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81. Open Problems: Collatz Conjecture « The Math Less Traveled May 8, 2007 Although in contrast to the Collatz problem, it s not too hard to prove that the countingletters thing always reaches four from any http://www.mathlesstraveled.com/?p=66 |
82. Notes On Lookup – A Sieve For The Collatz Problem « Learning And Unlearning M Feb 22, 2009 I ve been playing with different ways to use a sieve to approach the Collatz Problem, and wanted to share it with you. The Collatz Problem http://unlearningmath.com/2009/02/22/notes-on-lookup-a-sieve-for-the-collatz-pro |
83. Collatz Biography Many will know the name of Collatz today because of the Collatz problem . In many ways it might seem a pity that a mathematician who has produced so much http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Collatz.html | |
84. CPP Math And Fun - CodeProject Aug 3, 2004 Here we are trying to implement one very easy, but interesting problem, Collatz problem by using different programming techniques. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/CPPMathFun.aspx | |
85. Collatz Problem - From Eric Weissten's World Of Mathematics. Science, Math, Number Theory, Open Problems Collatz Problem. From Eric Weissten s World of Mathematics. http://www.abc-directory.com/site/491551 |
86. CIT 591 Collatz's Problem This is called Collatz s problem, or sometimes Ulam s problem or Scott s problem (the origin isn t entirely clear). It is known that, for the first few http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~matuszek/cit591-2005/Assignments/2-collatzs-problem.ht | |
87. Math 696 The 3x+1 Problem Apr 5, 2005 There is a famous unsolved problemoften called the 3x+1 problemabout the iterates of the Collatz function. Is it the case that for every http://www.math.tamu.edu/~boas/courses/math696/Maple-3x 1.html |
88. Bill The Lizard: Unsolved: Collatz Conjecture Nov 21, 2009 There s a decent (but I can t bring myself to say simple) explanation of the ConwayCollatz problem starting on page 119 of IterationPFD http://www.billthelizard.com/2009/11/unsolved-collatz-conjecture.html | |
89. Collatz Conjecture | Facebook However, as this proof depends upon the generalization, it cannot be applied to the original Collatz problem. /p (read less) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Collatz-conjecture/110527052302956?v=info |
90. The Collatz Problem File Format Microsoft Powerpoint View as HTML http://www.cis.uab.edu/cs497/spring2007/23jan2007.ppt | |