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21. Www.cc.gatech.edu As the press conference starts, a 10years old boy raises his hand and says that the respectable scientist has made a mistake and the Fermat theorem cannot hold for those 3 http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/t/tpushkar/puzzlesDownloads/minet06.rtf |
22. Fermat's Little Theorem -- From Wolfram MathWorld If p is a prime number and a a natural number, then a^p=a (mod p). (1) Furthermore, if pa (p does not divide a), then there exists some smallest exponent d such that a^d1 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FermatsLittleTheorem.html |
23. Fermat's Theorem: DISPROVED FERMAT s Last Theorem Disproved by I. Savant of Marietta, Georgia. Innovative thinking led to the discovery of solutions to the infamous equation that has http://home.mindspring.com/~jbshand/ferm.html | |
24. PlanetMath: Euler-Fermat Theorem I am not very familiar with this area but your proof appears to assume n 0 (and a 0?) whereas the theorem statement does not? Can you clarify please? http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/EulersTheorem.html | |
25. Fermat's Last Theorem: Solving One Of The Most Perplexing Problems In Math Histo Until it was finally solved in 1993, Fermat's final theorem an extension of the Pythagorean theorem - befuddled mathematicians for more than four centuries. http://www.suite101.com/content/fermats-last-theorem-a50596 |
26. Fermat's Little Theorem With notes on Carmichael numbers and the life of RD Carmichael. http://www.pballew.net/FermLit.html | |
27. Fermat Corner Fermat s Last Theorem is the most notorious problem in the but learning about Fermat s Last Theorem taught me to love mathematics for its own sake. http://www.simonsingh.net/Fermat_Corner.html | |
28. Little Fermat Theorem The Little Fermat Theorem states that if p is a prime then p divides a pa, p not equal to a. After factoring a(a (p-1)-1) The converse of the theorem is not true, in fact there are http://home.earthlink.net/~usondermann/little.html | |
29. Moore : The Decomposition Of Modular Systems Connected With The Doubly Generaliz The decomposition of modular systems connected with the doubly generalized Fermat theorem http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bams/1183419221 | |
30. MAD Scientist: Fermat Theorem Fermat Theorem Question Fermat's Last Theorem did Fermat have proof or did he guess? Submitted 16 February, 1998 by Jerry Marcantel of Glenmora, LA USA. http://www.wwheaton.com/waw/mad/mad9.html | |
31. The Mathematics Of Fermat's Last Theorem Oct 29, 1997 If you have ever read about number theory you probably know that (the socalled) Fermat s Last Theorem has been one of the great unsolved http://cgd.best.vwh.net/home/flt/fltmain.htm | |
32. Fermat Theorem Definition Of Fermat Theorem In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Fermat's theorem ′fer‚m z ‚thir əm (mathematics) The proposition that, if p is a prime number and a is a positive integer which is not divisible by p, then a p1-1 http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Fermat theorem |
33. A Short-Form Proof Of Fermat's Last Theorem Tom Ballard solves Fermat s Last Theorem, Puts Wiles To Shame. http://www.fermatproof.com/ | |
34. PlanetMath: Corollary Of Euler-Fermat Theorem Math for the people, by the people. http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/GeneralizationOfEulerFermatTheorem.html | |
35. Fermat S Little Theorem I imagine that therefore they too used the adjective little in respect of Fermat s Little Theorem. Were I lecturing on the matter I would likely declare http://www.spd.dcu.ie/johnbcos/fermat's_little_theorem.htm |
36. Fermat-theorem Synonyms, Fermat-theorem Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for fermattheorem Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see fermat-theorem on http://thesaurus.com/browse/fermat-theorem |
37. Fermat Theorem Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page http://www.reference.com/browse/fermat theorem |
38. Video – Myspace Video solution visualization from wolfram. fermat theorem by ok00100. Watch it on MySpace Videos. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=4983923 |
39. A Conjecture Based On Euler Pol. And The Little Fermat Theorem little fermat theorem but the number is composite and that polynomial is known to produce a lot of primes. chances are that it will produce many primes. Even by http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.math/2005-07/msg00396.html | |
40. Fermat's Last Theorem (mathematics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Fermat s last theorem (mathematics), the statement that there are no natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ) x, y, and z such that xn + yn = zn, in which n is a http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/204685/Fermats-last-theorem | |
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