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61. The Furstenburg Conjecture And Rigidity If two commuting endomorphisms of a torus are incommensurable (no power of one is a power of the other), then their joint action should be rigid. Some of the conjectures and open problems compiled by the AIM. http://aimath.org/WWN/furstenburg/ | |
62. Geometry: Geometry:Conjectures, Geometry Conjectures, Odd Integers geometry conjectures, odd integers, even integers A conjecture is essentially a guess. By observing some examples you are supposed to make an intelligent guess. Now let us see http://en.allexperts.com/q/Geometry-2060/Geometry-Conjectures.htm | |
63. Conjecture 33. The Goldbach Temptation Rodrguez has verified this conjecture up to N=5*107. He also has studied the quotients kmax/(ln(N))2 and j max/(ln(N))2. And the questions are http://www.primepuzzles.net/conjectures/conj_033.htm | |
64. Tait's Knot Conjectures -- From Wolfram MathWorld P. G. Tait undertook a study of knots in response to Kelvin's conjecture that the atoms were composed of knotted vortex tubes of ether (Thomson 1869). He categorized knots in terms http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TaitsKnotConjectures.html | |
65. Conjectures - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of conjecture from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/netdict/conjectures |
66. Belmont Club: September 2003 The Three conjectures argued that such a capability would be very difficult for a The Three conjectures further argued that this kind of power, http://belmontclub.blogspot.com/2003_09_01_archive.html | |
67. Conjecture Conjectures Hypothesis Proofs True Proof Proven Conjecture conjectures Hypothesis Proofs True Proof Proven Economy. http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Conjecture.htm |
68. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math What is the difference between the terms conjecture and hypothesis ? Should the Riemann hypothesis be the Riemann conjecture? http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52249.html | |
69. Conjectures Legal Definition Of Conjectures. Conjectures Synonyms By The Free On conjecture noun assumption, belief, guess, hypothesis, imputation, inference, opinion, postulation, presumption, presupposition, presurmise, speculation, supposal, supposition http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/conjectures |
70. The Credit Crisis Conjectures About Causes And Remedies Douglas W File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.aeaweb.org/assa/2009/retrieve.php?pdfid=401 |
71. Peter Flach's PhD Thesis PhD thesis of Peter Flach, investigating the `logic of induction from philosophical and machine-learning perspectives. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~flach/Conjectures/ | |
72. Magic 2011 Core Set Predictions And Conjectures | Gathering Magic | Magic The Ga 33 posts 3 authors - Last post May 3The Zendikar block was fun, wasn t it? It seems like only yesterday we were on the edge of our seats waiting to see what Sorin s final http://www.gatheringmagic.com/2010/05/magic-2011-core-set-predictions-and-conjec | |
73. Belmont Club The Three conjectures. A Pew poll finds 40% of Americans worry that an US city will be destroyed by a terrorist nuclear attack . James Lileks thinks the annihilation of a city http://belmontclub.blogspot.com/2003/09/three-conjectures-pew-poll-finds-40-of.h | |
74. §11. Conjectures And Restorations Of Pope. XI. The Text Of Shakespeare. Vol. 5. A small proportion of these may be regarded as legitimate conjectures; but the great majority are Many of his conjectures have been generally accepted. http://www.bartleby.com/215/1111.html | |
75. Characteristic Zero Analogues Of The Weil Conjectures: Curves « Secret Blogging Apr 2, 2010 The quest to prove the Weil conjectures drove algebraic geometry throughout the middle of the twentieth century. http://sbseminar.wordpress.com/2010/04/02/characteristic-zero-analogues-of-the-w |
76. Conjectures < Tüm Sözlükler < Sesli Sözlük : Ingilizce Türkçe Almanca Yun conjectures ingilizce t rk e s zl k conjectures nedir? conjectures tanımı t m s zl kler conjectures etimolojisi conjectures okunuşu conjectures s zl k anlamı http://www.seslisozluk.com/?word=conjectures |
77. The Credit Crisis: Conjectures About Causes And Remedies by DW Diamond Cited by 83 - Related articles http://www.nber.org/papers/w14739 | |
78. Karl Popper: Science: Conjectures And Refutations Karl Popper “Science conjectures and Refutations” Central problem how to distinguish between science and pseudoscience? Suggestion empirical method? http://spruce.flint.umich.edu/~simoncu/380/popper.htm | |
79. Integer Conjectures Conjecture Among all positive integers, 666 is the repdigit polygonal number of this problem led to a series of conjectures, the most outlandish being http://www.cadaeic.net/conjectures.htm | |
80. Teaching Math: Grades 3-5: Reasoning And Proof Conjecture that is, informed guessing is a major pathway to discovery. Teachers and researchers agree that students can learn to make, refine, and test conjectures in http://www.learner.org/courses/teachingmath/grades3_5/session_04/section_03_b.ht | |
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