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61. Explain That Stuff! Science And Technology Made Simple Includes articles about science and technology, including space, computing, and nuclear power. http://www.explainthatstuff.com/ |
62. Nuclear Power Legal Definition Of Nuclear Power. Nuclear Power Synonyms By The F A form of energy produced by an atomic reaction, capable of producing an alternative source of electrical power to that supplied by coal, gas, or oil. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Nuclear Power |
63. Fast Attacks & Boomers: Submarines In The Cold War Discover how nuclear powered submarines were built, operated and used during the Cold War. http://americanhistory.si.edu/subs/index.html | |
64. End The Nuclear Age | Greenpeace International Despite what the nuclear industry tells us, building enough nuclear power stations to make a meaningful reduction in greenhouse gas emissions would cost trillions of dollars http://www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/nuclear/ |
65. Joseph Gonyeau's Virtual Nuclear Tourist! Nuclear Plants Around The World Look at reasons to use nuclear power, and how it works. http://www.virtualnucleartourist.com/ | |
66. Department Of Energy - Nuclear The Office of Nuclear Energy also has responsibilities for space and defense nuclear power systems, advanced nuclear research and development, isotope production and distribution http://www.energy.gov/energysources/nuclear.htm | |
67. In The Memory Of The Crew Of The Nuclear Powered Submarine "Kursk" In the Memory of the crew of the nuclear powered submarine. http://www.murman.ru/kurskmem/indexe.htm | |
68. TVA Kids: Nuclear Power TVA runs three nuclear power plants. Nuclear power makes about 30 percent of all the electricity generated by TVA, and about 20 percent of all the http://www.tvakids.com/electricity/nuclear.htm | |
69. INSCDB: Maps: SWITZERLAND Map from the International Nuclear Safety Center. http://www.insc.anl.gov/pwrmaps/map/switzerland.php | |
70. Nuclear Power ProCon.org -- How Practical Is Nuclear Power Now And For The Futur How practical is nuclear power now and for the future? 1988 study http://www.nuclearpowerprocon.org/ | |
71. VUJE Trnava Engineering, design and research organisation specialized in nuclear power plants technology, safety and environmental issues. http://www.vuje.sk | |
72. Nuclear Power Education - About This Site About this site . This website was developed by a group of Physicists from the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne in Australia. The aim is to provide http://nuclearinfo.net/ | |
73. INSCDB: Maps: NETHERLANDS Interactive map of the nuclear power plants in the Netherlands, and just outside its borders. http://www.insc.anl.gov/pwrmaps/map/netherlands.php | |
74. Nuclear Power | Greenpeace Australia Pacific Nuclear power is still as radioactive, dangerous and expensive as ever. And it is no solution to climate change. http://www.greenpeace.org/australia/issues/nuclear-power |
75. CHERNOBYL NO MORE Accidents and dangers, history and alternatives. http://www.ecn.cz/private/c10/rovno.html | |
76. INSC Of Ukraine : Power Plants : Rivne Technical information about the plant. http://www.insc.gov.ua/plants/rivne/ | |
77. Nuclear Power Congress - IBC Asia Conference Nuclear Power is the inaugural atomic energy conference of IBC Asia, representing a powerful launch to what is sure to become Asia’s premier platform for the discussion and http://www.nuclearpowercongress.com/ | |
78. INSC Of Ukraine : Power Plants : Khmelnitskiy Detailed information about the plant. http://www.insc.gov.ua/plants/khmelnitskiy/ | |
79. Cherrystone Management Inc. Home Provides executive consulting services to the nuclear power industry. http://www.cherrystone.ca/ | |
80. Howstuffworks "How Nuclear Power Works" Nuclear power provides electricity for a significant percentage of the population. Learn about nuclear fission and take a look inside a nuclear reactor. http://www.howstuffworks.com/nuclear-power.htm/printable | |
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