science. http://www.nanogallery.eu/ |
65. BrainPOP | Science | Learn About Nanotechnology Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K12 kids, aligned with state http://www.brainpop.com/science/matterandchemistry/nanotechnology/ | |
66. Atomic Layer Deposition | ALD System | ALD Equipment | ALD Reactor | Picosun Company developing and manufacturing atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems for micro- and nanotechnology applications. http://www.picosun.com | |
67. Nanotechnology.cm – Nanotechnology News nanotechnology (Nano, Greek for “dwarf”, means one billionth) is a branch of engineering which deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers. http://nanotechnology.cm/ | |
68. Revolutionising Humankind One Atom At A Time | MedicalNanoTec Information about the applications of nanotechnology in Medicine. Covering safety, implementation and law. http://www.medicalnanotec.com | |
69. Nanotechnology - Future nanotechnology is a field where scientists try to manipulate the individual atoms and molecules of matter. http://future.wikia.com/wiki/Nanotechnology | |
70. NanoNed NanoNed is the nanotechnology Research and Development initiative of the Dutch Government. http://www.nanoned.nl/ | |
71. ICTA - Nanotechnology This nanotechnology Page highlights the work of NanoAction, the nanotechnology Project of the International Center for Technology Assessment. Additional information is http://www.icta.org/nanotech/index.cfm |
72. Nanolane | Nanotechnology Company > Entering The Nanoworld A company providing innovative characterization tool for nanotechnology applications through optical instruments. http://www.nano-lane.com |
73. Nanotechnology This webpage provides information on nanotechnology. Please send link suggestions (your webpage or others) to me. I can only grow the webpage with your help http://www.bioethicsanddisability.org/nanotechnology.html | |
74. NanoDimension, NanoDimension - Home Venture capital firm providing investments for nanotechnology research and development. http://www.nanodimension.com | |
75. Nanotechnology Investing - Nanotech Investments Read about nanotechnology and learn about investments in promising nanotechnology firms. Find nanotechnology research trends and news as well as nanotech venture capital http://www.nanotechnologyinvesting.us/ | |
76. Brad Hein's Nanotechnology Site nanotechnology guide, events, resources, news, and links. http://www.nanosite.net | |
77. NNI What Is Nanotechnology What is nano? It is a relatively new area of science with exciting promise that studies the fundamental components of matter to put them to use in beneficial ways. Working at http://www.nano.gov/html/facts/whatIsNano.html |
78. Nanotechnology Glossary Glossary of nanotechnology and nanoscale science and technology terms. From the nanotechnology Now e-zine. http://www.nanotech-now.com/nanotechnology-glossary-A-C.htm |
79. Nanotechnology American Elements nanotechnology Information Center What is nanotechnology? nanotechnology is a catchall phrase for materials and devices that operate at the nanoscale. http://www.americanelements.com/nanotech.htm | |
80. NanoTEN, Inc. - Welcome To NanoTEN nanotechnology consulting firm. Services include nanotechnology matchmaking, assessment of trends, feasibility studies, materials and products analysis, and presentation assistance. http://www.nanoten.com |
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