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Russell's Paradox: more books (57) | |||||||||||||||
21. Russell's Paradox - Stack Overflow Let X be the set of all sets that do not contain themselves. Is X a member of X? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35339/russells-paradox |
22. Russell's Paradox (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy/Spring 2004 Edition) This document uses XHTML1/Unicode to format the display. Older browsers and/or operating systems may not display the formatting correctly. http://stanford.library.usyd.edu.au/archives/spr2004/entries/russell-paradox/ | |
23. Russell's Paradox - Definition Of Russell's Paradox By The Free Online Dictionar Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Russell's paradox |
24. Russell-Myhill Paradox [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Although Frege was clearly devastated by the simpler “Russell’s paradox”, which Russell had related to Frege three months prior, Frege was not similarly impressed by the http://www.iep.utm.edu/par-rusm/ | |
25. Russell's Paradox: Definition From Answers.com The paradox concerning the concept of all sets which are not members of themselves which forces distinctions in set theory between sets and classes. http://www.answers.com/topic/russell-s-paradox |
26. Russell's Paradox (logic) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Russell's paradox (logic), statement in set theory, devised by the English mathematicianphilosopher Bertrand Russell, that demonstrated a flaw in earlier efforts to axiomatize http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/513243/Russells-paradox | |
27. Russells Paradox Russell’s Paradox (continued) Na vely, one might simply define a set as any collection of objects. This definition does not meet the rigors of formal mathematics (as we shall see http://student.ccbcmd.edu/~mdebonis/russell.htm | |
28. Russells Paradox Article on Russells Paradox Russells Paradox. Suppose that for any coherent proposition, we can construct a set . http://myyn.org/m/article/russells-paradox/ |
29. [tw] : Russell's Paradox Russell's Paradox is a headache of logic and naive set theory. Russell's paradox is the most famous of the logical or settheoretical paradoxes. http://www.truerwords.net/2573 |
30. Russell's Paradox Undecidability of the Halting Up New proofs of old Previous Dynamic Programming. Russell's Paradox. In the middle of the night I got such a fright that woke me with a start, http://pages.cs.brandeis.edu/~mairson/poems/node4.html |
31. What Is Russell's Paradox? : Scientific American Russell s paradox is based on examples like this Consider a group of barbers who shave only those men who do not shave themselves. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=what-is-russells-paradox |
32. Russells Paradox | Define Russells Paradox At Dictionary.com –noun Mathematics . a paradox of set theory in which an object is defined in terms of a class of objects that contains the object being defined, resulting in a logical http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Russells paradox |
33. Russell& Definition Of Russell& In The Free Online Encyclopedia. The paradox concerning the concept of all sets which are not members of themselves which forces distinctions in set theory between sets and classes. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Russell's paradox |
34. Russells Paradox Definition Of Russells Paradox In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Russell's paradox ′rəs əlz ′par ə‚d ks (mathematics) The paradox concerning the concept of all sets which are not members of themselves which forces distinctions http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Russells paradox |
35. Russell& | Define Russell& At Dictionary.com a paradox of set theory in which an object is defined in terms of a class of objects that contains the object being defined, resulting in a logical http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Russell's paradox |
36. Russell's Paradox@Everything2.com The set of all and only those sets that are not members of themselves. If it's a member of itself, then by definition it is not a member of itself. http://www.everything2.com/title/Russell%27s paradox | |
37. Russell - New World Encyclopedia Part of the foundation of mathematics, Russell s paradox (also known as Russell s antinomy), discovered by Bertrand Russell in 1901, showed that the naive http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Russell's_paradox |
38. Russell's Paradox@Everything2.com Bertrand Russell s formulation of this paradox pointed out the inconsistency in Gottlob Frege s attempt to formalize set theory. http://everything2.com/title/Russell%27s paradox | |
39. Russells Paradox Russell's Paradox A logical contradiction in set theory discovered by Bertrand Russell. If R is the set of all sets which don't contain themselves, http://dictionary.die.net/russells paradox | |
40. Some Paradoxes - An Anthology The barber paradox; Interesting and uninteresting numbers; Russell s paradox of classes; Grelling s paradox autological and heterological http://www.paradoxes.co.uk/ |
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