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21. Software Engineer - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_engineer | |
22. MicroTOOL – Tools And Processes For Professional Software Development Develops and support tools for software engineering, process control, version and configuration management. http://www.microtool.de/e_index.htm | |
23. Computing Careers » Software Engineering Software engineering (SE) is concerned with developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain, and http://computingcareers.acm.org/?page_id=12 |
24. McGill - School Of Computer Science - Software Engineering Program — Describes the software engineering program at McGill as offered by the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science at McGill. http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/academic/undergrad/programs/se | |
25. Newman Spurr Consultancy Ltd A software engineering company based in Camberley, Surrey, specialising in simulations, mathematical modelling, wargames, operational analysis, graphical interfaces and database design. http://www.nsc.co.uk/ | |
26. Software Engineering - TechnologyOne Provides Software Engineers With The Opport Software Engineering TechnologyOne provides Software Engineers with the opportunity to create world class solutions http://www.technologyonecorp.com/?id=250 |
27. RAISE Describes a language, method and tools known as the Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering. http://spd-web.terma.com/Projects/RAISE/ | |
28. Computer Software Engineers And Computer Programmers Jobs in software engineering are less prone to being offshored than are jobs in computer programming, however, because software engineering requires innovation and intense research http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos303.htm | |
29. Free Online Software Engineering Books :: FreeTechBooks.com Software Engineering The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software. http://www.freetechbooks.com/software-engineering-f15.html | |
30. An Advanced Requirements And Lifecycle Management Software A tool for systems analysts and software engineers to manage software requirements and test cases throughout the system life cycle. http://www.analysttool.com/ | |
31. Software And Web Application Design And Development, Kelso, Scotland, Edinburgh, Developing software and web applications and content management software that is fit for purpose. Content distribution, back office integration, mailshot and data management. http://www.software-engineering.net/ |
32. Software Engineering Call For Papers For Conferences, Workshops And Journals At Software Engineering Calls For Papers (CFP) for international conferences, workshops, meetings, seminars, events, journals and book chapters http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=software engineering |
33. Software Quality Institute (SQI) UT Austin, Organization for Software Engineering Professionals, Conferences, Seminars, Certification Programs, MSEE Degree Program, Sponsorship of Conference http://lifelong.engr.utexas.edu/sqi/ |
34. Software Engineering Code Of Ethics And Professional Practice — Association Fo Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Version 5.2) as recommended by the ACM/IEEECS Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional http://www.acm.org/about/se-code | |
35. Software Engineering Radio - The Podcast For Professional Software Developers The podcast provides lasting tutorials and interviews for professional software developers. http://www.se-radio.net/ | |
36. Computer Software Engineer Students seeking software engineering jobs can improve their chances by signing up as interns to get some experience. Large firms that can train new hires may take new grads with http://www.bls.gov/k12/computers04.htm | |
37. On The Criteria To Be Used In Decomposing Systems Into Modules One of the classic articles leading to modern software engineering, by D.L. Parnas. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=361623 |
38. Code Complete 2nd Edition - Code Complete 2 Home Page The author -Steve Mcconnell - talks about his experiences in the field of software engineering and more specifically on best practices in the Software Construction phase. http://cc2e.com/ | |
39. Software Engineering Jobs For Software Engineers The place where Software Engineering jobs and products are showcased to the Software Engineering Industry. http://www.softwareengineer.com/ |
40. ICSE Home Page Pointers to ICSE Conference Websites. http://www.icse-conferences.org/ | |
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