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121. Mathematical Mysteries: The Goldbach Conjecture | Plus.maths.org A brief popular article with an applet generating solutions. http://pass.maths.org/issue2/xfile/ | |
122. The Hodge Conjecture A description of the conjecture by Deligne (PDF) and details of the prize offered for its resolution. http://www.claymath.org/prizeproblems/hodge.htm |
123. MathWorld News: Draft Proof Of Catalan's Conjecture Circulated News brief announcing the break through that provides a history and description of the equation. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/news/2002-05-05/catalan/ | |
124. Goldbach Conjecture Verification Computational results up to 3.10^17 and graphics by Tom s Oliveira e Silva. http://www.ieeta.pt/~tos/goldbach.html | |
125. Proof Of The Goldbach Conjecture By Kerry M. Evans This article by Kerry M. Evans attempts to show that the proposition is correct as a consequence of Wilson s Theorem. http://goldbach.yolasite.com/ | |
126. Celebrity Gossip By Derek Hail — Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Pictures, And Hot Discussion of rumors and conjecture, with a humorous twist to the lives of celebrities, movie reviews, and fashion. http://www.derekhail.com | |
127. MYSTERIES: FACT, FICTION AND CONJECTURE Provides accounts of many of the world s greatest mysteries. http://www.factfictionandconjecture.ca | |
128. CONjecture 2011 Annual science fiction and fantasy convention with an emphasis on literary programming and events. Held in San Diego. http://www.conjecture.org |
129. Broue's Abelian Defect Group Conjecture A record of which groups and blocks have been proved to satisfy the conjecture, maintained by Jeremy Rickard. http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/~majcr/adgc/adgc.html | |
130. Beal An elementary proof of Beal s Conjecture given the proof of Fermat s Last Theorem. http://beal.yolasite.com/ | |
131. The Prime Glossary: Catalan's Problem Entry in the Prime Glossary with description, brief history and references. http://primes.utm.edu/glossary/page.php?sort=CatalansProblem |
132. A New Extreme ABC-example Explanation of an example with quality 1.920859, found by Benne de Weger and Niklas Broberg. http://deweger.xs4all.nl/oud/broberg.txt | |
133. [math/0312309] The Collatz 3n+1 Conjecture Is Unprovable A paper by Craig Alan Feinstein arguing that the Collatz Conjecture cannot be formally proved. http://arxiv.org/abs/math.GM/0312309 | |
134. Goldbach Summary Biography, with links to other Goldbach resources. http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Goldbach.html | |
135. Clay Mathematics Institute A Clay Mathematics Institute Prize problem, with description by Andrew Wiles PDF and lecture by Fernando Rodriguez-Villegas .ram. http://www.claymath.org/millennium/Birch_and_Swinnerton-Dyer_Conjecture/ | |
136. Novikov Conjecture Home Page An archive of developments concerning the Novikov Conjecture and related problems in Algebraic Topology, General Topology, Geometry, Algebra, and Analysis. Maintained by Jonathan Rosenberg. http://www.math.umd.edu/users/jmr/NC.html | |
137. Goldbach's Conjecture And Factoring The Cryptographic Modulus Algebraic Factoring of the Cryptography Modulus and Proof of Goldbach s Conjecture http://www.coolissues.com/mathematics/Goldbach/goldbach.htm | |
138. Losing The Dressing Room Blog covering football news and conjecture. http://ltdr.blogspot.com/ | |
139. BLDGBLOG Los Angeles-based writer Geoff Manaugh provides architectural news and conjecture, heavily illustrated. http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/ |
140. The N! Conjecture Offers outline of the problem, bibliography, and math tables. Resources assembled by Fran ois Bergeron. http://bergeron.math.uqam.ca/conjecture_fact.html | |
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