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41. Explosives, Propellants, Combustible Items And Insensitive Munitions - EURENCO A range of gun propellants, combustible items and high explosives for munitions and pyrotechnics, CAST PBX charges, reactive armors. http://www.explosives-propellants.com/ | |
42. Fireworks Magazine - Homepage Britain s only periodical for fireworks enthusiasts and the trade. News, reviews, displays and history of pyrotechnics and fireworks. http://www.fireworks-mag.org/ | |
43. Bulacan, Philippines: Business: Pyrotechnics Brief History of pyrotechnics The word pyrotechnics refers to the art, craft and science of fireworks. It is said that the birthplace of fireworks is China. http://www.bulacan.gov.ph/business/pyrotechnics.php | |
44. Pyrotechnics pyrotechnics pyrotechnics is the science of using materials capable of undergoing selfcontained and self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions for the production of heat http://daymix.com/Pyrotechnics/ | |
45. Dimock's Pyro Page A very near comprehensive set of fireworks and pyrotechnics links on the web. http://www.pyropage.com/ | |
46. Pyrotechnics pyrotechnics are one of the most diverse effects that we have, simply from the sheer amount of product that is available to use. Gerbs, mines, comets, airbursts, saxons and http://www.strictlyfx.com/pyrotechnics.html | |
47. Pyro Universe History of fireworks, safety tips, pyrotechnics glossary, forum, chat room, and tips for putting on your own display. http://www.pyrouniverse.com | |
48. Melrose Pyrotechnics Melrose pyrotechnics is an awardwinning producer of professional fireworks entertainment. http://www.melrosepyro.com/home2.asp | |
49. American Fireworks News Firecracker, how-to, video, manuals, secrets about fireworks, books about pyrotechnics. http://www.fireworksnews.com/ | |
50. PYROTECHNICS HUMMEL CROTON Hummel Croton Inc. 10 Harmich Road South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Tel908754-1800 / Fax 908-754-1815 pyrotechnics http://www.hummelcroton.com/main/pyro.html | |
51. Pyrotechnics Laws And Rules - Division Of Fire Safety, NH DOS State of New Hampshire; State Fire Marshal's Office/Division of Fire Safety http://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/firesafety/fireworks/codepytotechnics.html | |
52. Ramsey Pyrotechnics Home Page Quality Fireworks – The Ramsey Tradition As one of the premier display companies in the region, Ramsey pyrotechnics offers high quality stateof-the-art indoor and outdoor http://ramseypyrotechnics.com/ | |
53. Pumpkin Pyrotechnics Other sites will tell you to use glow sticks and flashlights. Hah! Here at Extreme Pumpkins we use fire, more fire, lighter fluid, road flares, and gasoline. http://www.extremepumpkins.com/firligbrpyr.html | |
54. Pyrotechnics :: D20srd.org pyrotechnics turns a fire into either a burst of blinding fireworks or a thick cloud of choking smoke, depending on the version you choose. Fireworks http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/pyrotechnics.htm | |
55. Pyrotechnics | Allied Tactical Manufacturers and Resellers of pyrotechnics Equipment Firefox Enterprises. Firefox is a full time supplies distributor for all types of pyrotechnics special effects and http://www.alliedtactical.com/pyrotechnics.shtml | |
56. Portal:Pyrotechnics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia portals Culture Geography Health History Mathematics Natural sciences People Philosophy Religion Society Technology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Pyrotechnics | |
57. MLE Pyrotechnics: Professional Fireworks|Corporate Event Fireworks|Firework Disp We organise and fire firework displays for any budget. From Corporate Firework events to a home firework show, MLE pyrotechnics can provide the very best professional fireworks http://www.mlepyrotechnics.co.uk/ | |
58. Pyrotechnics pyrotechnics, special effects rental equipment, explosive cannons, squib trips, glass breakers, firing boards, mortars, gags, rigging, fire effect and supplies http://www.creative-effects.com/Pyrotechnics/pyrotechnics.html | |
59. Pyrotechnics, Fireworks Schaefer pyrotechnics is the only name you need to know for quality pyrotechnics and fabulous fireworks shows! We've specialized in fireworks displays for over 38 years and http://schaeferfireworks.com/pyrotechnics-dp.html | |
60. Pyrotechnics - Chemistry How It Works History Events Basic Principles Of Pyrotec pyrotechnics Enter pyrotechnics Chemistry How it works History Events Basic principles of pyrotechnic light production Black body radiation and the grey body concept http://pyrotechnics.yaia.com/ | |
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