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  1. Napoleon's Theorem

81. A Generalization Of Napoleon's Theorem - GeoGebra Динамична картиÐ
A Generalization of Napoleon s Theorem. For an arbitrary triangle ABC and arbitrary triangles CBA1 ~ B1AC ~ AC1B, external to ABC and similar to each other,
A Generalization of Napoleon's Theorem
For an arbitrary triangle ABC and arbitrary triangles CBA ~ B AC ~ AC B, external to ABC and similar to each other, any three corresponding points of these triangles make a triangle which is similar to them. Sorry, the GeoGebra Applet could not be started. Please make sure that Java 1.4.2 (or later) is installed and active in your browser ( Click here to install Java now GeoGebra

82. Ingentaconnect On Napoleon's Theorem In The Isotropic Plane]{On Napoleon's Theor
by H Martini 2006 - Cited by 3 - Related articles

83. Napoleon S Theorem And Generalizations Through Linear Maps
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84. Multilingual Archive Powered By WorldLingo
In mathematics, Napoleon s theorem states that if equilateral triangles are constructed on the sides of any triangle, either all outward, or all inward,'s_theorem
Mul tili ngual Ar chi ve Po wer ed by Wor ldLi ngo
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85. ScienceDirect - Discrete Mathematics : Two Generalizations Of Napoleon's Theorem
by G Kiss 1999 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
window.onresize = resizeWindow; Username: Password: Remember me Not Registered? Forgotten your username or password? Go to Athens / Institution login All fields Author Advanced search Journal/Book title Volume Issue Page Search tips Font Size: Related Articles On the geometries of planes and the states of particles
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

On the geometries of planes and the states of particles
Original Research Article
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 114, Issues 1-3 August 1982 Pages 200-205
A. Schober
Propositional calculus is used to interpret projective planes as spaces of states. For finite planes the 3 lowest lying octets (baryonic, antibaryonic, mesonic) are fitted, together with 64 standard strong vertices, in the smallest exceptional non-Desarguesian plane. In the infinite case, the lines in a Euclidean plane were redefined and so some spatial symmetry appeared as a broken symmetry. This may be interpreted as a hadronic medium in the sense of Santilli.
Purchase PDF (355 K) Computing the k-relative neighborhood graphs in Euclide...

86. Two Generalization Of Napoleon's Theorem In Finite Planes
by G Kiss 1999 - Cited by 1 - Related articles

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