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41. Joseph Gonyeau's Virtual Nuclear Tourist! Nuclear Plants Around The World Questions about Nuclear Power !!!! Browsers recommended Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari http://www.nucleartourist.com/ | |
42. Maine Yankee Maine Yankee, Maine s only nuclear power plant, closed in 1997 and is now beginning the process of decommissioning. It is located on Montsweag Bay in Wiscasset, Maine. http://www.maineyankee.com/ | |
43. NUCLEAR POWER Nuclear Power. Nuclear power plants use the amazing power of the atom to generate electricity with a very low fuel cost and much less pollution than fossil fuel plants. http://library.thinkquest.org/2763/Electricity/Generating/Nuclear.html | |
44. Cook Energy Information Center Providing information about the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant along Lake Michigan s eastern shoreline. http://www.cookinfo.com/ |
45. Nuclear Power In The USA Nuclear Power in the United States. USA Nuclear Energy. World Nuclear Association is the global privatesector organization that seeks to promote and provide information on http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf41.html |
46. CCNP An introduction to Baltimore Gas and Electric s Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, which is located on Chesapeake Bay in Calvert County, Maryland. http://www.calvertcliffs.com/ | |
47. Nuclear Issues Paper This EIA presentation summarizes the key environmental issues impacting on the nuclear market. Although nuclear power does not contribute significantly to global warming, there http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/nuclearenvissues.html | |
48. Energy Northwest Information about Washington state s only operating commercial nuclear power plant. Energy Northwest s WNP-2 is located 12 miles north of Richland on the Department of Energy s Hanford site. http://www.energy-northwest.com/generation/cgs/index.php |
49. Nuclear Power And Sustainable Development Paper to Uranium Institute 1997 Annual Symposium, by JeanMarie Bourdaire and John Paffenbarger on nuclear power and sustainable development. http://www.world-nuclear.org/sym/1997/bourd.htm | |
50. Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Portal Sharing information about news, jobs, careers, technology, and companies in the nuclear power industry. Provides an open forum for industry professionals to easily connect with nuclear plant personnel, suppliers, recruiters, or anybody in the industry. http://nuclearstreet.com | |
51. Nuclear Power | Environment | Guardian.co.uk Latest news and analysis on nuclear power 22 Oct 2010 Locals amazed as 1.2bn HMS Astute gets its rudder stuck in mud as it navigates familiar waters http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/nuclearpower | |
52. Online NewsHour: Nuclear Power -- May 22, 2001 The Bush energy plan calls for a reexamination of nuclear power. Experts debate President Bush's plans for the controversial energy source. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/environment/jan-june01/nuclear_5-22.html | |
53. Nuclear Power: Exploding The Myths Nuclear Power Exploding the Myths. reprinted from. Encompass Magazine March 2001. by Gordon Edwards http://www.ccnr.org/encompass.html | |
54. — Mothers For Peace Non-profit organization concerned with the local dangers involving the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and with the dangers of nuclear power, weapons, and waste on national and global levels. News, action alerts, how to get involved, and mailing list. http://www.mothersforpeace.org/ | |
55. Nuclear Power This page contains information on air, bwr, capacity, carbon dioxide, concentrate, conversion, costs, electricity, emissions, enrich, exploration, fission, generation http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/analysis/nuclearpower.html | |
56. Energy Net: No Nukes Originated from the Abalone Alliance. Working to halt operation and construction of nuclear power plants in California including action on Diablo Canyon nuclear power facility and Ward Valley waste dump. http://www.energy-net.org/ | |
57. Nuclear Power | Pew Center On Global Climate Change: The Pew Center On Global Cl PDF Version. Quick Facts. In 2008, nuclear power provided one fifth of total U.S. electricity and constituted nearly 70 percent of total U.S. lowcarbon electricity generation http://www.pewclimate.org/database/factsheet/nuclear | |
58. Progress & Nuclear Power: The Destruction Of The Continent And Its Peoples The truth and the history behind the Three Mile Island accident at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania from an anarchist perspective Fredy Perlman. http://www.eco-action.org/dt/progress.html | |
59. NUCLEAR POWER, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Admiral Gene LaRocque (USN, Ret.) President, Center for Defense Information HOST Admiral John Shanahan (USN, Ret.) http://www.cdi.org/adm/transcripts/1023/ | |
60. BBC News | AMERICAS | Nuclear Powers Promise To Disarm The world s five main nuclear powers pledge the total elimination of their weapons stockpiles, but give no timetable. BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/732790.stm | |
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