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61. Space Elevator: High Hopes, Lofty Goals Information about building a space elevator and what could be achieved with it. http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/space_elevator_030917.html | |
62. Space - Definition Of Space In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free Online Medic space (spās) 1. a delimited area. 2. an actual or potential cavity of the body.spa tial. apical space the region between the wall of the alveolus and the apex of the root of http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/space |
63. Lehrstuhl Für Raumfahrttechnik Industry portal with variety of information and news on space systems and space companies in Europe. http://www.best-in-space.com/ | |
64. Outer Space Basic information about space shuttle missions, the International space Station, NASA TV schedule, and missions to Mars. http://www.angelfire.com/ms2/space/ |
65. Horror Stories From Space - Technology & Science - Space - Space.com - Msnbc.com The International space Station which is coming up on a decade of continuous human habitation is a celebrated success in our species' quest to learn to live in space. Yet life http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39914461 | |
66. Mir - Space Station Archive of news and information about the space station. http://www.spaceonline.tv/mir.htm | |
67. Spaces - Windows Live Add a blog, photos, videos, and any other modules and gadgets you want — it's your space, after all. http://home.spaces.live.com/ |
68. SHUTTLEPOWER Marshall space center s comprehensive overview of shuttle activities, history, missions, facts and figures. http://shuttle.msfc.nasa.gov/ | |
69. Space & Science: News On Space And Science, NASA, And Kennedy Space Center - Orl Orlando's resource for news and information about space and science. Including NASA and the Kennedy space center http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/space/ |
70. Spaceshuttle Spacestation ISS STS 114 Discovery Live Launch Links Space Shuttle Coverage of the most recent mission. http://users.skynet.be/bk159929/space/index.htm |
71. Club Space Downtown Miami Visit Club space in Downtown Miami Florida, premier night club featuring late nite dancing and entertainment with corporate bookings available. http://www.clubspace.com/ |
72. NASA - Space Shuttle NASA.gov brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America’s space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, subscribe to blogs http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html |
73. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com space News from spaceDaily.Com brings the space industry professional daily news from the frontier, with contract, bid, launch and onorbit satellite news as it happens. http://www.spacedaily.com/ | |
74. HobbySpace - SpaceCasts Links to space related Internet broadcasts. http://www.hobbyspace.com/SpaceCasts/index.html | |
75. Astronomy For Kids - KidsAstronomy.com Powerful and fun resource for kids, exploring astronomy and other space related topics. Play games, learn through interactive applications, and much more. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/ | |
76. Jim Oberg's Pioneering Space Provides article collection and research on the Russian and US space programs, Mir and the International space Station, by an author of numerous books in the space domain. http://jamesoberg.com | |
77. HubbleSite - Out Of The Ordinary...out Of This World. Behind the Webb (video podcast) Technology at the Extremes; The Webb space Telescope, Hubble's successor, will see in infrared, the light emitted by the farthest objects we can http://hubblesite.org/ | |
78. Rocket And Space Technology Offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics of most of space technology by a space enthusiast. http://www.braeunig.us/space/ |
79. OffGamers Space - Talk To OffGamerians - Join Us And Have Fun. We at OffGamers want to listen to you more. OffGamers space is a space for our customer to learn more about OffGamerians. Come and join the community and have fun with us. http://space.offgamers.com/ |
80. NASA SPACE NEWS Blog dealing with news on the space station, NASA, the space shuttle, international space missions and technology. http://spacestation-shuttle.blogspot.com/ |
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